Sunday, September 10, 2023

Birthday Wishes

It's birthday month in our house and today we're celebrating daughter2. Technically we celebrated her last weekend because we were all together. She shared a chocolate cake with her dad and uncle who've also marked a birthday in recent days-

My birthday is next week and I don't share-ha! I kid. 
Sort of. I'm a bit of a baby about my birthday. 

Wait!! This is about daughter2 and her birthday. I know her hubs will make the day extra special because this girl y'all, is an absolute star. She's funny and kind, smart and loyal, beautiful inside and out. A wonderful mother, daughter, sister, aunt, niece, and friend, and I could not love her more. Truly. 

Daughter2 and her hubs will add a baby daughter to their family in just a few months time, and I pray this little girl brings to her momma's life all the joy her momma has brought to mine. 

Happy birthday daughter2! I'm not with you to add candles to a cake today, but here are 33 wishes from me to you for this coming year ...    

a healthy pregnancy and delivery
a little girl who's just like you
a light heart
a sense of optimism
deepening friendships
an awareness of God's amazing grace over your life
the courage of your convictions
new recipes
good books 
countless moments of laughter and joy with your precious children
sister time
momma time
porch sittin' time 
good health
beautiful vistas
more words written
small wonders observed
tender sibling bonding between your two littles
surprises of only the very best kind
a fun trip somewhere new
date nights
answered prayers
hours and hours spent unplugged 
more love than your great big heart can hold 



  1. Happy Birthday to the three of them and to you next week! It is so exciting about the baby girl arriving soon. What a sweet post and lovely pictures, along with the 33 wishes.

  2. Awe, such a sweet, sweet post. I'm so thrilled she's having a little girl. Happy new week!

  3. Happy birthdays!!! Plural... and next week, too!! Beautiful wishes for your girl#2! And I think we are allowed to be a bit of a baby about our birthdays because there is nothing more special than the day we were born... really!! And that is also why we celebrate those we love on their most special days. God is good!! xo

  4. Photos to make one smile and birthday wishes from me

  5. Happy Birthday to your dear daughter and belated birthday wishes to your hubby. Advanced wishes, too, for your birthday coming up. I'll be missing from bloggy land for the rest of September...

  6. Happy Birthday to your lovely daughter ... I love your birthday posts. :-)
