1. The Wednesday Hodgepodge falls on John Chapman's birth date. He's more famously known as Johnny Appleseed...what's your favorite variety of apple?
McIntosh or Gala. Or Granny Smith for baking. Actually I love 'em all. When I was in Taipei back in March I tasted the most delicious apple...
Our host called them wax apples and they were so light and sweet, a little smaller than we normally see here, but really scrumptious.
2. When did you last say 'ick'?
Maybe when hubs texted me his turtle soup photo from China a couple of weeks ago....
I posted this on my blog when he sent it but it's worth another look don't you think?
Variety is the spice of life.
3. Do you think there's a generation gap? Explain.
I guess every generation feels slightly misunderstood by the one before, but in my own family the gap doesn't feel all that big. We're talkers. Ha- Hubs might say when we three girls are together a gap in all the communicating would be a relief.
I do my best to listen, and in return my girls give me the courtesy of listening back. They educate me on today's attitudes and trends and I remind them of what is at our core that never changes. I think we both have things to learn from one another and I try hard to remember what it was like to be young, idealistic, and confident the world was going to come at me exactly as I planned. I enjoy being around people of all ages and think that's how life was meant to be lived. Pretty sure my girls would say the same.
4. What's on your computer screen saver? Do you change it often or leave it alone?
Currently its the last family photo we snapped in front of our UK house, March, 2009. The girls were home from university on their spring break and knew when we got in the car to drop them at Heathrow they were leaving the house where they'd lived out their teenage years for the last time.
This was the place they grew into the people they would become.
Everything about this picture makes me happy...why would I want to change it?
5. If you had the attention of the entire world for two minutes what would you say?
I'm probably dating myself with this reference, but if you read here regularly you already know how old I am so a moot point. Does anyone remember the Saturday Night Live skit from the late 90's featuring a character called Nadeen? She was played by Cherie O'Teri who made this phrase famous-
Simma down na!
In plain English that's 'Simmer down now'.
I know I should say something deep and profound here, but honestly those are the words that popped into my head when I wrote this question. For a world gone mad they seem to apply.
6. Four fashion trends to try this fall are brocade/jacquard (fancy fabrics), peplum, lace, and printed pants...which of these four would you be most likely to wear?
I like the idea of the printed pant but would definitely need to proceed with caution. Some of the prints I've seen conjure up images of wallpaper and bedspreads and tablecloths ala 1972. I'd need a good basic neutral on top I think. I bought a sleeveless black lace top to wear under a sweater or jacket and I love that so maybe lace is the safer answer.
7. What can make your bad day better?
Hubs can usually make a bad day better. He's funny and knows how to make me laugh even when I don't feel like it.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I'm meeting 40 girlfriends in Boston for the weekend, women I knew while living in England who are now scattered here there and everywhere. I don't actually know all 40 (yet!), but I do know most of the group. The reunion spans a few years so some left before I came or left while I was still there or moved back to England after I arrived here. I can't wait!
Hubs will be home working, painting the new dining room window, and keeping the pup company. I'm sure that will be fun too.