But quiet felt right this year. Daughter2 may not agree but she was a good sport. We're tired. And did anyone else feel a little bit old when they saw The Backstreet Boys at age 30+? Once upon a time there were some little girls in my house who loved The Backstreet Boys. How many of you can say you've seen Aaron Carter in concert? At least I think it was a concert. Mostly what I remember is the shrieking and the subsequent hearing loss but my then 10 year old girl and her pals were ecstatic. Aaron wasn't part of the group but was Nick's brother and used that fact to make his own 'career'. Who thinks I know too much Backstreet Boys trivia?
Anyway, we finally made it out of the grocery store and out of the parking lot and off the road that felt like a parking lot. We went to see True Grit yesterday afternoon and again, daughter2 was a good sport because I'm pretty sure this was not on her list of 'must sees'. That being said, we all really liked it. We came home and daughter2 made dinner...it's so nice to have my own personal chef and I'm going to miss that when she goes back to school in another week.
She made a recipe we'd seen on Pioneer Woman's blog for spicy lemon garlic shrimp. Yum! Definitely a keeper...
You must have some really good bread with this dish in order to appreciate all the juices and we added a green salad to counteract the artery cloggy-ness of the butter. That's how it works, right? Besides it was 2010 so we were still in the 'I give up' mode of last year's resolutions and the new ones hadn't technically kicked in.
Speaking of resolutions...I've challenged my girls to join me in setting some goals for the new year. I prefer the term goals as opposed to resolutions because goals feel like something to aim for and resolutions feel like something else. We're calling it 10 in 11...10 things we want to make happen in this brand new year. I'm not posting my list but will share it with my girls so they can
make me do stuff help me stay accountable. I know it must seem like I blab about every last detail of my life but believe it or not there are one or two things I manage to keep to myself.
Happy 2011...I wish you all a new year filled with peace and joy!
"For last year's words belong to last year's language and next years words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning." T.S. Eliot