Well it's been quite a day. And by day I mean year, right?
Thursday morning situation.
Also yowza! And oh crud! and possibly a few other choice words which I will leave to your imagination.
Of course I need to also say whew! and thank goodness! for the place and the time and the fact that exactly five minutes prior I happened to notice hubs car had been left out overnight and he dodged the rain to pull it into the garage.
For the record hubs never leaves his car out.
The tree hit the garage/attic end of the house where nobody lives and where nothing is stored, and nobody was injured although the sound of this big boy striking the house may have taken a few years off my life.
The tree is actually on our neighbor's property and was perfectly healthy. It doesn't take much to blow a pine to the ground (or onto a roof) and we had crazy winds courtesy of Zeta.
I have been on a bit of a news boycott so hadn't heard anything about the storm until late Wednesday. My daughter2 who is several states away mentioned her SC teacher friends said school would be virtual on Thursday due to bad weather.
Hmmm. Bad weather? Maybe I better tune in? So I turned on the news and still wasn't overly concerned but we did pull in loose pots and moved the porch furniture back and took all the normal precautions just in case. The winds were nuts and the lake neighborhoods looked like a war zone on Thursday with so many downed trees, power outages, and boats and docks on the loose or damaged (not ours!)
Shout out to my hubs the squeaky wheel which in all honesty can sometimes be annoying, but in this case got the job done. The tree fell around seven am, and he managed to have the tree guy in the driveway by nine. They had to wait for the crane because did I say ugh? It's never good to need a crane is it?
Anyway, super super nice people who got the job done and they work within a network so also had the roofer there to put up tarps immediately after, which people tell us is a minor miracle. Then the guys came back this morning to finish the clean up, and we're on the schedule with the insurance adjuster a few days from now.
Hubs and I are currently in the local Starbucks charging devices and making up for all the coffee we didn't drink yesterday because we're on day 2 of no power which is only a hair less aggravating than a tree through your roof.
Did I have two neighbors over for happy hour yesterday afternoon? Why yes, yes I did. We sat out on our porch and it was a happy distraction from storm damage and insurance claims and basically the year 2020.