Sunday, July 1, 2018

Twenty Things

Approximately twenty things.

Because I haven't blogged in eons and I have a million bits of random in my head and on my camera which I will now narrow down to just twenty.

Approximately twenty. 

So where was I when last we spoke? I just checked and the last time I blogged about something other than asking/answering the Wednesday Hodgepodge questions was June 11th. Yikes! that was a long time ago. Longer than I thought so now I'm wondering if it's worth going back three whole weeks to tell you about small bits of absolutely nothing important.

Yes. Because I'm all about the everyday stuff of life here on This Side of the Pond.

1. We had an anniversary. 34 years so yay us!

2. We celebrated with a lovely dinner at Halls Chophouse in the nearby small big city and it was delish. We did not take a single picture. We live about 45 minutes away and decided to stay overnight because we're empty nesters and we can. Also, we wanted to preview the hotel as we'll have some wedding guests staying there in the spring.

3. Shout out to our server at Halls Chophouse who sent us a handwritten note card a few days later,  thanking us for coming and telling us how happy she was to wait on us as we celebrated our 34th anniversary. That's some fantastic customer service right there.

4. Also, complimentary glass of bubbly when we sat down. Whoohoo! I'd definitely go back.

5. We tried a newish spot in town for breakfast called Crepe du Jour. We had to, right? I mean I need to know what to recommend to people in terms of breakfast spots come April and now I do.

6. We drove home after breakfast because it was Father's Day and Daughter2 was coming out to the lake to celebrate and spend the night. She made the most precious video for hubs, filled with pics of the two of them together while she sang Carrie Underwood's song 'The Girl You Think I Am' as the background soundtrack. Cue the tissues! Also, did I snap a photo of hubs with his girl on Father's Day? No I did not. I wish I had...does that count?

7. The Tuesday after Father's Day I flew to my mom's in NJ.

8. Wait, no I didn't. I was supposed to fly to my mom's on Tuesday, but instead the Wednesday after Father's Day I flew to my mom's in NJ. I only had to sit in the airport waiting on one delay after another for seven+ hours. I passed the time reading and thinking about what sort of junk food I might buy if I didn't have a wedding happening in less than a year.

9. I finally got to my mom's about 7:30 PM. She made me a BLT and I slept in my childhood bedroom and all was right with the world once more.

10. My sister came over the next day and we went shopping for a new bathroom vanity for my mom and it was super frustrating so we called it a day and went to lunch instead. I had dinner at my brother's house that evening and enjoyed that too. Also not a single picture was snapped of me with my siblings or my mama while I was there. Blogging is not the only ball I'm dropping lately.

11. On Friday I drove about an hour and a half to the Eastern Shore of Maryland for a weekend with friends from long ago summer camp days. We sleep in rustic cabins that are maybe a little too rustic for 50-somethings, and we duck between raindrops and celebrate the clearing of the skies. We talk and laugh and remember. We sing camp songs and share stories under a million stars and we marvel at creation in a place so near and dear to each one of our hearts.

12. I drove back to my mom's early Sunday morning so I could go with her to church and then a leisurely lunch afterward with a few of her friends.

13. Monday morning mom and I got down to business and got the vanity sorted and new floor tile ordered and paint colors picked and we both felt better about her home improvement project. It's not a huge project, but is there such a thing as a small room reno? They all feel big to me.

14. My brother dropped me at the airport Tuesday where I once again sat for more than two hours waiting on delayed aircraft but then did finally make it home in time to have dinner with Daughter2. We were in the neighborhood so why not? Hubs phoned Daughter1's in-laws and they met us at the nearby fancy taco place too, and then hubs and I drove home and I crawled into bed where I could have happily remained for a day except we had company coming on Thursday.

15. A former co-worker of hubs and his wife drove down from NY for the weekend and we had such a great time catching up. He and hubs became friends when hubs worked for a small company post-retirement. They hit it off right away and I met his wife when we all went on a 'work trip' to Antigua last year, and we made plans then to get together at the lake this summer.

He and hubs both love to water ski so there was lots of water skiing. I love it when someone else is here to pull hubs so he can ski, tie up lines, and act as dock boy when we dock. The weather cooperated and we spent most of the weekend on the water or planted on one of the small beaches on various islands in the lake.

16. They left this morning and hubs is mowing the lawn because for some reason that's how he relaxes. I'm changing bed linens because we have company coming for the 4th of July holiday and staying through the weekend and as long as beds are made and groceries are bought we're good to go.  Company really isn't all that complicated and we enjoy all the comings and goings.

17. In other completely unrelated news...hubs and I watched the movie Hostiles. Has anyone see it? Not for the faint of heart! We also just finished Season 1 of an Amazon Prime program called Bosch. It's based on a character created by Michael Connelly and if you liked his books featuring the Lincoln Lawyer you'll recognize the name Harry Bosch. The show is really well cast and hubs and I both liked it a lot.

18. I finished a book that's gotten a lot of buzz. It's called The Book of Essie by Meghan MacLean Weir, and I thought it was just okay. Think the Duggers and you'll have an idea of this novel's theme. I wanted to like it, but I felt like the storyline fed into a lot of sterotypes and generalizations about the Christian community that are more exception than rule.  It reads more like a YA novel, and I while I do occasionally read some of those this one was more of a miss for me. I did want to know how it turned out, so there's that, but overall it was just okay.

19. While I was visiting my mom hubs was home arranging with an electrician for the install of a ceiling fan on our lower patio and the hanging of our Edison Bulbs. I love the way they turned out and can't wait to have dinner under our very own 'stars'.

20. And now an awesome sunset and 100 bonus points to anyone who made it all the way here.

photo cred: hubs

Have a great week everyone!


  1. Well, I got 100 bonus points and enjoyed the entire post. I enjoyed reading about all the happenings in your life, there's never a dull moment for you for sure. Enjoy your 4th as you entertain another set of guests.

  2. The sunset is AMAZING and I will always welcome bonus points! LOL The Edison lights are great and will serve you and your guests well! Joyce, your schedule makes me tired, just reading it. Company is wonderful (I agree) but it does wear me out. Thanks for catching us up!! Happy 4th!!

  3. PS... Joe and I have watched all of the seasons and episodes of Bosch. Love it!! Will have to look for that movie you mentioned.

  4. Congratulations on your anniversary; the upcoming wedding; making it back and forth on the airplane...I, too, am very impressed with the waitress sending you a thank you note ~ Wow! Happy 4th!

  5. Love the lights and ceiling fan on the lower patio. Pretty.

  6. 100 bonus points please! Love the lights on the patio and installing the fan was brilliant. We love listening to the Bosch books, and I so wanted to like the Prime movies, but the language kept bothering me. So, I'm keeping them in hopes he will get his mouth washed out with soap so I can finish. Loved this post, Joyce.

  7. You have been a very busy girl! What I would give for a sandwich made by my mom's hands and to sleep in my childhood bedroom...sounds just heavenly. Love the lights on your patio roof and well, a ceiling fan is always a good choice! Have a great July 4th!

  8. I love these "everday" posts - just a slice of life!! Sounds like lots of fun was had by all!

  9. Bonus points for me too please! I loved reading your catch up especially #10 - I always forget to take photos and I'm struggling to keep up with my blog too - without all the travelling and extra house guests! Your lights look lovely. I've read several Bosch books but we don't have Prime :( Enjoy your next lot of company and the wedding planning.

  10. I can totally relate to the lack of taking pictures thing! Ugh. How do I not think to take one?! Georgie was stuck in that American Airline chaos last week. She finally rented a car! Love your lights! I (sometimes)wish we had a cover on the upper deck so I can have lights and one of those hanging swing chairs. We don't need a fan but heaters would be nice. But then, I love me the sun so I don't want to cover the deck either. ha.

  11. Nice to read all the things you have done !

    No hodgepodge today ? I am already up since hours,lol !

  12. I guess I also get bonus points. I love what your daughter did for her dad. Precious. Now I know I'm not the only one who forgets to take photos at important times and then kicks myself afterward.

  13. Sometimes the "mundane" makes for the best of times.

  14. Nice to read your update,you've been busy!

  15. Honestly I don't know how you do it. You are so busy all the time. I love it!
    You are certainly making the most out of life.....way to go!

  16. Nice to get caught up with you! I have been a wretched blogger, my uncle just informed me it’s been a month since I posted. It’s been a whirlwind since May and I am not done yet. BUT, heading out to Seattle this weekend to see a grandgirl, looking forward to smooching those cheeks!! ����

  17. I love the patio and the sunset. Both are beautiful! No way that I could keep up with all the running and company you have. I'm so glad you enjoy it all and had so much fun.
