Wednesday, August 9, 2023

A Cat-chy Hodgepodge

Welcome to this week's edition of The Wednesday Hodgepodge. If you've answered today's questions add your link at the end of my post, then leave a comment for the blogger before you. Here we go-

From this Side of the Pond
1. August 8th is National Cat Day. Do you own a cat? Are you a 'cat person'? Your favorite 'famous' cat?

We're dog people here. I'm allergic to cats so have never owned one as a pet. Certain breeds seem to bother me more than others. When we visit family with cats they always clean thoroughly ahead of time, and keep their cats out of sight. 

My favorite cat?  Sylvester. My hubs does a great imitation too. 

2. Cat nap-copycat-scaredy cat-curiosity killed the cat-cat got your tongue-like herding cats...which cat phrase applies to your life in some way currently? Explain. 

Well I'm all about a cat nap so let's go with that one. 

3. What's your favorite or most- often-made one pot meal? 

I made a sheet pan dinner last night which is what inspired this question. My favorite one pot meal is homemade soup or chili. Those two dishes are also my most often made, and one of the things I love best about the changing seasons. It's almost soup time! 

4. What do you wish you'd placed in a time capsule fifteen years ago? 

My passport. It was chock-a block full of stamps and visas from so many fabulous travel destinations, not to mention the countless entries/exits to and from the UK recorded there. I loved getting my passport stamped and wish that was still a thing. The last foreign travel I did was South Korea in 2019, and they didn't stamp. Most destinations now create a digital record of your entry which isn't nearly as much fun. 

5. Your favorite hour of the day? Tell us why. 

The first one. As I've said here no less than a hundred times I am a big fan of the sunrise. I love early morning silence and the promise and possibility a new day brings. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Whatcha reading? My book club met yesterday and discussed the novel Honor by Thrity Umrigar. The subject matter is heavy, but everyone gave it a favorable review. Last month we read Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin, which I loved. The central characters are video game designers which sounds like the last thing I'd want to read about, but the writing and character development were superb. 

Other titles I've read recently and enjoyed include Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby van Pelt, Signal Fires by Dani Shapiro, and Leonardo da Vinci by Walter Issacson (strap in because its heavy on detail and is not is fascinating though). 

Happy Wednesday everyone! 

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  1. I read Remarkably Bright Creatures this summer, too, and loved it!!
    I was disappointed about the stamps in our passport. I didn't start traveling until I was in my 50's and I wanted my book to be full!

  2. Same on being a dog person and allergic to cats!

  3. I'm looking forward to soup weather here, too, although I've been known to make soup on the hottest day of the year. Morning is such a peaceful time. Passport is something that would be good in a time capsule. I was so disappointed when we got to Italy and they didn't even stamp my passport. And now when we arrived at Heathrow everything was machine operated and no contact pass throughs where a camera took photos. It was weird...
    Happy day to you!

  4. I loved your answers. I enjoy making soups...they're often the perfect crockpot meal.

  5. We don't seem to notice the season changes that much here so we eat things year round. That would have been neat to have your passport. I need to renew mine yet I don't see myself leaving the country. I love what you said about sunrise. I love that you read. I just can't get myself into it. Of course I have about 500 free books that I got in my Amazon app. They are all love stories. I guess that's why I watch Hallmark so much. I do need to change this and start reading. Enjoy the rest of your week.

  6. I've never heard of any of those books, but glad to hear of them which gives me something else to check out and read. I can't even imagine all the travel you've done.

  7. I read Remarkably Bright Creatures this summer too. :-)
    High fives for cat naps.

  8. Responding to question #2: I'm thankful my days of "like herding cats" appear to be over. My quiet, retired life suits me well. As for passports, mine expired a few years ago and didn't have much in it anyway. I did not know even that has gone digital. Like you, I think it's sad that has changed.

  9. There is a national day for everything bloody thing, I am not a cat person never owned one my favourite car is Katie Isabella here:

    It would have to be a cat nap as I like my sleep or cat naps

    Audio recordings of my parents voices

    Best part of the day is 5am when I get up I like an early start to my day.

    A random thought: If you find it in your heart to care for someone else, you will have succeeded.

  10. Thank you, Joyce, for today's Hodgepodge! I do look forward to Wednesday!! I read lists of books others are reading and I just blush. I read cozy mysteries that are easy and usually predictable. I like a series so I can stick with main characters that I like and then hate 'saying goodbye' when the series ends. I love soup, too, and also look forward to soup season!! I am sorry you are allergic to cats! I am a dog lover, too, but cats are just easier. I do admit I've thought of getting a pup but thinking is all. Thanks again!! Be blessed!!

  11. Well, the first hour of the day would be 2nd in my favorite time of the day for sure. I love the early morning and getting my day started. I always enjoy linking up.

  12. We no longer have our cat (or any pets at all) but I am definitely a cat person. I love their little paws and their whiskered noses (and I'm afraid of dogs in general). My favorite one pot meal is this chicken/orzo dish I make but I don't make it often since 2 of my boys won't eat it. I do love soups and stews though and look forward to breaking out my crockpot in another few months.
