Wow. Time just went into supersonic mode, didn't it? Here are my answers to this week's questions-
Our plans for Easter are much the same as they were last Easter, and the one before that, and probably the one before that. Holidays and tradition go together in my house and nobody likes me to mess with them too much.
I still do baskets for my girls and I'll have them sitting in their usual spot for the girls to see when
Plus my girls don't do sunrise-ha!
After church we'll enjoy lunch in the dining room on the fancy china-a green salad, baked ham, pineapple stuffing, deviled eggs, green beans with pancetta, and these cupcakes. Daughter1 will have to catch the train back to her fair city in the early evening, so we'll just relax and maybe play some games after lunch.
You wanted a minute by minute account, right?
2. What is something you feel too young to do?
Play bingo. That's kind of a joke between the hubs and I because whenever we discuss retirement he always says, "I don't want to sit around and play bingo." Personally I like bingo, but I know what he means.
3. "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs..."
Of the characteristics mentioned in the Biblical definition of love, which do you find most difficult to live out and why?
Keep no record of wrongs.
Once words have been said they can never be unsaid. They can be forgiven, but they can't be un-heard or un-felt.
4. What's a springtime flower you associate with your childhood?
The iris. My mother has always had a green thumb, and when I was a young girl she used to plant a big iris bed at one corner of our yard. When they bloomed they were magnificent.
5. Ever sung karaoke? If so what's your go-to song? If not, and given the opportunity, would you?
Have I ever sung karaoke? Only in the privacy of my own home. Actually it was my mom's home and you're welcome.
I am not a singer.
One year for Christmas my sister and brother in law bought my niece a karaoke machine. She was about 9 or 10 I think, and sadly my sister and I commandeered the microphone and sang (very, very loudly) every song on the disc that we recognized, plus a few we didn't. My niece was not happy, nor was anyone else within earshot, but my sister and I were having too much fun too care.
6. What is something you keep in a basket?
I have a basket of snacks on a pantry shelf, and a basket of pastas on another. I also have a basket under my bathroom sink to hold lotion, hairspray and all the other bottles that magically multiply there. I have washcloths in a basket beside my tub. There's probably more...
7. When was the last time you felt foolish?
I can't recall a specific incident, but when you use as many words as I do you're gonna feel foolish now and then.
I'm memorizing this verse at the moment-"Where words are many transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent." Proverbs10:19
8. Insert your own random thought here.
The A-Z blog challenge begins on Monday-ask me how many posts I've got ready to go.
How many posts do I have ready to go?
None. Zero. Zilch.
Have I at least settled on a theme?
With a buildup like that I know you're dying to come back and read my entries, but come back anyway. I'm sure I'll come up with something, and it's always fun.
On the bright side...I think my daughter1 is participating this year, and is planning to gather some of her travel memories as a theme.
I need a trip.
Happy Easter Hodgepodgers!