Tuesday, December 14, 2010

It's lovely weather for the Hodgepodge together with you

First, a bit of business...I will always post the Hodgepodge questions on my blog sometime on Tuesdays for you to answer and post on your blog sometime on Wednesday. Occasionally I might want to blog about something non-Hodgepodge related on Tuesdays and if I do then I might put the questions in their own post like I did last week. Or, as I'm doing today, I'll ramble on a bit and add them at the bottom. But Tuesday is the day for the questions to be posted, one way or another.

So, Merry Christmas! What sort of Christmasy goodness have you been up to? This weekend we hit the tile store as we have plans to re-do our master bath shower and maybe the floor too. I know what you're thinking...you're thinking, 'Why Joyce, that's fantastic! How great it must feel to have all your baking, shopping, and wrapping done two full weeks before Christmas."

And I agree that would indeed be great.
Too bad it isn't true.

Here's the thing... I have been married for 26 1/2 years and I know that when hubs is set on getting a project completed it is always full speed ahead. That's how he rolls and its usually best if I just roll right along with it. So I did. After we finished at the tile shop and the shower shop we decided to go see a movie because really, what else would we do 13 days before Christmas? As we drove past the mall my hubs actually said these words-out loud-'So, do we need to do any shopping?' HA! Really, there are just no words y'all.

We saw The Tourist and we both liked it in spite of the crummy reviews we'd read beforehand. I am not a huge Angelina Jolie fan but she looks positively stunning in this film. When the movie ended we decided we will need a trip to Venice pronto and I will also be needing that wardrobe made in Paris to go with.

I saw her in person once...it was in a tiny little market in our village in the UK. She lived nearby for a while and apparently shopped there frequently. I was having tea with a friend at a table outside and my friend casually said, "Oh look, there's Angelina Jolie and her baby." I turned just in time to see her strolling into the market with baby #1 on her hip.

Now, somebody please explain how I got on that topic?

Here are the questions for this week's Hodgepodge....some are Christmas related and some are not because really, how many Christmas memes can one blogger answer? See you tomorrow with the link...

1. What does it mean to have the 'holiday spirit'?

2. What sits atop your tree (s)? Why?

3. When was the last time you gave yourself a pat on the back?

4. Which of your senses is most sensitive this time of year?

5. What do you have too much of in your kitchen?

6. What do you do for meals on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day? Big meal? Breakfast tradition? Open the cookie tins and have at it?

7. What is the best thing about winter?

8. Insert your own random thought here.


  1. Joyce, once again I'm struck by how similar our husbands are. I really think they must have been twins separated at birth! And your description of that's how he rolls and it's best if I roll along--so true. Otherwise you get rolled over. : ) I hope you get all your Christmas preparations done and a wonderful new shower/floor as well. Before Christmas, that is.

  2. Joyce, you have an outstanding job here. I like it when some are easy like #2 and others take more thought. Thank you. I love how you are going with the roll over the bathroom instead of Christmas, just so funny. Have a great day.

  3. Great questions can't wait to hear your answers! Good luck with bathroom I hope you get it all done. I want to see The Tourist but I can't stand her as an actress might taint my view of movie. Have a wonderful day!

  4. Joyce, I love the way you just go from one thing to another without any warning...sometimes....because I do that, too, and whoever I am talking with/to at the time will suddenly say..."uh, when did we change subjects?" and my dear hubs has been known to say that I give him motion sickness when I do that. Oh well. :-)
    Thanks for posting the questions! Have fun tiling!!

  5. No Christmasy goodness here the last several days. But now that we're a week and a half away, I guess it's time to get down to some serious Christmasy goodness! ;-)

    Wish my hubby was handy enough to re-tile a bathroom. ;-) But I thankful that he knows that he can't ... instead of trying and botching the job, costing us even more to call in a professional. ha!


  6. Just roll with it.....You didn't stay married 26 years without knowing what is good for you:) As far as everything else, it will get done. You may have to run around like a crazy person, but that is why they call it the hustle and bustle of the season. Good Luck to you (and all of us that are in the same boat!)

    Can't wait to read your answers tomorrow.

  7. "So, do we need to do any shopping?" I LOVE the way you wrote that anecdote. Priceless.

  8. You know, I wish my husband would go full speed ahead on a project like that. We're in desperate need of having both bathrooms redone (how long have I been saying that?); it's driving me CRAZY.
    I just looked at my ticker and saw that it's only 11 days until Christmas. And I've bought 1, yes 1, present.
    I'm not a big Jolie fan, either, but you have to admit, she IS hot. :)

  9. Thanks for the questions. Hope you get all your shopping, baking, etc done!

  10. Oh the projects that need to be tended to in our home... but alas, hubs is out of town. Again.

    I have a feeling that we wouldn't touch a project with a 10 ft pole this close to Christmas though. ;) We spent time shopping for our girls last night while they were with a sitter. We always say we want to keep it simple with the girls. Then Christmas gets here and I feed off of their excitement... We can't help ourselves. They make Christmas fun. We are setting ourselves up for trouble. I know. Oi.

    Who knows... our hubs may be chatting it up one day and we'll be clueless. ha!
