Monday, November 23, 2009

Oh What a Night

Late December back in 63...what a very special time for me as I remember what a night....okay, so it was actually late November in 2009 but it was still special. And I do know that Frankie was talking about somethin' completely else but I feel the need to spout Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons lyrics today. So I'll just hang on to what I got...I don't have much but I got a lot...let's see...time to walk like a man and get this post written. That's really bad I know but I can't help it. I'll stop now. Well maybe.

My father in law turned 75 in August. We weren't together for his birthday but we did get him tickets to see Jersey Boys in NYC since we knew he would be in town for Thanksgiving. My in-laws arrived this weekend and on Sunday we took them into the city for dinner and the show.

The show is awesome. It is so much fun and the music...oh it just makes you happy...when they break into Sherry I dare you not to smile. Hubs and I had seen the show in London with our girls and we all loved it. We loved it just as much this time around too. I think the NY version has a bit more of an edge to's a little more 'Jersey'...they did throw out the big naughty word a few times and we don't remember that so much in the London version. But the guys who made up the original Four Seasons were Jersey boys from the rough streets of Newark so I think the language was probably pretty accurate. Regardless the show really is all about the music which was fantastic!

We saw the 3 pm performance and after the show we walked across the street to Gallaghers Steak House for dinner. There are probably 14,325 steak houses in NY city but Gallaghers is an old (1927) and well known institution. The tables are covered with red checked cloths and the walls are covered with photographs of the many famous people who have dined there through the decades. And the steaks...


I could probably produce an entire photo album of my husband with waiters around the world...he always makes friends with the waiter wherever we happen to be...after our meal these nice gentlemen brought out a scrumptious chocolate mousse cake with whipped cream, strawberries and chocolate syrup as a birthday surprise. I'm sure I don't need to tell you it was delicious... or I could just say Who loves you pretty baby? Do you think Frankie was addressing chocolate in that song?

After dinner we took a cab to Times Square because you gotta see Times Square when you're in the city at night.

Can you tell this city makes me a little bit giddy? I love the beautiful countryside we live in but I'm so thankful to have easy access to this amazing place too. We headed to Rockefeller Plaza next...I mean why not???

We're here, the air is cool but not bitter and the city is already looking so festive. Here is the official tree (wrapped in scaffolding) being made ready for the official lighting ceremony to be held officially on December 2nd. It's officially massive...they say the ideal tree for Rockefeller Center is at least 65 feet tall and 35 feet wide but most years they are at least ten feet taller than that.


Can't take my eyes off of you...

I'm so looking forward to coming back in to NYC when our girls are home for the holidays and several times during the month of December. We have tickets to see the Christmas Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall the week before Christmas...we haven't been to this show in many years and it is truly 'spectacular'...ooh, I just remembered how much (and how often!) I like to use that word.

It was getting late and although we wanted to staaaaaay, just a little bit longer we made our way back to the car, forked over the equivalent of a semester's worth of college tuition to release our vehicle from its space in the garage and headed for home.

Oh what a night indeed.


  1. What an amazing day you all had in NYC!!!! What a perfect way to celebrate Tim's Dad and his 75th birthday. I know he felt loved! I have heard how awesome Jersey Boys is. The music alone would be incredible!!!!! No wonder you are still singing the songs today. The city looks so festive already. The Rockettes show will be great when you go in December. My Mom and my sister went to see that show many years ago and my Mom still talks about it!!!
    I know you are on the countdown until the girls get home. Love & blessings from NC!

  2. Looks like fun! When you said that the your husband makes friends with waiters, it reminded me of a funny memory of mine: my grandpa used to own restaurants and he would have, as a child, hide menus under my shirt, and "steal" them so he could refer to their dishes/prices. Weird. :)

  3. Thanks for sharing your day! Mom & Dad are now officially preserved in the blogosphere!

  4. This post is a reminder of why I love NYC. We just celebrated our wedding anniversary with a trip to NYC and have to plan another visit. We can't seem to make a dent in that amazing city.

    Thanks for sharing yoru day with us. Very nice blog post.

  5. I am so jealous that you live so close to NYC that you can go for the day/evening. It really must be the most festive place to be during the holidays. We were thinking of taking the girls for a few days after Christmas, but it isn't looking like the timing will be right this year. My husband loves a good waiter as well as a good steak house too. I will have to file that name in my file I keep on New York. I'd love to see Jersey Boys. Last time there, we saw Legally Blonde. I took my oldest for graduation from high school, so it was a good show to see with them. We've seen Wicked twice, once in NY and once in Chicago. It was awesome in both places. Looks like you had a great time. Your father in law looks like a character!

  6. WOW...what an adventure.
    Blessings, andrea

  7. Joyce, your lyrics-laced post was just the thing to make me feel like I've been there! Thanks for giving me a smile today.

  8. What a fun day! Your posts are always so delightful and I feel like I'm right there with you.
    I love NYC so much. I'll never forget the trip I took with my mom and sister in 2008. We stayed at the Hilton right there by Radio City Music Hall. We walked to Rockefeller Plaza the first evening we were there and watched the ice skaters.
    It's a wonderful city and it makes me giddy too!
    Your girls are going to have an awesome time in Dec.
    I know this was a birthday your father-in-law will never forget.
    Thanks for sharing.
    You look so cute Joyce!

  9. Thanks for sharing your day -- loved the photos!

  10. I'll be singing Oh What a Night all day now.

    Looks like soooo much fun.

  11. What a spectacular post! I just had to say that word. It really was. NYC makes you giddy and I'm right there with you. It makes you smile bigger, feel more alive, it's amazing. I love it there and I miss having that easy access. Thankfully my family is there and that's what brings us back for visits. :-)

    I have heard over and over about how great "Jersey Boys" is. I'd love to see it some time.


    Thank you so much for the comment and info on my "doggy" post. The word "testy" that you used to describe your old shepherd is exactly how Fletch gets around children. He'll be in a room when company is around until we get some proper training. He's so lovable otherwise.
