Welcome to this week's edition of The Wednesday Hodgepodge. If you've answered today's questions add your link at the end of my post. Before you run off be sure to leave a comment for the blogger before you, because that's how the Hodgepodge rolls. Here we go-
1. Something you've labored over recently?2. How will you rest on Labor Day?
Ha! We'll have a houseful here, including all three of my grandsons, so I'm not sure rest will be on the agenda. We're all looking forward to being together though, and there will be plenty of time to rest next week. In the meantime I plan to embrace all the noisy fun.
3. Margaret Mead is quoted as saying, "I learned the value of hard work by working hard." Would you agree? Where and how did you learn the value of hard work?
I agree with the saying.
I learned the value of hard work from my parents. Growing up we were expected to work hard- try hard- do our best-whether that meant in school or in a household chore we were assigned. My parents worked hard too. They lived within their means, saved for a rainy day, and were generous with their time and resources with those less fortunate. That was the example I had and the one I have tried to emulate.
4. It's National Eat Outside Day (August 31st). Will you? Do you enjoy dining 'al fresco' or do you prefer indoor seating?
Hubs and I love dining al fresco and we eat outside every chance we get. If the humidity is ridiculous then we opt for indoor seating, otherwise we're all about eating outside. We have a table on our screened porch and love to eat out there in the autumn months especially.
5. Somehow it's the end of August. What was the best day of the month for you and tell us what made it so?
We've had a lot of 'best days' this month so it's nearly impossible to choose just one. My best day would definitely be one where grandchildren were part of the equation. A day at the beach with Daughter1 and her family or a morning spent sitting on the porch with the cutest little nugget I know.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
Speaking of the littlest man, here's the cutest thing you'll see today. This month. Maybe ever-
Be still my heart.
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