Welcome to the Wednesday Hodgepodge...glad you joined the fun today! Add your link to the bottom of my post (after reading naturally) and then hop over to a neighbors and see what they have to say.
Sporting events...I get nervous watching college football especially, and will often jump to my feet and cheer when The Vols score. The Phillies winning the World Series and England in the World Cup cause me to do the same. I guess when you get right down to it I can get pretty emotionally invested in any sporting event I'm watching. I think I even stood and cheered at a local high school football game we attended with friends last fall. The outcome held no significance for me at all but that didn't stop me from cheering for the home team.
2. What's your favorite patriotic song?
I love America the Beautiful and I love This Land is Your Land. I like the Star Spangled Banner and think it should remain our National Anthem. There is a lot of history associated with this song, says the blogger who at one time lived in Maryland and has been to Ft. McHenry.
3. Do you believe that opposites attract? If you have a significant other are you opposites?
I believe they attract but that it's not always a good thing. Now, hubs and I are what you might call opposites in the way that we approach life and I think that's worked to our benefit. He sees things differently than I do and sometimes my approach is best and in other situations his way is best. However, when it comes to matters of the heart-faith, child rearing, etc...on those topics I think being simpatico is going to make for the best union and on those things we are in sync.
4. You're going to get a behind the scenes look someplace-where would you like that someplace to be?
Windsor Castle is the first thing that popped into my head. We lived fairly close to Windsor so I've been inside the castle many, many times. Even though you see a lot they tell you only about 1/16 of the castle is on display....I'd love to see it all.
circa 2003
circa 2009
Wow...time flies when you're having fun, doesn't it?
5. How far would you have to travel to ride a carousel (merry-go-round)?
Other than local carnivals I think the closest carousel is probably Six Flags Great Adventure which is less than two hours from here. I haven't been there in ages, years, decades. There are also carousels at the shore but I haven't been on a boardwalk ride in years either. I am not a big fan of things that spin.
6. When was the last time you saw fireworks? What was the occasion? Do you enjoy fireworks?
Hubs, Daughter1 and I saw fireworks at a local minor league baseball game at the very end of the summer last year. They were were fantastic! It was a small ball club but they put on an incredible display. I love fireworks and we have plans to see some on Monday.
7. Of all the 'beauty products' you own, what item do you consider to be the most overpriced?
What item isn't overpriced? I think the most recent shampoo I purchased was pretty pricey but it has performed a minor miracle in the condition of my hair so it was worth every penny. I guess I'd say the repair wear products-ugh. I can't believe I need something with the word 'repair' in it. I think they need to throw some of my dollars at a new marketing scheme, don't you?
8. Insert your own random thought here.
This might really be my favorite patriotic song~God Bless America!