Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Partly Hodgepodge with a chance of snow-Vol 19

Welcome to this week's edition of the Wednesday Hodgepodge. I hope you brought your snow shovel and boots because I think you may need them here today. Ca-razy forecast!!

It's been fun having so many participants here on Wednesdays and it now takes me a couple of days to get around to them all. I encourage you to hop around too...not everyone is able to link early so check back periodically and see what blogs have been added throughout the day. Part of the fun of the Wednesday Hodgepodge is getting to know new bloggers every week. Here we go~

1. Sunday was the first day of spring. So they say. Ahem
What is your favorite outdoor springtime activity?

Snowshoeing, sledding, slipping and falling as I wheel the rubbish bin to the know, the usual springtime stuff.

Oh I know the 6-10" of snow predicted to accumulate today will eventually melt and one day in the near future we'll experience true springtime weather. In the meantime I guess I can get my head around one more cup of hot cocoa with marshmallows.

My real favorite outdoor activity in springtime is hiking.

2. Who would you want to come into your kitchen to cook dinner for you?

Heston Blumenthal or Raymond Blanc...if someone is coming to cook for me I want amazing.

3. When was the last time you flew a kite?

I think the last time we did this was 2004. We spent many a summer holiday at the beach and always reserved at least one evening for pizza and kite flying on the sand.

If I close my eyes I can almost feel the late day sun on my face.

4. What topic puts you to sleep faster than anything?

Html talk or really any talk relating to the inner workings of my computer. I just want it to turn on when I hit the power button. I don't need to know how it works. Oh, I'm impressed that you do and I'm more than a little bit grateful there are people in this world who are not bored to tears by this sort of thing. People who actually enjoy making the computer magic happen. Because to me that's how a computer works~by magic, right?

5. What flowers do you associate with specific people, places, or events?

I'm reminded of our wedding day when I see orchids. Gerbera Daisies make me think of Daughter1 because they're her favorite and have been for as long as I can remember. Poppies will forever make me think of England. And I remember a little town in Italy and one of our most special family holidays ever when I see big blooming hydrangeas.


6. What significant historical events took place during your elementary school years?

I was in elementary school during the tumultuous 60's and the early 70's so all sorts of events were happening that made history. Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King were both assassinated when I was in the second grade but I don't remember much about either of those tragedies. In the summer just before I turned nine we landed on the moon. I remember watching with my family on our black and white tv.

I guess the biggest thing that comes to mind though, is the Vietnam War. My dad was a career Marine and he spent my entire 3rd grade school year in Vietnam. I remember taking him to the airport to fly out and I remember him telling me to be a good girl for my mother.

This is a picture (four actually) from the scrapbook my mom made...

It's me along with my three siblings sending happy birthday wishes to my dad on the other side of the world. I'm holding the word 'Dear' and I have to say I'm pretty impressed with my mother's creativity. No skype, no cell phone photo sharing...just good old fashioned photography sent via snail mail back in 1969.

I remember starting the 4th grade and telling my new teacher I wouldn't be at school one day because we had to pick my dad up at the airport. She asked how long he'd been out of town and when I said a year tears sprang to her eyes. I remember feeling so proud when he came into my class later that same year and showed slides and told us a little bit about Okinawa and the country of Vietnam. I remember being a little disappointed he wore his civilian clothes.

The innocence of childhood is so precious.
I think we've lost a little of that in today's technological world.

7. Do you swear? Do you pseudo-swear? (you know- crap, shoot, friggin' ?)

No. I can't say that a word (or pseudo-word) has never slipped out, but swearing is really not at all a part of my vocabulary. I think its a habit that people pick up and like most habits it's hard to break. I am especially not a fan of women using the big word. ick.

8. Insert your own random thought here-

I've seen this several places lately and I had it on my facebook page not long ago so if you're my facebook friend sorry for the repeat. I can't help it-this just makes me smile. Hope it makes you smile too!


  1. Poor Spring weather yet, eh? I wore shorts and tanned myself last week during Spring Break. :D

    Thanks for the video. I had not seen it yet. It made me smile...probably a combination of the silliness along with my lack of sleep (haven't slept since Sunday night...have no idea why...oh wait...stress...a woman's life).

    Thanks, as always, for being such a gracious hostess each week!


  2. I don't swear either. Love your video it made me smile and all I could think was "That is one long hallway!!!"

  3. It's 5:00 am and I just got out of bed - half asleep and got to listen to Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da.
    What a great way to start the day :-D

  4. Awwww Joyce I wish I could wish your snow away for you!! Fingers crossed you get some sunshine soon.

    Best wishes from (sunny-for-a-change) England :)

  5. Woke up to tons of snow and it's still snowing! I hate mother nature she sucks! Sorry I swear a little trying to be better! I would love Jamie Oliver to cook for me and gardenia reminds me of my wedding and my mom. Have a wonderful Wednesday I'm not leaving the fireplace!

  6. Great way to start the day...learning more about a friend and laughing at a fun video.

  7. Joyce, I especially enjoyed your post today. So many lovely memories--of your childhood, your children's, and the video at the end was priceless! I love that crazy song! Those are the most beautiful hydrangeas that I've ever seen, too!!!
    I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday, despite the snow :)
    (and forgive me if I have sent 2 comments, I think the first one didn't go through)

  8. Your dad is very handsome. The hydrangeas are just spectacular! But I cannot believe you are still having snow.

  9. You have that much snow predicted for today? Our temps are expected to shoot up near 80 today! Sorry to rub it in!;) I love hydrangeas...and I'd really love to visit Italy one day! What a great video you shared...thanks for the smile!

  10. We got missed by this last bout of snow but the weather teased us on Monday with 60 degree temps. Yesterday almost blew us away--60 mile an hour gusts, and snow is predicted for this weekend. Love the spring time weather , but I wish mother nature would remember to take her medication.

  11. Loved seeing the pics of your dad! Thanks for sharing them with us.

  12. I should have put computer lingo bores me.
    I too want to just push a button and have it come on and do what I ask.
    I am so thankful for my computer techy son who can fix most issues.

  13. Sorry for your yucky weather-spring will come!! So we remember the same historical events--huh??? Loved the video which I had not seen--Bad day at school and instead of swearing I sang the video song in my head--Thanks!!!

  14. What a beautiful recollection of your dad as a soldier. I would guess he wore civilian clothes because of how so many Americans disrespected the uniform at that time. That grieves me to no end. Your mom was a true hero in my book! And yes, very creative.

    I am hoping to go to Italy w/ my groom of 25 years this year. Will hydrangeas be in bloom in October?

  15. I love you proud you were of your father. So much of that kind of sentiment is lost today along with the innocence of children.

  16. My husband was in Vietnam for 18 months in the early 1960's. So glad so many came home in one piece.
    Love the picture of your girls and the picture of you and your siblings!

  17. Hugs to your mom for her quick thinking during your dad's deployment. I have been the wife of a soldier before the internet and now with it. The snail mail was slow then, but I was always happy getting them and rereading them. My husband and I still write this time, but via e-mail now. Skype is amazing and lets me see that he really is ok. However, I still love the letters that he sends me and him the ones I send him. These are the ones we can take along with us and reread. Feeling something that he has touched and put time into is still amazing!

  18. We lived during the same era -- I remember many of those same things.

    Love your mom's creativity with the signs and photos!

  19. I loved the parts about your Dad and your Mon's creativity! How wonderful!

    Those hydrangeas are beautimous!

  20. An army wife I know was complaining the other day because she hadn't been able to video chat with her deployed husband for several days. Your pictures are a good reminder of how times have changed!

  21. Loved the video...reminded me of the silliness we sometimes had where I last worked before I started teaching.

    I saw the weather report...sorry about the snow. We had severe thunderstorms and the area around me had hail.

    Thanks for this week's questions.

  22. Cannot believe you are still in snow. Oh, me! Loved, loved #6 and the picture of your daughters is so pretty. Joyful blessings to you this day!

  23. I forgot to comment on your dad being in the service. I am so thankful that he was okay and came home to all of you. That must have been hard on your mother.

  24. I don't thing the "REAL" spring is ever going to arrive. We had snowy white-out conditions on Monday, then rain, now we're back to seeing pavement but the potholes are insane. To add insult to injury, we're expecting snow... AGAIN! ugh!!!

  25. Joyce - thank you for doing this Wednesday Hodgepodge every week - it is so much fun! And I loved the video at the end - it made me smile and I've been humming that song ever since! And I'm SO with you on wanting warmer spring weather NOW! A long-winter fan I am not! I hope you have a great day!

  26. And here I thought we had it bad because it's only supposed to be 49 today.

    God bless your dad.
