Which means no excuse not to Hodgepodge...
Blogging helped me find my writer's voice, made me aware I even had a writer's voice. It's given me the courage to be vulnerable in print. It's taught me the power of words, which we all know in theory, but blogging really brings it home. I like to describe my blog as a 'slice of life' and writing in this way has forced me to really examine what I think and why about a whole laundry list of topics.
I've never thought of myself as creative, but blogging has shown me there's a streak of creativity there, just maybe not in the artsy traditional sense of the word.
Blogging teaches me time is swift and I've learned to be more intentional about how I spend it.
2. Leftovers...are you in the 'reheat and eat' camp or the 'put them in the fridge until they spoil and then toss them' camp? What's your favorite thing to have leftover? What can you not abide as a leftover?
Hmmm...depends on the leftover and my mood and how full my frig looks and how re-heatable a particular left over might be. In my opinion there are some things that should never be reheated. Turkey. Roast chicken. Shudder. I love them left over, but definitely NOT reheated. I don't save a salad that's already been dressed. I sometimes save Chinese food, but usually end up pitching it as opposed to reheating. If I have just a little tiny bit of something left over it gets tossed. I sometimes deliberately make enough for left overs-soups, pastas, meat loaf...those are all dishes I love left over.
3. 'Me time'...your thoughts?
I'm going to be honest and say my first thought is usually 'ick'. There's something about that particular combination of words that doesn't sit right in my brain. I know we all need time to ourselves, but when it's expressed as 'me time' it's off putting. Don't hate! I don't think taking time for self-care is in itself a selfish act, but generally when someone tells me they need 'me time' it's laced with resentment and is used to justify some choice or behavior they feel needs justifying.
Hey I'm all about filling up a steaming hot tub and locking myself in the bathroom on a fairly regular basis so I'm not judging a person's need for solitude or socializing if that's more your thing. If you need 'me time' by all means take it. Maybe just don't announce it to the world. Or call it 'me time'.
4. When people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with?
Well not the computer. Not the iPhone or the television remote or even the menu options on my car dash-ha! My girls frequently phone me for help with a recipe or a general cooking question and I absolutely love that. I still sometimes phone my own mom for those very same things.
5. If your childhood had a smell what would it be? Tell us why.
A lot of things but the first one that came to mind was freshly mown grass. When I catch the scent of freshly mown grass I'm whisked right back to the Saturdays of my childhood. Back in the day it seemed like all dads (and it was mostly dads as opposed to moms, although there were likely a few) were outside cutting their grass first thing on a Saturday morning. Oftentimes a son was drafted for the job, but I don't recall anyone having a lawn service or mowing on a Tuesday night or any time other than Saturday morning. The sameness of it up and down the street and around the neighborhood was comforting. The smell of freshly mown grass makes me feel light and just a little bit nostalgic for the carefree days of my childhood.
Y'all the lake this time of year! Swoon!