Wednesday, June 27, 2018

A Garden State Hodgepodge

I've had my share of of travel frustrations and snafus this past week, but I did finally make it home last night. Just in time for the Wednesday Hodgepodge! If you've answered the questions on your own blog, add your link at the end of my post then leave a comment for the blogger linking before you. Now put your seat backs up and be sure your tray tables are stowed because we're off-

From this Side of the Pond  

1. Security or freedom? Can you have both? Explain.

Absolutely. I think maybe a better question would be can you have freedom without security?

2. If you could visit any historical American site what would it be? Why?

I’ve seen a number of what would be considered the top historical sites in America, but I’d still like to visit Mt Rushmore and Pearl Harbor. I think Mt. Rushmore is something that must be seen in person to truly be appreciated and of course Pearl Harbor is significant in our country's history. I like history. 

3. Free as a bird, free reign, be free of, free enterprise, free trip, walk away scot free, free for all...which 'free' phrase can best be applied to your life in recent days or weeks? Explain.

Well I’ve been on two American Airline flights this week and am happy to be free of that airline for a while. One cancelled flight rebooked a day later, eight hours sitting in an airport waiting on the newly booked flight which was delayed-delayed-delayed, then more sitting in the airport on the return leg, again waiting-waiting-waiting on delay-delay-delay. 

4. Something in your frig that's red? Something in your house that's white? Something in your view that's blue?

Something in my frig that's red-salsa.

Something in my house that's white-call me crazy but I do have a white couch. Two actually. 

Something blue in my view-there are certain times of day when the lake looks green, but mostly it's clear blue in color.  I guess technically it’s just clear, but it definitely looks blue.

5. July 27th is National New Jersey Day. Have you ever visited The Garden State? If so where did you go? Are there diners where you live? Have you tried Taylor Pork Roll? Do you like to play Monopoly? Salt water taffy-yay or nay? How do you feel about shopping at the mall? Springsteen, Sinatra, or Bon Jovi-you have to pick one.

I’ve lived in NJ three different times and as a result have spent almost half my life in the Garden State. She gets a bad rap, but there’s much to love there too. In fact I was in NJ last week visiting family so NJ is one of the places I feel most at home. 

We do have a little restaurant here in tiny town that bills itself as a diner, but it’s nothing like the diners I’m used to. If you're in NJ you must eat at a diner. The menus are the size of a novel and there is definitely something for everyone anytime of the day or night. I miss NJ diners. 

I’ve tried Taylor pork roll or Taylor ham as it’s also known. There's a bit of controversy as to which name is the right one. 

I don’t dislike Monopoly, but I have to be in the mood to play that game.  

Salt water taffy? Yes please. 

I’m not a big mall shopper anymore, but there was a time I enjoyed it. These days I prefer stand alone stores with parking out front. Or online shopping in my pjs. 

Silly question-the Boss of course. 

Raise your hand if you know why these add-on questions are appropriate on National NJ Day.

For anyone scratching their head...NJ has more diners than anywhere else in the world, and more shopping malls in one area than anywhere in the world with seven malls in a 25-mile radius. Taylor pork roll and Salt Water Taffy originated in N.J. The streets of Monopoly take their name from Atlantic City and Springsteen, Sinatra, and Bon Jovi are all Jersey boys.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

I need to regroup here a little bit (or maybe a lot), and since next week's Hodgepodge lands on the 4th of July I think we'll declare that our summer holiday. No Hodgepodge next week (July 4th), then we'll be back in action the following week-July 11th. 


Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Hodgepodge Questions-Volume 357

Another week, another Hodgepodge. That's all the blogging I've had room for lately, but maybe it's better than nothing? I have lots to catch up on here, but for now this will have to suffice. Answer the questions on your own blog, then hop back here tomorrow to share answers with the universe.

Here we go-

1. Security or freedom? Can you have both? Explain.

2. If you could visit any historical American site what would it be? Why?

3. Free as a bird, free reign, be free of, free enterprise, free trip, walk away scot free, free for all...which 'free' phrase can best be applied to your life in recent days or weeks? Explain.

4. Something in your frig that's red? Something in your house that's white? Something in your view that's blue?

5. July 27th is National New Jersey Day. Have you ever visited The Garden State? If so where did you go? Are there diners where you live? Have you tried Taylor Pork Roll? Do you like to play Monopoly? Salt water taffy-yay or nay? How do you feel about shopping at the mall? Springsteen, Sinatra, or Bon Jovi-you have to pick one.

Raise your hand if you know why these add-on questions are appropriate on National NJ Day.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

A Backyard Hodgepodge

Welcome to the Wednesday Hodgepodge! If you've answered this week's questions add your link at the end of my post, then leave a comment for the blogger before you. That's what good neighbors do.

Here we go-

1. Summer is upon us this week in the Northern hemisphere. Tell us three things on your summer bucket list.

See a baseball game in the small big city.

Sliding Rock is a natural water slide about an hour and a half from here, a gentle slope about 60 feet long that ends in a deep 'pool' of icy cold water. I'd like to try it on a hot summer day.

Dinner al fresco somewhere romantic. That might be under the Edison bulbs on my own back patio, once they're installed.

2. Something fun you used to do as a kid in the summertime?

Once I was old enough my sister and I used to love riding our bicycles to the swim club, a six mile ride that included careening (sometimes no-handed) down a ginormous hill and crossing a picturesque covered bridge. The feeling of freedom and independence was intoxicating. 

3. Rooftop or backyard? Why?

This is a toughie because I love both. We have a lake in our backyard so it's hard to beat the view. We love sitting on one of our porches or on the dock or down at the fire pit and letting the peace and quiet wash over us. 

I'm part city girl too though, and I love me a great rooftop with a view of the skyline. Daughter2's wedding reception is a rooftop venue and I cannot wait! 

I need both.

4. Do you read food labels? Place importance on them? Make an effort to find out/care about where your food comes from?

I do read labels, maybe not religiously but I definitely do with products I'm thinking about buying for the first time. I especially check out the sugar and sodium content. I think we all need to pay attention to where our food comes from. Just recently there have been issues with romaine lettuce and cut watermelon from particular areas of the country so I don't just throw something in the cart without thinking about it. 

5. A song you'll have on repeat this summer?

It's a little early to say because I know there will be some great summer songs released soon, but this one by The Lovin' Spoonful is always on my summer playlist. An oldie but a goodie. Also I'm currently loving this one (The Long Way) by Brett Eldridge. I think it came out last summer, but it's getting a lot of air play now. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.

I was supposed to be writing this HP from the comfort of my mama's house in NJ. My Tuesday flight was cancelled because American Airlines is experiencing some pretty major hiccups that are wreaking havoc with travel itineraries. On the bright side, the agent who rebooked me was very pleasant after what I know was a long day on her end, and I'm rebooked for another day. Here's hoping they've sorted out the computer snafu before I need to fly. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Hodgepodge Questions-Volume 356

Here are the questions to this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge. Answer on your own blog, then hop back here tomorrow to share answers with the world wide webbers. Here we go-

1. Summer is upon us this week in the Northern hemisphere. Tell us three things on your summer bucket list.

2. Something fun you used to do as a kid in the summertime?

3. Rooftop or backyard? Why?

4. Do you read food labels? Place importance on them? Make an effort to find out/care about where your food comes from?

5. A song you'll have on repeat this summer?

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Splurging On The Hodgepodge

Welcome to another edition of the Wednesday Hodgepodge. If you've answered this week's questions add your link at the end of my post, then leave a comment for the blogger before you. Off we go-

1. What happens to the mail at your house?

Well for starters I feel like there's a whole lot of it. We don't get a lot of magazines, but we do get quite a few catalogs and so many credit card offers. I especially dislike the ones that fill in my name and address in multiple spots on the form when I didn't request a card to begin with.  

I try to sort the mail when it comes in, leave anything pertinent for hubs to look at before I file, and immediately shred the junk along with any mail that has our personal info printed on it anywhere. 

2. Something you always splurge on? Any guilt associated with the splurge?

Is coloring my hair a splurge? No. It kind of feels like one every time I pay, but really it's a necessity so let me think of something else. I don't splurge on much, but I guess maybe getting pedicures year round would be considered a splurge by some. No I don't feel guilty about it. 

3. There are many, but what are two important questions you think every bride and groom should ask/answer before they plan their walk down the aisle?

It's hard to narrow it down to just two, and I think even the two I've come up with have several subcategories of questions, but for brevity's sake-

 Do we share the same values when it comes to matters of faith, the importance of marriage, and the desire for children? 

Do our ideas about spending and saving mesh? 

4. What's the best advice your father ever gave you?

My dad was more a lead by example kind of father as opposed to one who sat us down and talked a whole lot about how we should live our lives. I do know he told me to 'always work hard' and my siblings and I have all heeded that advice. 

5. Your favorite movie where a father features heavily in the storyline?

Father of the Bride. Steve Martin as the dad reminds me so much of my hubs in the way he sees his daughters.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

A little housekeeping here today...first off Blogger. It used to be that if someone commented on my blog via Blogger I would see that in my email. Blogger no longer sends comments to email so now if you're on Blogger you have to go to your sidebar and click on comments awaiting moderation in order to see new comments. It's not a huge pain, but it is a tiny little one.

Also, I've had my blog linked to Networked Blogs for years. Whenever I wrote a new blog post it was automatically published on my Facebook page via Networked Blogs. I have quite a few people who follow my blog via Facebook, but Networked Blogs is no longer operating so now it's up to me to add  new links on my Facebook page. Again not a huge pain, but another tiny little one. There are a couple of pay services out there, but I don't think I'll go that route yet. 

Technology tries to get the best of me, but it's not won yet. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Hodgepodge Questions-Volume 355

Here are the questions to this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge. Answer on your own blog then hop back here tomorrow to share answers with all your friends and neighbors. Here we go-

1. What happens to the mail at your house?

2. Something you always splurge on? Any guilt associated with the splurge?

3. There are many, but what are two important questions you think every bride and groom should ask/answer before they plan their walk down the aisle?

4. What's the best advice your father ever gave you?

5. Your favorite movie where a father features heavily in the storyline?

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Monday, June 11, 2018

The Monday Evening Gazette

I had every intention of blogging this morning, but hubs and I had a gazillion errands to run and that meant going to town. I sound like Ma Ingalls when I say that, but we literally had to 'go to town'. Town isn't all that far, but it's not real close either so it makes sense to tackle your errands with some forethought.

Also, one of our errands involved a stop in Academy Sports to look at 'just one thing' which is code for we'll be there for hours. Hubs could spend all day in that store and we practically did.

Since I missed my Monday morning deadline how about I share a short list of random unrelated nonessential information that for some reason I feel needs to be written down somewhere?

Great! Here we go-

1. We had a house guest this weekend. You're shocked I know, but we actually weren't expecting house guests this weekend. This was a last minute happy surprise visit from hubs brother who lives in Virginia but had been in Tennessee visiting my mother-in-law. Hubs suggested he detour through SC on the way home and that's what he did.

2. I think he and hubs had a great time catching up in person. I had a brutal headache all day long Saturday and barely lifted my head off the pillow so I can't say for sure. I do know they kayaked and later took the boat out and visited all the fun spots on the lake. They were gone all day which made me feel less like a party pooper so I'm calling it a win.

3. We also had house guests last weekend that I never got around to mentioning because one day rolls into the next round here and I'm what's affectionately known as a slacker blogger.

Actually I don't know if it's affectionate or not, but this blog does hang on by its fingernails from week to week.

A friend I've known since high school and who still lives in NJ was vacationing in Charleston last week, and planned a weekend stop over at the lake on their way down. She and I actually met while working at a summer camp in Maryland back in 1970-something and discovered we were from the same NJ town although rival high schools. Our guys get along great too, which is always a bonus.

Hubs and I made sure they tasted some of the foods from the Southern Food Groups (yes that is so a thing) and I think fried green tomatoes, pimento cheese, and shrimp and grits were all hits.

4. A new generation of bluebirds are about to be born in our back yard. There are five eggs this time and incubation takes a couple of weeks so not long now.

In case you're wondering, I'm not a bluebird expert, I just play one on my blog.

We had so much fun watching the first round of babies hatch, peep out of the birdhouse, learn from their parents, and grow into teenagers. Do birds experience the teen years? The teen weeks? Whatever the case, they are so pretty and we're looking forward to round 2.

5. It's almost summer which means I will unapologetically be posting too many pictures of beautiful sunsets. I took this at the gas dock the other night while we were filling up the boat. #sorrynotsorry

Also, who else is a fan of 9 o'clock sunsets?
Have a great week all!

Thursday, June 7, 2018


This girl celebrates a birthday today. The turning of a calendar page not just to a new day, but also a new decade.

Do moms still take their babies for photographs like this one? Thirty years ago all moms did... 3 months, six months, one year. We stuck them in photo albums and put them in frames and later in boxes that now sit in basements and attics because those babies are somehow grown up thirty year old women.

Oh how the years roll by...

On my blog yesterday I asked readers to sum up their 30's in one sentence. Impossible I know, but we tried. I will likely do a whole post in response to this question, but not today because today is about the birthday girl. And also me, but I'm trying to make it more about her-ha!

I think we all mark the big milestone birthdays in some way. Not necessarily with a party or celebration, but we can't help pondering in our heads at least, the decade we're kissing goodbye and the one we're racing toward. Some of the '0' birthdays feel bigger than others and I think thirty is one of those. At least it was for me, much more so than my 40th.

I was not looking or feeling my best on my 30th birthday. I'd given birth to my second daughter a few days earlier and if I could lay my hands on the photograph taken on my birthday you'd know what I mean. I was off my game in every sense of the word but I tried to put on a happy face.

I think putting on a happy face eventually leads you to an actual happy face.

The day I turned thirty hubs and I were living in North Jersey with our nearest family almost three hours away. Hubs had a nightmare commute to his grown up job, a job that required a ridiculous amount of travel on top of the crazy commute and I was at home with our babies all day every day.

They were some of the sweetest longest loveliest hardest days of my life, and if I had to do it all again I would do it all again.

Again and again and again.

I think today about my Daughter turning 30. How the world has changed but stay at home mothering not so much. Mothers still press on day in day out caring for their tiny humans as best they know how. Questioning everything, reading what the experts say but listening to their gut too, perpetually tired, one part Wonder Woman-one part wondering who left you in charge of an actual person.

Still showering their tiny kingdoms with a hundred million acts of love and kindness that are sometimes so small they can't be measured in a quantifiable way. Acts that might look and feel insignificant on the surface, but upon closer examination reveal the heartbeat of a family.

My Daughter lives on the opposite side of the country, her nearest family a plane ride away. Her hubs might have a quick commute, but he makes up for it with the hours he spends not just on the job but also in reading, studying, learning what's new in his field, researching, publishing...

Nothing about being a surgical resident is easy, and while he happily puts his nose to the grindstone Daughter1 is at home with their baby boy all day every day. At age thirty she too is living smack dab in the middle of some of the sweetest, longest, loveliest days of her life.

It's been three decades since I first laid eyes on my first born baby girl. The one who made me a mama. In a way I think we moms grow up with our babies. We teach and they learn. They teach and we learn. I know this girl still makes me want to be more like her in so many ways...passionate, gentle, strong, funny, creative, kind.

There was a little poem that once upon a time we'd see embroidered on pillows and samplers that read, 'Cooking and cleaning can wait til tomorrow For babies grow up we've learned to our sorrow...'

No. Not to our sorrow. To our great great joy.

Dear Moms of littles-you're in a magical season of life, but I'm here to tell you grown up daughters are too wonderful for words.

Happy happy birthday Daughter1! May this next decade be filled with more love and joy than your heart can hold. I'm thankful every day I get to be your mom. And especially thankful now to watch you be a mom xo

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Recording The Hodgepodge

Welcome to the Wednesday Hodgepodge! If you've answered this week's questions add your link at the end of my post then leave a comment for the blogger linking before you. That's what keeps the Hodgepodge rolling merrily along.  Here we go-

1. Describe your 30's in one sentence. If you're not yet 30 tell us one thing you hope to accomplish once you hit that particular decade.

I asked this question a while back about your 20's and struggled with the one sentence thing. I ended up writing a whole blog post in response (you can read that here) and think I'll do the same with my 30's. For purposes of today's Hodgepodge here is one sentence/phrase that sums up a big huge chunk of my 30's-

Growing up girls. 

2. Is it harder for you to exercise or eat healthy?

Hmmm...depends on the day, but for the most part I more easily drop the ball when it comes to regular exercise. 

3. June 7th is National VCR Day. Huh? Anyway this reminded me of something I saw on Facebook listing household items we no longer have and the VCR was on it. I couldn't put my hands on that list, but found another list here of 21 items we all had ten years ago, but which are now obsolete-

bookshelves (WHAT!!???), drip coffee makers, alarm clocks, file cabinets, desktop computers, printers, printed phone books, answering machines, fax machines, paper shredders, a Rolodex, CD racks, CD burners, china cabinets, home phones, entertainment consoles, DVD players, calculators, takeout menus, incandescent light bulbs, and cable TV

Your thoughts? How many on the list do you still have? Still use?

Here are my thoughts on what's listed and currently in my possession-

bookshelves-I love real books and pretty shelves to hold them. We have a wall of built-ins in my office and we make good use of them. I like bookshelves where books are mixed with 'tchotchkes' for lack of a better word...photographs, baskets, art, mementos...

file cabinet-we still have a small one, although it's out of sight in a storage room. Where do people without one keep those pesky old tax returns? 

desktop computer-on one as we speak but when I change up my office space next year I might go to a laptop

paper shredder-in use regularly...aren't we all paranoid about identity theft? I shred credit card offers with my name preprinted (a pet peeve of mine) several times a week

china cabinet-still have one in my dining room because I like dishes and still use my china on special occasions. Or not so special occasions. I enjoy passing by the cabinet and seeing pretty dishes on display, and I like the easy access a china cabinet provides. I wouldn't mind updating my dining room furniture at some point down the road, but it's low on my list of 'want-to-dos'. 

home phone-no longer have one but I wish we did

takeout menus-there's not a lot of takeout in our little corner of the world, but I do have a couple of menus from local places we frequent sitting in my kitchen organizer. Sometimes paper really is faster/easier than consulting Google. 

cable-we have satellite TV which I know isn't cable, but it's cable in the sense that we haven't cut the chord and gone to subscription channels only

I use the alarm clock and calculator features on my phone all the time and don't miss those items in the house. I think my desktop can fax but I never bothered to learn how and it can also burn CD's which (true confession) I still do from time to time. 

4. What's something you see disappearing in the next ten years?

Keys. Remember when we all had a ring of keys in our purses and pockets? I feel like we're going the way of biometrics, swipe cards, remote entry, etc. 

5. How did you celebrate your birthday this past year? Is that typical?

Last year I spent my birthday right here-

In the water with a book in hand and plenty of sunshine. I floated and read and later hubs grilled me a steak and it was perfect. The day was typical in that hubs always makes me feel special on my birthday, but atypical in that we weren't dining out. My birthday lands in September and I think by the time it rolled around last year I was feeling the effects of a summer filled with activity. A day at home was what I asked for and enjoyed. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.

This little peanut celebrates a big birthday tomorrow-

I'll give you three guesses which one-ha! see question #1 

I know many of you read her blog (you'll find it here) and/or follow her on Instagram so I'd love it if you'd hop over with happy birthday wishes. 

She's still a little peanut, but also a loving wife to her hard working hubs, and a devoted mother to the cutest baby boy on the planet. Happy birthday Daughter1! You're still a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day! 

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Hodgepodge Questions-Volume 354

After a much needed break I'm back with this week's questions for the Wednesday Hodgepodge. Answer on your own blog, then jump back here tomorrow and add your link to the party. See you there!

1.Describe your 30's in one sentence. If you're not yet 30 tell us one thing you hope to accomplish once you hit that particular decade.

2. Is it harder for you to exercise or eat healthy?

3. June 7th is National VCR Day. Huh? Anyway this reminded me of something I saw on Facebook listing household items we no longer have and the VCR was on it. I couldn't put my hands on that list, but found another list here of 21 items we all had ten years ago, but which are now obsolete-

bookshelves (WHAT!!???), drip coffee makers, alarm clocks, file cabinets, desktop computers, printers, printed phone books, answering machines, fax machines, paper shredders, a Rolodex, CD racks, CD burners, china cabinets, home phones, entertainment consoles, DVD players, calculators, takeout menus, incandescent light bulbs, and cable TV

Your thoughts? How many on the list do you still have? Still use?

4. What's something you see disappearing in the next ten years?

5. How did you celebrate your birthday this past year? Is that typical?

6. Insert your own random thought here.