Welcome to fall's first Hodgepodge. If you've answered today's questions add your link at the end of my post, then leave a comment for the blogger before you. Here we go-
1. It's officially fall y'all. In the northern hemisphere anyway. Any signs of it where you are? What's your favorite thing about this time of year?2. Have you visited any 'falls' in person? Tell us about one of your favorites? Of the following top ten famous falls (according to this site ) which would you most like to see in person-
Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe/Zambia), Igazu Falls (Argentina/Brazil), Niagara Falls (US/Canada), Angel Falls (Venezuela), Yosemite Falls (California), Dettifoss (Iceland) Kaieteur Falls (Guyana), Plitvice Waterfalls (Croatia), Gullfoss-Golden Falls (Iceland), or Sutherland Falls (New Zealand)
We live in an area known as the mountain lakes part of the state and there are more than 150 waterfalls in our county alone. Not all are huge, but every waterfall is beautiful in its own way. Hubs and I (and the little brown dog too of course, can't forget him!) enjoy hiking to a waterfall and we're slowly working our way through some of the ones in our area. We have a long way to go lol.
There were some pretty falls not far from where we lived in North Jersey too (Bushkill Falls) and we used to visit fairly often. Of the falls listed I guess the one I'd most like to visit would be Victoria. A friend of ours went years ago and I still remember the photo he sent standing beside them. Absolutely breathtaking!
3. What's something you'll miss about summer?
Daylight at 9 PM.
4. A favorite fall recipe?
I made a big pot of vegetable beef soup the other day and that's definitely a favorite here. It was 52 degrees when I started cooking early morning, but by the time dinner rolled around it was more like 85. We still enjoyed it though. I make Paula Deen's recipe which calls for short ribs, and they make it extra extra. I don't use quite the amount of salt she does, but other than that I follow her instructions ( recipe here) It makes a lot!
5. Something you enjoy but lately have allowed it to 'fall by the wayside'?
I made a scrapbook for Daughter2 for her birthday, the first I'd done in a long long time. Putting it together was so much fun and made me realize how much I miss doing something creative. I used to really enjoy scrapbooking, but life and all that jazz meant it needed to fall by the wayside for a while. I'm determined to get back into more creative pursuits this year.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
My other favorite thing about this time of year is the morning sky...
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