Wednesday, November 1, 2023

As The Hodgepodge Turns

Welcome to November and this week's edition of The Wednesday Hodgepodge. If you've answered today's questions add your link at the end of my post, then leave a comment for your neighbor there. Here we go-

From this Side of the Pond

1. Besides Thanksgiving (in the USA) what's one thing you're looking forward to in November? 

Attending a game at the nearby university. They've had a crummy season, but it's still so much fun to go to a game in person. 

Also, I'm going to see all of my grandchildren this month, and that's always something to look forward to. They won't be in the same place at the same time, but we take what we can get here. 

2. Do you like candles? Your favorite scent? How often do you burn a candle in your home? 

I do like candles and we burn one most evenings. I'm very particular about the scent though. I don't like anything too floral or too sweet. My favorite scents are a citrus-sage and, this time of year, cinnamon/spice. 

3. What gadgets did you use today? 

My laptop, cell phone, potato masher (for deviled eggs), my washer and dryer (do they count as gadgets?  I looked it up and the definition says 'small device' so probably not...)

4. This question is a repeat from one asked in November of 2014, but I liked it so it's coming round again. Many of you weren't here in 2014. Okay, you can have fifty pounds of something (anything but money)...what will you choose? Also, since I mentioned it...what were you up to in November of 2014? 

I'll take fifty pounds of ham please. I volunteer in a soup kitchen and they're gathering foods for the holidays. Fifty pounds of ham would go a long way. 

What was I up to in 2014? This-

We were knee deep in this girl's wedding plans, and the RSVPs were rolling in. So much fun!

5. 'Tis the season...what's something you're feeling especially grateful for today?

Fall. The changing seasons really. I love the way the world turns and the ever changing landscape. Fall is my favorite season and I'm in love with the color and the light and the cooler weather. Hubs wants summer all year long, but I am all about fall.  

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I know there are mixed feelings about Halloween, and we don't go overboard here, but we did have a fun couple of days dressing up and seeing friends

He's Alice Cooper for those not in the know

Now let's turn the page...

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  1. He did great as Alice! I mean, that's a legit costume! Good job, y'all.

  2. Great costumes! I wasn't sure about the gadgets question but if it means small device, then I think I was on the right track.

  3. Enjoy the game and I know that the time with your grandchildren will be awesome. Your candle choices sound lovely. I looked up gadgets too! I used a vacuum but I didn't think it counted. Yum on the deviled eggs. That's a great point on the ham and what a fun time with the wedding. We don't get much in Fall color so I love seeing all the photos of trees this time of year. Glad you had a nice time. You two look great!

  4. You two look great in your costumes! Sheesh...I forgot about my computer and phone as gadgets! Happy November to you!

  5. Hi, WOW, what a great Alice Cooper!!!
    I enjoyed the good ol days of when we sent RSVP's back in the mail for wedding invitations. The last two we were invited to, it was all online.

  6. Oh my...that Alice Cooper costume is just too good!! Ditto for me with the candles. I love them, but can't handle anything too overpowering. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  7. Deviled eggs sound good!! Happy November! Thanks for the questions!

  8. Oh yes, cinnamon/spice scents are my favorites too! Especially this time of year.. Your costumes are great!

  9. What a cute photo. I have that same vest! lol - Ham sure sounds good but a really good ham.

  10. I had a hard time figuring out what would qualify as gadgets. But this week's questions were fun!

    Like you, I am all about fall. My favorite season hands down. The foliage season has been unusual up here this year, but it has lasted a nice long time.

  11. Hello there, hope all is going well over in your part of the world, here are my answers to these hodgepodge questions.

    My birthday is on the 16 November and I always look forward to that I like having birthdays better then having death days.

    Love candles mostly lavender or vanilla

    I use tongs both kitchen tongs and the long handled ones to pick stuff up off the floor.

    50 pounds ya say, well I would have 50 pounds of I have no idea none at all. I don't remember 2014

    I am grateful for my amazing family.

    Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look at the stars.....

    By: Henry Van Dyke

  12. I love your costumes and the boaters coming by for treats must have had lots of fun! I enjoyed reading your Hodgepodge answers and thank you for another fun hodgepodge of questions! The wedding was 9 years ago. Good golly. Time goes by so fast. Scary as all get out. xo

  13. 2014 -- I think I began reading your blog that year. I remember the wedding preparations and the wedding pictures that followed. It was so beautiful and your blog has been a delight to me all these years.

  14. WOw...I hate that I've gotten so bad at commenting...I decided that before I work on tomorrows post I was going to comment on last weeks. seeing your grandchildren will be awesome. Wedding!
