Wednesday, December 15, 2021


Hi Friends! And strangers lurking here too. A reminder this will be our last Hodgepodge of the year. We'll return to the regularly scheduled random on Wednesday January 5th, so mark your brand new calendars and plan to be here. 

If you've answered today's questions add your link at the bottom of my post. Be sure to leave a comment for the blogger before you because 'tis the season. Here we go-

1. How young is young? In the past, according to various organizations who decide these things, age 60 was the 'border age' to old. The World Health Organization has done new research recently and divided up the categories as-0-17 (underage), 18-65 (youth or young people), 66-79 (middle-aged), 80-99 (elderly senior), 100+ (long-lived elderly). Your thoughts on this particular breakdown, and also your thoughts as to where you land?

Well I for one am loving where I land-ha! Is it accurate? Hmmm...depends on the day I suppose. According to this chart I'm young. Or youthful which sounds even better. I feel more middle aged than young but I like that our 60's and early 70's  are still considered middle age. That definitely feels accurate. 

2. TIME magazine has declared Elon Musk person of the year in 2021. What say you? If you want to know more about how they choose you'll find that info in the link here. If you were choosing, who would be your person of the year? 

I've asked this question several years in a row now in the Wednesday Hodgepodge, so I know the criteria is essentially the person who most influenced the news and our lives, for better or worse. I don't often agree with the magazine's choice, but I think this year Elon Musk is not a bad selection. He has for sure made a lot of news. 

As far as who I would choose if given the chance...I can think of thirteen soldiers who lost their lives in Afghanistan who are certainly worthy of the title. Remember Afghanistan? 

3. I read here ten habits of extremely likeable people which include-they greet the world with a smile on their face, they ask questions, they're consistent, they put the phone away, they remember names and use them, they keep an open mind and don't pass judgement, they're authentic, they're kind and generous, accountable for their mistakes, and they send thank you notes.  

So, are you likeable-lol? Which one of these habits could use some further developing in your own life? What is one habit/quality you'd add to the list? 

Am I likeable? Don't we need someone else to answer that question for us? I think I'm pretty likeable. 

I'm an optimist and if I were adding something to the list it would be 'likeable people see life's glass as more than half full'. 

4. One non-holiday related task/job/goal/dream on your to-do list that you hope/plan to make happen before the new year rolls in? 

I'd love to say my office reno, but it's unlikely to be completed before the calendar turns. It's underway though so I'll take it! I've been reading through the Bible this year and I got a little behind but am catching up now. My goal is to finish before the clock strikes 2022.

5. Share with us some of your holiday plans.

I will not have my daughters or my grandsons here on Christmas Day, which was not at all the plan but is now the plan. I'm not on board in case you're wondering. 

Sometimes we have to work to see the glass half full, don't we? 

Daughter2 and her Mr. will be here a few days before Christmas and we're going to have my mother-in-law with us for about ten days which will be nice. Hubs recognizes I am struggling to find my holiday spirit this year, so he's putting things on the calendar, inviting friends here, accepting invitations, all to help make the season feel more merry. He's a keeper. 

Hubs and I are lighting our church advent wreath on Christmas Eve at the 9 PM candlelight service. The Christmas Eve service is almost always the thing that really and truly reminds me all is calm, and all is bright. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6

~Merry Christmas to you all~

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Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Hodgepodge Questions-Volume 445

Hi Hodgepodgers and everyone else too! This will be the last Wednesday Hodgepodge of the year. We'll be back on track Wednesday January 5th, so plan to ring in Hodgepodge 2022 with us then. 

We are here this week though, so don't forget to join the party. Answer on your own blog then sled back here tomorrow to share answers with all of Santa's elves. See you there-

1. How young is young? In the past, according to various organizations who decide these things, age 60 was the 'border age' to old. The World Health Organization has done new research recently and divided up the categories as-0-17 (underage), 18-65 (youth or young people), 66-79 (middle-aged), 80-99 (elderly senior), 100+ (long-lived elderly). Your thoughts on this particular breakdown, and also your thoughts as to where you land?

2. TIME magazine has declared Elon Musk person of the year in 2021. What say you? If you want to know more about how they choose you'll find that info in the link here. If you were choosing, who would be your person of the year? 

3. I read here ten habits of extremely likable people which include-they greet the world with a smile on their face, they ask questions, they're consistent, they put the phone away, they remember names and use them, they keep an open mind and don't pass judgement, they're authentic, they're kind and generous, accountable for their mistakes, and they send thank you notes.  

So, are you likable-lol? Which one of these habits could use some further developing in your own life? What is one habit/quality you'd add to the list? 

4. One non-holiday related task/job/goal/dream on your to-do list that you hope/plan to make happen before the new year rolls in? 

5. Share with us some of your holiday plans. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Somewhat Current Events

I have a to-do list as long as my arm, but how 'bout let's blog instead? I want this space to catch up with my  real life space so I'm going to throw down some random words and pictures today in hopes of making that happen. 

Last Friday some 'NJ friends' vacationing in a neighboring state detoured to the lake and spent the night at our house. The Mrs. worked with hubs back in the day and we had not seen her in person since she came to visit us in England many moons ago. How many moons you ask? Well daughter1 celebrated her 16th birthday during that visit so very many. 

Let me not go down the England rabbit hole today, or the one where daughters turn sixteen and then get married, move away, and have babies either. Let's stick to the here and now and the absolute most picture perfect December weather in the history of weather. 

Our friends got to the lake just in time for us to boat over to lunch because that's what you do on a clear blue 77-degree December day. 

And because it was still spectacular after lunch we motored around a bit, showed them the nearby waterfall, and some of our favorite little coves before heading home. 

We then ventured into town (by car of course) for happy hour at a favorite local wine bar. We shared a charcuterie tray and talked and caught up and then went over to tiny town's little main street to see the Christmas lights.

We live in a sleepy little burg with not a lot going on other than the great outdoors, but let me just state for the record, the Christmas lights in this town are something else. They're set to music and it's fun to see people of all ages out enjoying holiday cheer. 

This year there were several fire tables set up in the street with a booth nearby selling s'more kits. We did not partake because we were headed to an Italian restaurant for a late supper, but maybe next time.  

Our friends caught the beauty of the early morning sunrise before heading home Saturday morning. Let's pause because I feel like we should. 

Photos do not do the winter skies here justice. 

Saturday evening was our neighborhood Christmas party which was a nice way to ring in the holiday season. I bought a pair of super sparkly pants for the occasion and it's impossible not to have fun when you're wearing sparkly pants. We had fun. 

Speaking of dressing for the holidays...this handsome boy had a haircut over the weekend and came back to us wearing a Christmas bow tie. 

He knows he's cute. 

In other completely unrelated-to-the-holidays-but-still exciting-to-us news, our carpenter came by on Monday and taped the stairwell wall where wood will be installed. 

Never mind that the wood's been at the house for a month, progress is progress and whoohoo for progress! They're supposed to start on my office wall on Monday, the electrician comes to wire for stair lighting on Tuesday, and then the rest of the pieces should magically fall into place to finally get this project done. I will update you with all the pieces once we're really and truly underway. 

In completely holiday-related news ours will be unexpectedly quiet. I know I want to write about how that looks or maybe I don't. 

Maybe today I'd rather just soak in the beauty of a lake that looks like glass and the beauty of a Christmas tree shining there.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

A Bright and Merry Hodgepodge

Welcome to another edition of the Wednesday Hodgepodge. If you've answered today's questions add your link at the end of my post, then leave a comment for the blogger before you. Comments make the blog world merry and bright and the blog world needs more merry and bright. Here we go-

From this Side of the Pond

1. 'Tis the season to be are you? 

In a word, not really. I know that's two words but eh. 

I have a pretty little carved nativity set I bought once upon a time on a trip I took with friends to the Christmas Market in Cologne. 

Remember travel? sigh. Anyway, this year I set it in my kitchen window, a reminder to keep my focus on the main thing. 

This is the main thing. 

2. Do you trim a tree this time of year, and if so is yours all done? What's something in your home-closet-life that needs to be trimmed in the new year? 

We do, normally more than one, but we're having a very low key holiday so just putting up one tree this year, and it's done. 

Something that needs trimming? My closet always, our file cabinet at the start of a brand new year, and my waistline but let's not think about that today. 

3. Are you 'dreaming of a white Christmas'? Is that a possibility where you'll be celebrating? According to this site the top ten places in the US you can count on for a white Christmas are- North Pole Alaska, Crater Lake Oregon, Yellowstone National Park, Winthrop Washington, Aspen Colorado, Ketchum Idaho, Mt. Washington New Hampshire, Whitefish Montana, Duluth Minnesota, and the Lake Tahoe town of Truckee California

Of the snowy spots listed which would you most like to visit? 

I do love a white Christmas, but in sunshiny South Carolina that isn't likely. For the record, a sunshiny Christmas is a-okay too. Honestly I wouldn't mind a trip to any of those spots but since it's Christmas I'm going to say Aspen. I'm sure it's especially beautiful this time of year. 

4. December 8th is National Brownie Day...will you be celebrating? How do you like your brownies-chewy or cake-like, frosted or plain, nuts or no nuts, a piece from the middle or give me the corner? As a child were you a member of a brownie troop? 

Brownies are one of my favorite desserts...chewy-no nuts-no frosting-and gimme a corner please (p.s.-I won't turn down the middle either) I don't think I'll be celebrating because we've had an abundance of treats lately and brownies in the middle of the week feels like something I should miss. See question #2. 

Yes, I was a member of a brownie troop, and at least one year my mom was the leader. 

That's me on the left and my baby sister keeping the tooth fairy in business on the right. I just noticed we're holding hands and is there anything more precious than sisters? 

 My girls were both brownies too, and I was a leader for Daughter2's troop. 

5. Share a favorite line or two from a Christmas carol or holiday tune. 

Every year on my blog I post the Casting Crowns version of I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day. I normally like hymns as they were written (this one is based on the Longfellow poem entitled Christmas Bells), but this particular song has been made better for the tweaking. I love the lyrics so much, this line especially-

'Then rang the bells more loud and deep
God is not dead, nor doth He sleep
The wrong shall fail, the right prevail
With peace on Earth, good will to men.'

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

If I  listen to this song a couple of times I might have to change my answer to #1....

'Do you hear the bells, they're ringing? (Peace on Earth)
The light, the angels singing (Peace on Earth)
Open up your heart and hear them (peace on Earth)
Peace on Earth, good will to men'

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Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Hodgepodge Questions-Volume 444

Here are the questions to this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge. Answer on your own blog then skate back here tomorrow to share answers with the whole wide world. See you there!

1. 'Tis the season to be are you? 

2. Do you trim a tree this time of year, and if so is yours all done? What's something in your home-closet-life that needs to be trimmed in the new year? 

3. Are you 'dreaming of a white Christmas'? Is that a possibility where you'll be celebrating? According to this site the top ten places in the US you can count on for a white Christmas are- North Pole Alaska, Crater Lake Oregon, Yellowstone National Park, Winthrop Washington, Aspen Colorado, Ketchum Idaho, Mt. Washington New Hampshire, Whitefish Montana, Duluth Minnesota, and the Lake Tahoe town of Truckee California

Of the snowy spots listed which would you most like to visit? 

4. December 8th is National Brownie Day...will you be celebrating? How do you like your brownies-chewy or cake-like, frosted or plain, nuts or no nuts, a piece from the middle or give me the corner? As a child were you a member of a brownie troop? 

5. Share a favorite line or two from a Christmas carol or holiday tune. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Homemade Hodgepodge

Welcome to December and that most wonderful time of the year. Grab your cocoa and take some time to read what other Hodgepodgers had to say today by clicking the link at the end of my post. And don't forget to add your own link to the list and leave a comment for the blogger before you. Here we go-  

From this Side of the Pond

1. When it comes to gift giving are you more of a 'create something from scratch' or a 'buy something in a shop' kind of giver? Tell about a favorite homemade gift you've given or one you've received. 

I'm mostly a 'buy something in a shop' kind of giver, but I have done some homemade gifting through the years too. I definitely try to buy things that feel personal to the recipient. 

As far as favorites go, in 2013 our girls surprised us with a painting of our sweet pup Dixie. They had the artist copy a photo and we love it still. 

In completely unrelated news, look at me with my short hair. 

In terms of giving something homemade, one year I made both girls holiday 'notebooks'. They were filled with all of our favorite holiday recipes written on cute cards, all of our family Christmas cards/letters, and lots of Christmas pictures taken as they were growing up. 

I might not be crafty but I can tug at the heartstrings in my own way. These books are keepsakes and I enjoyed putting them together. 

2. Do you have the 'gift of gab'? Is that a blessing or a curse? 

An easy question-yes. I Gab. With a capital G. We all gab here which is mostly a blessing. We think so anyway-ha! Our listeners may disagree. 

3. What's something you have going on that you need/want to 'wrap up' this month? 

For the love, is this office redo ever going to be redone??? Also, hubs added a new piece to the project which is basically bigger and more involved than my original project but whatever, none of it has been completed.

On the bright side, the wood was delivered and is in the garage. The carpenter will be here Monday to do some measuring that needs doing before the electrician can come which needs to happen before the carpenters actually come back to do the work. I'm kind of like it'll be done when it's done, but hubs is not wired that way and wanted it done yesterday. 

4. A food you love that is 'wrapped' in some way?

Lots of things, but Beef Wellington, sushi, a spring roll, and a soft taco would be near the top of the list.  

5. December is upon us...share something here (quote, verse, poem, song lyric, your own thoughts) related to the word hope. 

One of my favorite Christmas songs...

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I recapped our Thanksgiving travels in Monday's post, but hubs reminded me I left out one teensy tiny happening. A drunk driver hit our (parked) car Thanksgiving evening while we were all getting ready for bed. Ugh. 

Our car was parked in front of my daughter's house and the road is wide. About 9:30 (yes, when there are toddlers in the house you go to bed early) the across the street neighbor knocked on the door to tell us she thought someone had hit our car, and then had continued driving on up the road. Her husband had gone to see if he could spot the vehicle, and fortunately for us (and probably the drunk driver too) he was stopped just up the street. 

He had somehow managed to completely demolish another neighbors enormous brick mailbox stand. The airbags deployed and the car was a mess, but the driver was uninjured although struggling to stay vertical. The police were called and we did not get to bed anywhere close to 9:30. 

We are so thankful the damage to our car, while aggravating, was relatively minor.

So thankful the driver hit that brick wall and did not end up getting on the highway and perhaps causing grave harm to an innocent person. 

Thankful it was night not day, and no children were on the sidewalk playing. 

Don't drink and drive. I guess we still need to say it. 

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