Friday, February 12, 2016

Friday's Favorite Five

I'm doing lots of things besides blogging these days, but I still love my little corner of the Internet. I'm learning to be content in this season of lots of real life and less time to dissect it. One day in the not too distant future I will settle back into dedicated writing, and the best part of that will be I'll do it from my office overlooking the lake. Hubs is always-always encouraging me in my writing, and thinks creating an office space with a view of the lake will inspire me to write more, and talk about writing more less. Ha!

So how about five favorites from the week that was-

1.  The Super Bowl-Daughter2 and her boyfriend came over and watched the game with us. We made snacks for dinner and it felt almost like a party. She prepared an artichoke dip and a skinny version of a Buffalo Chicken Dip which was every bit as good as the full fat kind. I made ham and cheese sliders, a broccoli salad and a veggie tray. I know we live in the Carolinas, but we were all rooting for the Broncos so were happy with the win. Peyton Manning was once upon a time (and forever and always) a Tennessee Volunteer, and we are nothing if not loyal to our Vols.

2. Facetime-Daughter1 (who lives in Washington State on the whole complete other side of the country, but I digress) and I had a lovely little chat via Facetime this week. I love so much the ability to see her face when we're talking. It's almost as good as being in the same room. Also, full disclosure here... I accidentally Facetime one or both of my girls at least once a week, and the conversation always goes like this-

Daughter-"Hi Momma"

Me-"Hi...what's going on?"

Daughter-"I don't know. You called me."

Me-"No I didn't."

Me-"Did I ???"

3. Snow Day. It snowed real snow in the Upstate this morning.

I love the beauty of freshly fallen snow, the way the woods become a fairyland and the world exhales. I especially love knowing a week from today forecasters say we'll hit a sunny 61 degrees. I prefer a winter that makes room for spring. NJ winters fought the arrival of spring, and more often than not, they won.

4. Spontaneous Dinner Plans with Grown Up Girls-Daughter2 sent me a text Wednesday asking if I wanted to meet for dinner Thursday evening. This just makes me all kinds of happy. I don't remember as a young mom, imagining grown up dinners with grown up girls, but it's da bomb y'all!

Also that phrase? Some things about parenting last a lifetime, and moms everywhere can rest in the knowledge they will never lose the ability to make kids cringe. Winning!

See there's another one, but I'm a firm believer these little bits of ridiculousness endear us to our children. Do not burst my bubble.

5. Winter skies and the art of missing-If you read here regularly you know my husband returned to work two weeks ago after enjoying retirement life the eleven months prior. We were loving retirement life, and had settled into a new sort of routine here at home.

And now he's back to work, and that's good too. He's spent weekdays these past two weeks away from home, learning a new role and business, and missing me. If you've never had a spouse whose job requires travel, you may not understand this sentiment, but it's nice to miss your spouse, and be missed in return. Coming home, relaxing in your shared space, catching up, hearing about new and interesting bits of life...well, it's somehow all the sweeter thanks to the missing.

Also, winter skies are my favorite, which has nothing to do with anything, but I felt it should be said. Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Linking today with Suzanne's Friday Favorite Five. To read what others had to say, or to add your own list of five favorites visit her blog by clicking here. 


  1. Lovely post. Great pics, and love that you are winning and are cringe-worthy!! :)

  2. Joyce... I sent your link to both my girls with the note... read #2. See I'm not the only one! Have a great weekend!

  3. I think its so amazing how the mother/daughter relationship turns into such a friendship when everyone grows up - enjoy those conversations & dinners :)

  4. I believe that every relationship should have some 'missing' in it. It's a good thing. Since the girl child has a BF, I gotta admit I'm feeling a bit 'put aside.' I'll get over it. And once the newness wears off, perhaps a conversation about balance shall help. ;)

  5. this is my first time to your blog!! i will def be back. loved your list of faves. i have a few friends from childhood who live in the Carolinas...NC to be exact. they live it " down there"

  6. Love that picture of the winter sky!

    I don't know which is more fun, having fellowship with my grown daughters, or as you say, the ability to make the kids cringe with my "lameness." ;)

    I understand about the missing part. Getting back together is so good!

  7. New here, loved your Friday favorites and Thank You for supporting Peyton from the Carolinas....Tn Vol here also!

  8. Isn't Face time with iPhones? Androids needs a version!

  9. I enjoyed this and I soo get the making them cringe part...I am winning too1 lol And if you think your joy is large with facetime with your girls, just wait until the face peering back at you is that of a precious little one saying, "grandma, I have something to tell you" I am truly toast... Enjoy your week-end and your upcoming lunch with your girls!

  10. Nice to meet you here Joyce. Ha, it's always fun to surprise our adult kids with our antics. How nice to have the ability of seeing kids across the country with facetime, etc. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  11. Oh, yes, Facetime is the all time best for sure. I so wish it had been around when my kiddos were little and we lived 1000 miles from my parents. One of my dear friends son and family is moving to Seattle in March. He's going to work for Amazon. I told his Mom that I would be contributing almost daily to his salary. Anyway, I thought of Shannon and TJ and how much they like the area. I'm sure my friends son and family will also. Happy hearts weekend!

  12. So glad you had time with both of your girls this week. Love that winter sky. Beautiful!

  13. That must have been quite a change, first to get used to be retired and then go back to work. And if he travels and is away there is always something to celebrate when he returns !

  14. Face time certainly has its benefits. I don't know if I would swap the UK rain for your snow - undecided. Happy weekend.

  15. Looks like your support of Peyton Manning paid off. We had a great time watching the game here and the victory rally on Tuesday was really something.

    Wish I could see my kids as easily as you get to see D2. Love hearing about your visits with both of your girls, near and far.

  16. Sounds like it was a perfect Super Bowl day for you! I'm glad your doing Facetime with your girls. Love you little conversation....too funny! I must have missed that post about your hubby returning to work. I'll have to check it out. I do understand the traveling part very well. Enjoy your weekend too!

  17. I so enjoy your posts! I must have missed the one about hubs going back to work though. There were a few days while Joe was in the hospital that I just couldn't read blogs. Another adjustment, but seems it is working for you. So great that daughter2 is so close now! Sounds like a great super bowl party and we were happy with the outcome too!

  18. I'm not at all into football, but watched bits of the Super Bowl. I lived in SC for 26 years so was pulled to root for the panthers - but I live in TN now and was pulled to root for Peyton. I was happy with the way it ended - if he does retire, it will be a nice finish to his career.

    I love Facetime as well. I have one son in RI, and we Facetime once every other week, sometimes once a week. Back when I was first married, I could only talk to my mom long distance once a month. I'm so glad for this technology! I even Facetime with my son, d-i-l, and baby grandson who are here, even though we see each other weekly.

    I used to hate when my husband traveled, but now I do enjoy some alone time.

  19. I'm visiting from FFF (a little late, but I'm here).
    When my husband traveled (weekly!), he always called to check in every night. And we appreciated our time together on the weekends all the more.
    I loved your comment about making our kids cringe--oh it's the best day when I can do that! Hahaha!
