1. Security or freedom? Can you have both? Explain.
Absolutely. I think maybe a better question would be can you have freedom without security?
2. If you could visit any historical American site what would it be? Why?
I’ve seen a number of what would be considered the top historical sites in America, but I’d still like to visit Mt Rushmore and Pearl Harbor. I think Mt. Rushmore is something that must be seen in person to truly be appreciated and of course Pearl Harbor is significant in our country's history. I like history.
3. Free as a bird, free reign, be free of, free enterprise, free trip, walk away scot free, free for all...which 'free' phrase can best be applied to your life in recent days or weeks? Explain.
Well I’ve been on two American Airline flights this week and am happy to be free of that airline for a while. One cancelled flight rebooked a day later, eight hours sitting in an airport waiting on the newly booked flight which was delayed-delayed-delayed, then more sitting in the airport on the return leg, again waiting-waiting-waiting on delay-delay-delay.
4. Something in your frig that's red? Something in your house that's white? Something in your view that's blue?
Something in my frig that's red-salsa.
Something in my house that's white-call me crazy but I do have a white couch. Two actually.
Something blue in my view-there are certain times of day when the lake looks green, but mostly it's clear blue in color. I guess technically it’s just clear, but it definitely looks blue.
5. July 27th is National New Jersey Day. Have you ever visited The Garden State? If so where did you go? Are there diners where you live? Have you tried Taylor Pork Roll? Do you like to play Monopoly? Salt water taffy-yay or nay? How do you feel about shopping at the mall? Springsteen, Sinatra, or Bon Jovi-you have to pick one.
I’ve lived in NJ three different times and as a result have spent almost half my life in the Garden State. She gets a bad rap, but there’s much to love there too. In fact I was in NJ last week visiting family so NJ is one of the places I feel most at home.
We do have a little restaurant here in tiny town that bills itself as a diner, but it’s nothing like the diners I’m used to. If you're in NJ you must eat at a diner. The menus are the size of a novel and there is definitely something for everyone anytime of the day or night. I miss NJ diners.
I’ve tried Taylor pork roll or Taylor ham as it’s also known. There's a bit of controversy as to which name is the right one.
I don’t dislike Monopoly, but I have to be in the mood to play that game.
Salt water taffy? Yes please.
I’m not a big mall shopper anymore, but there was a time I enjoyed it. These days I prefer stand alone stores with parking out front. Or online shopping in my pjs.
Silly question-the Boss of course.
Raise your hand if you know why these add-on questions are appropriate on National NJ Day.
For anyone scratching their head...NJ has more diners than anywhere else in the world, and more shopping malls in one area than anywhere in the world with seven malls in a 25-mile radius. Taylor pork roll and Salt Water Taffy originated in N.J. The streets of Monopoly take their name from Atlantic City and Springsteen, Sinatra, and Bon Jovi are all Jersey boys.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I need to regroup here a little bit (or maybe a lot), and since next week's Hodgepodge lands on the 4th of July I think we'll declare that our summer holiday. No Hodgepodge next week (July 4th), then we'll be back in action the following week-July 11th.