Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Still sugar and spice and everything nice....

If you are looking for this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge questions you'll find them here.

Daughter1 turns a year older today and I thought it would be fun to turn a collection of her birthday photos into a Smilebox. My girls love for me to impress them with my awesome technical skills on their special day and the first step in the process is scanning photos. When they were little digital photography was non-existent and I noticed a few things as I was adding these 'old fashioned' pics to our computer-

1. We've taken a lot of pictures in our lifetime.
2. Correction. A lot of bad pictures.
3. Oh the subject matter is adorable but why didn't we ever pay any attention to what was in the background? You can see my upright vacuum in every single picture taken of Daughter2 during the first week of her life. Was I that set on vacuuming? After giving birth? I am pretty sure I was not.
4. My girls were so cute.
5. Super cute.
6. And sweet.
7. They have had a lot of love in their lives.
8. So many aunts and uncles and grandparents who think they hung the moon and although not a single one lived in our little town (s) while they were growing up there was always a full house around to celebrate special days.
9. Daughter1 has consumed a lot of angel food cake with strawberries and whipped cream on her birthdays thru the years and I have the photos to prove it.
10. I love being a mother and thank God every day for the gift of daughters.

Happy Birthday to my sweet first born...hoping all your wishes come true today and everyday...

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow
Create your own slideshow - Powered by Smilebox
This free digital slideshow generated with Smilebox


  1. Happy Birthday to a beautiful girl - great pictures of her life up to now. May she have lots of birthdays and you can take lots of pictures.

  2. Happy Birthday to Shannon! I hope she has a great birthday. I am going to have to try out the SMILEBOX one day.

  3. Happy birthday to your dear daughter! I thoroughly enjoyed the SMILEBOX presentation. It brought a tear to my eyes, as I literally watched your daughter growing up. Where does time go?

  4. How sweet! And happy birthday! I can't wait to see what fun you all have for her birthday!

  5. Loved the SMILEBOX! So cute, and yes, your girls are super cute. :) Our son has a birthday today, too. He's 24. And our family had matching red and white striped shirts! Thanks for sharing those special memories. And they do grow up, don't they? *tear*

  6. Well, that was just lovely. And, once I get through wiping all these tears away, I'm going to make one of those for each of my daughters!

  7. I'm impressed. I hope your daughters are too! Happy Birthday to Daughter1!

  8. That was sooo sweet.

    Definitely an impressive use of technology for sure! ;)

  9. Okay, tissue time .Thanks a lot, Joyce. I was okay till I heard the lines about dropping her off in the big city and turning her own nightlight off. Waaaaa! We're in this season together of seeing them all grown up. Good work on the smilebox, but for moms it oughta be called a tearbox.

  10. that is so neat.. Happy Birthday to her..

  11. The song on your Smilebox was PERFECT! Happy Birthday to Daughter1!

  12. Hope she had a wonderful birthday. I just love the slid show, thanks for sharing the pictures with me.
