Wednesday, November 15, 2023

A Charitable Hodgepodge

Welcome to this week's edition of The Wednesday Hodgepodge. If you've answered today's questions add your link at the end of my post, then leave a comment for the blogger before you. Hodgepodgers are always grateful for comments. Here we go-

From this Side of the Pond
1. This week's Hodgepodge lands on National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day. Is yours in need of a cleaning? Will you get that done today? How often do you tackle this particular chore?

It's currently not filled to overflowing but I guess it can always use a good cleaning. It's a big job and I have to be in the mood to wrangle the shelves in and out. I wasn't planning on tackling it today, but maybe I should. I try to clean the frig before I do a big shop, and definitely before a Costco run. 

2. November 15th is also National Philanthropy Day...tell us about a charity (local or otherwise) you like to support when you're able.  

We support a number of charities, mostly those that help feed and care for hungry children (World Vision and Compassion) At the local level I volunteer every week making lunch in a nearby soup kitchen. 

We also support Young Life and Cru which are both Christian youth ministries. We give to St. Jude and to Crisis Pregnancy organizations that provide ultrasounds to moms considering abortion. Seeing that baby in 3D is often what leads to a change of heart. 

3.What in nature inspires you and why? 

So many things...sunrises, sunsets, mountain vistas, wide open spaces, a walk in the woods, a bright blue sky, a watercolor sky, a wispy cloud kind of day, really the sky in general. 

Why? Probably because being in nature quiets my mind and allows me to better organize my thoughts. 

4. What's something you own that makes you feel cozy? 

Hubs will laugh but I'm going to say my bathrobe. I know that makes me sound ancient, but I love a good snuggly robe. 

5. Who did you thank today? Who thanked you? 

I bought something at Publix on Monday (when I wrote this answer) that was a 'buy two, get one free' deal. I ended up at self-checkout and needed help because it charged me for all three. I thanked the cashier. And of course if you know Publix then you know she thanked me back lol. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Hubs and I attended the Clemson-Ga. Tech game on Saturday. It was Military Appreciation Day and they do a really wonderful job of honoring those who have served. 

There are many special moments that take place on the field between game quarters and this year there was actually a 100 year old WW2 veteran at the game. 

He received the National Order of the Legion of Honor, the highest French distinction. It was given on the field by the Consul General of France and was truly moving. These WW2 Veterans are a treasure and I'm glad there are spaces where we still recognize that. 

Over the weekend five soldiers were killed in a Black Hawk helicopter crash over the Mediterranean, all stationed at the base my daughter and son-in-law just left. We throw out a lot of platitudes on Veterans Day, but our soldiers and their families need encouragement and support every single day of the year. They aren't out marching for it, raising a ruckus, shutting down streets thus creating chaos, or even demanding to be heard. Instead they go to work, literally risk their lives, and they sacrifice so much. 

My heart breaks for the families who've lost a beloved son, brother, father, friend. If you are a person who prays, please remember these families today. There's a link here to their names and faces. 

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  1. Thank you Joyce for another week of questions. I enjoyed reading your answers. Thank you for sharing about the WWII veteran honored at the Clemson game.

  2. That is so amazing about the 100 year old WWII veteran. I'm so glad he, along with others, was honored.

  3. Replies
    1. Dara - I have tried repeatedly each week to comment on your blogposts and I get a message about New Jersey requiring me to verify my email but I get in a loop and it will never allow me to correct it. I enjoy reading your blog! Joyce - thanks for letting me jump back in with a comment for someone else!!

  4. That was a nice vet's day thing at that game; I know the FSU game did some of that stuff too but I didn't go to it. I haven't been in a couple years, actually. I only end up going if someone gifts us tickets.

  5. Now you've inspired me to clean out my fridge. It would be a good time to do it before the kids come home. I agree that seeing an ultrasound is such a good way to make a baby "real" to a mom in distress. I love the football game pictures. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  6. That's a good idea before a big Costco run. We are due for one of those. Those are wonderful charities you support. Mark just started supporting Tunnel to Towers Foundation. I was thinking of animals for the nature question. I do love the sky! I mentioned a sweater I wear but if not that it's my bathrobe. Your random is so touching. I will be praying and I will go to the link you shared.

  7. That was heartbreaking for sure. It hits me a lot harder knowing and watching for your loved one to come safely from any deployment or training exercise, too. Thank the Lord for our military! Looks like a great game to be at. I just got out of my comfy robe. :) Have a great day!

  8. Thank you for your random Joyce.
    I like my cozy robe too. In the winter you will find me in it often. ;-)
    xx oo

  9. How I love your 'random', Joyce. These honor ceremonies never fail to bring a tear to my eye. And what can you say at college football? Their exuberance and sincere joy of play beats any pro game I've seen. War Eagle!

  10. Hello there, hope all is going well over in your part of the world, here are my answers to these hodgepodge questions.

    My fridge needs a good clean out, a task I keep putting off.

    I know nothing about charities

    What inspires me????? Nothing comes to mind but I am sure there are things that do.

    I have thanked no one for anything recently, I am often thanked for doing different things, like my niece thanked me the other day for being me.

    Some measure their lives by days and years
    Others by heart throbs, passion and tears.
    But the surest measure under the sun
    Is what in your lifetime for others you're done.

  11. I have a family member who used to fly that helicopter in his service days. So thankful we never had to experience this tragedy. It's a dangerous job and those who do it are most brave.

  12. Glad to see that the WWII veteran was honored, and that there are still places that do a great job of showing respect and honor to these heroes. Thank you too for the reminder to pray for our veterans, our service men and women, and for their families. This latest incident was such a tragedy.

  13. Each week when it's time to do groceries our fridge is usually pretty empty so I try to wipe down all the shelves before hitting up the store and restocking. I feel the same way you do about nature and find so many aspects of it to be very inspiring.

  14. That football half time showing appreciation to the Military Veterans looks like fun. I need to wipe out the fridge...probably will do that tomorrow now that it is on my mind.

  15. I try to keep up with refrigeration expiration dates each week on trash day but things do get pushed to the back (salad dressings, usually). Those photos from the football game are so great! Nice to celebrate our Veterans, praying for those lost, and seeing the bands. I love seeing the college bands and we just don't get to see them on TV. My community here just lost "our" WWII Veteran. Walt was 96 and well loved by everyone here. He could talk your ear off and didn't know a stranger. We miss him. Thanks for another fun Hodgepodge, Joyce!! xo
