Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Trick or Treat! It's The Hodgepodge!

BOO! It's the Hodgepodge. If you've answered this week's questions, add your link at the end of my post. Then head over to your neighbor there, and leave them a comment. What a treat!  Here we go-

From this Side of the Pond
1. What are your current priorities in this season of life? Elaborate as much or as little as you like. 

I think the older you get the more aware you become of the passing of time. I know I want to invest in things that matter for eternity. I want to stay healthy and active. Hubs and I enjoy going and doing and we have five grandchildren who I want to see grow up. 

I especially want to be intentional as a grandparent in spending time with them, praying for them, encouraging them. And for my daughters too who are in the thick of it with young children in the house. I want to be available for them when they are available. The flexibility in my daily schedule is a gift and I want to listen and support and laugh with them at all the funny things their babies say and do. 

2. What's one thing you wish you had more of? 


3. Do you celebrate Halloween? If so, what are your Halloween traditions? Any special plans for Halloween this year? 

We do celebrate Halloween. We usually go to a party and I enjoy dressing up. We have wedding festivities happening this weekend, so will be celebrating young love instead of Halloween.  

When the girls were growing up we carved pumpkins, chose costumes, and then usually the dads in the neighborhood took the trick or treaters out and moms were home handing out the candy. 

The dads enjoyed it as much as the kids, and they sometimes dressed up too. I don't decorate for Halloween per se, but I do put pumpkins on my porch and add some fall decor inside. 

4. Last thing you ate that contained chocolate? Last thing you made that called for chocolate?

I haven't had a lot of chocolate lately. I guess the last thing I ate would be the last thing I made. These chocolate peanut butter bars my sister gave me the recipe for. I've only had one but hubs has been enjoying them a lot. In fact I didn't take a picture when I made them and this is all that's left-

Super easy and no bake! The recipe is linked here-No Bake Chocolate Pretzel Peanut Butter Squares

5. Do you prefer laid back weekends or do you like to have a lot of plans? Thinking back to this past weekend... which was it? 

I like both. I need both. I enjoy plans but need down time to recover too. Last weekend was pretty laid back. I wrote about it in Monday's post-Monday Morning Quarterbacking

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I dug out a couple of Halloween pics from years past. This was last year's costume-

And an Austin Powers themed costume I loved from a few years back-

And one more of my girls from way back when...

Enjoy your Halloween fun, and I'll see you in NOVEMBER. Say what??

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Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Give Me Five

If you're looking for this week's Hodgepodge questions you'll find them one post down. 
Linking this post today with Joanne's Talking About it Tuesday. 

Penning another letter to my grandson who celebrates a birthday today. His birthday hits five days after his baby sister's, two days before Halloween, and a week before what will no doubt be a tumultuous election day. I never want him to feel lost in the shuffle. 

Dear Max, 

Officially five today! That might be Nana's favorite age. I was thinking about your blog name and how it suits you, but also how your real name does too. Sweet William. Nana added the sweet, but it's the phrase that always comes to mind when I think of you. 

Which is every single day. 

There's a flower I love called Sweet William and did you know flowers have meaning? Out of curiosity I looked this one up, and guess what? It also suits. 

The flower known as Sweet William has multiple meanings including gallantry and masculinity. You, my newly minted five year old, are all boy. You love to wrestle, play 'futbol', baseball, ride your bike, drive the boat fast, pretend you're a knight, a Jedi, a ninja, a superhero. You love to climb and run and throw and jump. 

You have the biggest vocabulary and the best accent of any five year old I know. 

You want to do whatever big brother is doing, but these days you're finding your own way too. You have opinions lol. You're exceptionally bright, articulate, curious, and funny. And since you've recently moved into your fifth house in as many years I guess I should add resilient to your list of strengths too. 

You wear your emotions on your sleeve and your mama has helped you learn to ask yourself if something is a big problem or a little problem before you react. I find myself doing the same and it helps. 

We're never too old to learn little man. 

Pawpaw and I had so much fun visiting you in your Cambridge home last month. We loved hearing your thoughts on all the new things you've experienced...mushy peas, double decker buses, an International school, Saturday mornings on the pitch and more. 

Your birthday lands just a few days before the US election, and let's just say it hasn't been pretty. While it's hard not to wonder what our nation will look like when you're a young man I want to tell you something  Nana knows for certain.

This world may be full of conflict and confusion, but God in His infinite wisdom created you for such a time as this. You are a part of God's divine plan and He made you all the wonderful things you are-strong, smart, curious, and resilient-traits that will serve you well as you grow from boy to man.  

I pray you always seek His will for your life and know how fully and completely you are loved by Him. 

By your Nana too. Deep and wide my sweet William. 


"Stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Let all that you do be done in love." 
1 Corinthians 16:13-14

Hodgepodge Questions-Volume 575

Here are the questions to this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge. Answer on your own blog then hop back here tomorrow to share your answers. See you there! 

1. What are your current priorities in this season of life? Elaborate as much or as little as you like. 

2. What's one thing you wish you had more of? 

3. Do you celebrate Halloween? If so, what are your Halloween traditions? Any special plans for Halloween this year? 

4. Last thing you ate that contained chocolate? Last thing you made that called for chocolate? 

5. Do you prefer laid back weekends or do you like to have a lot of plans? Thinking back to this past weekend... which was it? 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Monday, October 28, 2024

Monday Morning Quarterbacking

Good Monday morning. We had a nice low key weekend here, and I hope yours was the same. I'm linking with Holly and Sarah today for their regular Monday morning weekend blog hop. Here's how ours looked-

Thursday evening we had friends here for dinner. I made the crispy baked Boursin appetizer which is always a hit, and if you haven't tried it I recommend. It's easy and delicious and I make my own hot honey. Here's the recipe I use-

Crispy Baked Boursin With Hot Honey 

I'm a slacker in the picture taking department, but my excuse is my phone is an older model with a so-so camera and my Canon needs a major repair which may not be worth doing. Also, I'm usually just enjoying the moment and don't remember to snap a pic, so there's that too. 

Our guests brought the cutest hostess gift. Hey look! A picture-

I'm going to bake some pumpkin bread in this as soon as hubs works his way through all the Reeses.  Which will be any minute now. 

Friday was an absolutely gorgeous day. Really the past couple of weeks have been perfect weather wise and we've spent a lot of time outdoors. We did our civic duty and voted on Friday morning.

Hubs says he looks annoyed in this picture and that's because he was lol. We have not mastered the selfie, but still we try. Normally we vote on Election Day, but not taking any chances we can't get there for whatever reason this year, so we voted early. There was a long line but it moved quickly. 

It was too pretty not to do something fun and fallish, so hubs and I drove into the nearby mountains to one of our absolute favorite towns for lunch-Highlands. 

We've been curious to see how the road going over looks since Helene wreaked havoc and cleanup and recovery are still ongoing. The news cycle and our attention span for it is short, but know there are many people and many businesses struggling and grieving still. 

The scenery on the road up was a bit messier than usual, as there were a lot of trees down in the woods. There were also quite a few leaners and many that hit the road during the storm, but have now been cut and moved to the side to allow traffic to pass.  


Still the color was pretty and we didn't run into any issues. 

I live in SC, but very near the NC border and we absolutely love the little town of Highlands (NC). It was bustling on Friday which was good to see. We lucked into a parking spot just off Main and walked to Wild Thyme Gourmet for lunch. 

There are so many wonderful places to eat in this town you really can't go wrong. Hubs ordered their special, a grilled Mahi sandwich and I had their crab cake sandwich which was superb. We're crab cake snobs (blame it on nine years spent living in Annapolis), and I can say these are the real deal. Hubs ordered a cup of their chicken chili soup too, and it was delicious. 

After lunch we wandered through town, browsed the shops, and soaked up the sunshine. Look at that sky! 

This town is so cute. If you've never been and love a mountain town, Highlands is a good one. It's walkable, filled with great shops and restaurants, beautiful views, lots of fabulous nearby hiking and plenty of Airbnbs. Or you can splurge on The Old Edwards Inn and Spa which is an institution here. 

We stopped in Kilwins as we were getting ready to leave.  I wanted an iced coffee for the ride home, but their coffee machine died just as they were making mine so no coffee. 

As a result I had a nap in the car on the way home. We stopped at our usual overlook to snap a picture and it was gorgeous as always. This is the lake just above ours and she's a beauty too-

We came home and regrouped before heading to a local Mexican place where our friends were playing. They play a lot of what I guess you'd call 70's soft rock, a little bit of country, that sort of thing which I like. Music and margaritas make for a fun Friday night, and we saw a lot of our neighbors there (one of the musicians lives in our neighborhood) so that was fun too. 

Saturday I had to make a return which involved boxing up the item myself and taking it to UPS and also paying for it. I dislike when companies make returns a bother. This was a grill cover we'd ordered that was supposed to be domed to fit The Green Egg, but was flat so didn't fit. 

We had to log in, email a request for a return which was met with a 'we'll get back to you soon' reply, then a couple days later another email saying 'yes you can return it and we'll email you a shipping label 'soon', then a couple more days go by and we finally get the label. 

Amazon has us spoiled. 

I needed a few groceries so made a stop there before heading home. At this point it was after noon and 82 degrees felt more like summer than fall. I changed in to shorts, packed a light lunch in the cooler, then hubs and I motored out for a boat ride. The lake is always pretty, but I especially love a boat ride this time of year when the leaves are turning and the water is mostly quiet. 

We found ourselves in a couple of coves we've never been in before and that's always fun. We like leaf peeping and also house peeping. We love to see what people are building and also what sort of landscaping projects are happening. 

We came home and spent the rest of the day watching college football. Our team (the Vols) and our hometown team (Clemson) were both off on Saturday so we could relax. I'd made twice baked potatoes for our company and we had a couple left over so hubs chopped and fried them and scrambled us eggs for dinner. It was so good. 

Sunday we were lazy. There's really no better word for it. We synched our calendars through December and we have a lot going on. A lot. We've learned when there's a down day to embrace it, refill our sleep tank, and just generally recharge. 

So we did. It was gray and cool (for SC) and we watched football, played a game of chess, and I made a big pot of chili for dinner. I've been craving chili but when it's 82 degrees chili doesn't feel right. It was 57 on Sunday and we'll take it. 

I don't really use a recipe. I sort of follow Robert McIlhenny's recipe from my Tabasco cookbook, but I make a few changes. His calls for cubed beef and I usually just use ground beef which is fine. While I'll eat chili any way you want to make it we like beans in ours so I add both kidney and black beans, along with a can of diced tomatoes. 

I always make my cornbread in my cast iron skillet, and this recipe is foolproof-Cast Iron Skillet Cornbread

So were you lazy, productive,  or a little bit of both this weekend? 

Friday, October 25, 2024

Waltzing In To Bake Off Week 2

We didn't exactly waltz but we managed. 

I shared last week that my daughter2 and I are long time fans of The Great British Baking Show and we've committed to baking the technical challenge each week on our own. If you don't know what I'm talking about read Week One's post here-Bamboozled By A Battenberg. 

Fun random bit of trivia for you...The UK calls this show The Great British Bakeoff. I read that in the US they have to call it The Great British Baking Show because apparently Pillsbury called dibs on the term bake off. 

Moving on to Week Two-Biscuit Week. Or as we say in the US of A-Cookie week. We were excited about the theme because we are big cookie bakers here. If you know my mama you know we come by it honestly. 

The technical challenge in Week Two was something called a Mint Creme Biscuit. It's basically a thin buttery cookie base with a mint cream disc on top, then the whole thing is coated in tempered chocolate so it has some shine. We both immediately turned our nose up at that, not so much at the difficulty but more the taste. While I do love a little bit of peppermint in a cookie it can sometimes be too much. One of the contestants used the word toothpaste and I get it. 

Since we're the boss of us we decided to try the signature bake instead-Viennese Whirl. These are shortbread cookies piped into a spiral shape, then sandwiched with jam and buttercream. Prue (one of the judges) did warn these sound easier than they actually are, but we're game. 

Another week of baking, another mess in the kitchen. Even my phone is sticky. Here's how it went-

Daughter2 did her bake before me so she was able to give me a few helpful tips. I still made a mess but at least I knew to expect it. Also, you're not going to get a lot of pictures. It might not be a Battenberg but the Viennese Swirls were also pretty labor intensive. 

Daughter2's Viennese Swirls

Here's the good news-they are absolutely scrumptious!! 

my Viennese Swirls

And they look pretty good too. We admit Paul Hollywood would say ours are not uniform in size but we're calling this a win. 

I feel like mine were a little large. If I were to make them again (I won't) I'd make them smaller and the swirl higher. Hubs took one bite, swooned, then took another declaring them delicious. Daughter2's taste tester, my 2-year old grandson, agreed. 

A couple of things...I have not mastered the art of piping. In my defense this dough is super thick and no matter how much or how little you put in the bag it still wanted to pop. I'd read some comments beforehand and everyone said the same.  You cannot pipe with a baggie on this one. I ordered this piping set (Amazon) for my daughter and one for myself before we got started to be sure we'd have enough-

It was a good thing too, since I think I went through six bags by the time I'd finished the cookie plus the filling. 

The final verdict? We both said we absolutely loved the flavor and texture of this cookie. Would we make it again? Probably not. It's a lot of work for just a few cookies. Would we buy one in a bakery? Definitely.

I will also add that to me the swirl was similar in taste to a Thumbprint which I make every year at Christmas time. The swirl has a slightly lighter and more buttery flavor, but it's close. And thumbprints are a lot less work…no piping! 

Next up is bread week and my daughter already told me she's sent me proofing bags because she thinks we'll need them. I'm not a bread baker on the regular but at least there's no piping. There will be plaiting but I have daughters so surely I can braid some dough. 

Have a nice weekend everyone! 

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Love In Bloom

What started as a bit of a whim when the Mancub turned one has turned into a tradition of birthday letters written to each of my grands on their special day. 

Today is one of those days...

Dear Little Miss, 

Our wildflower. We adore you. 

I guess I should say more, but honestly we all turn to mush when you sashay into a room. You brighten every space you enter and remind us all so much of your momma...strong, smart, tender hearted, and funny. 

Now you are two, and watching you grow is one of my greatest joys. 

You love your Momma to bits and are the light in your Daddy's eyes. You've got him wrapped around your teeny tiny finger, and like your Momma and her Daddy I don't think that will ever change. 

You think life is better with accessories and if they're pink so much the better. Pretty dresses, your ruffled jacket, bracelets, hats, shoes, sunglasses, and don't forget your purse. You love to have a purse on your arm. 

Other things you currently love...books, playing with your brothers who are at your beck and call, Pawpaw (also at your beck and call), Hunley, watching videos of your baby girl cousin (can't wait til you're on the same continent!), walking, talking, your backpack, the water, and being in the middle of everything. 

I cannot wait to do all the girl things with you and your momma and your aunt and your cousin once you're back stateside.

You are completely precious and we all adore you. 

Happy birthday little miss. Our wildflower. Always bloom where God plants you and know your Nana loves you deep and wide xo 

"The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. Isaiah 58:11

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

An Apple A Day Keeps The Hodgepodge In Play

Who else thinks October is flying? Thank you for joining this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge. If you've answered today's questions add your link at the end of my post. I always ask participants to at least comment on the blogger before them on the list because comments keep s a blog hop hoppin'. Happy Wednesday! Here we go...

From this Side of the Pond

1. Monday was National Apple Day...did you eat an apple or enjoy something made with apples on Monday? Do you like apples? Do you prefer your apples raw, baked, or in cider? Do you have a favorite variety of apple? 

I did have an apple on Monday. The variety was Empire and I grabbed a few at the market because they looked firm and unblemished. Sadly the one I ate Monday was a bit mushy-ick. I sliced it and sprinkled it with cinnamon which helped, and am hoping the others have a better texture.  

I don't have a favorite variety but just go for what looks best on my particular shopping day. I tend to buy Gala and Honeycrisp for eating and use Granny Smith for baking. I love apples, one of my favorite fruits, and pretty much always have some on hand. I like them raw, baked, in cider,'s all good. 

2. Do you think there's any truth to the saying 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away'. Of the following healthy habits which do you find easiest to incorporate into your life and which is the most difficult for you to adopt-

adequate sleep, a balanced diet, plenty of water, eat breakfast, don't smoke, exercise, limit alcohol,  include fruits and vegetables in your diet, manage stress, limit screen time

Not sure there's scientific proof of that particular saying, but there are many health benefits to eating an apple so it's possible. A trainer once told me I should have an apple every day. I read eating one medium apple a day is good for lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, and inflammation. 

Of the healthy habits listed the easiest one for me to keep is 'don't smoke'. I've never been a smoker and it's never held any appeal for me, so that's not difficult to manage. Most of these healthy habits are part of my daily life, but if I have to choose one as most difficult I guess it would be screen time. 

3. Who taught you how to drive? Do you enjoy driving? Would you rather be the driver or the passenger?  Do you have a favorite scenic drive near you? 

I enjoy driving and am fine in either seat. I got my first license in the state of NJ. At the time you couldn't even get a permit until the day you turned 17 so I was just beginning my senior year of high school when I started driving. Hubs got his license in Tennessee and I think he was in the 9th grade lol. 

Driver's Ed was a part of our high school health curriculum. It wasn't behind the wheel, more like 'Scared Straight' where they showed us all the film clips of horrible accidents resulting from someone not wearing a seatbelt, drinking, having too many friends or distractions in the car. Let me just say those film clips stayed with you. 

My dad taught me to drive. I don't remember it being stressful for either of us, but perhaps if he were here to tell the story he'd remember it differently. I was not an impulsive teen, and I was always a rule follower, so those traits probably helped in the driving department. 

I live on a lake so there are many scenic drives in my daily life. The drive across this bridge just a couple miles from my house is a favorite-

4. What small habit has had a big impact on your life? 

Daily Bible Reading

Keeping a prayer journal

5. Tell us about something nice that's happened to you recently? 

The day we got home from our two-week holiday in the aftermath of a hurricane my next door neighbor brought over homemade soup and sourdough bread for dinner. So thoughtful! It was nice not to have to worry about cooking when we were jet lagged, had a mess in the yard, and a freezer to empty and clean out. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

We've been enjoying our new griddle and it's a learn as you go kind of thing in terms of trying new recipes and figuring out the heat, etc. 

Hubs loves to grill so I mostly do the prep work and make any sides we're having, and he cooks the main.

 We grilled (and by we I mean he) a pork tenderloin on The Green Egg on Sunday and it was so good. 

We had about half left over so we cubed that and he made pork fried rice on the griddle. 

We used this recipe, and it was delicious! 

Hibachi-Style Griddle Pork Fried Rice  

We mostly cooked as instructed but used leftover tenderloin that had been grilled in a garlic and black pepper marinade so lots of flavor. I made the rice early in the day so it could sit in the frig all day and this is key. 

Have a great day everyone! 

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