1. What news story are you following right now?
Several, but particularly the story of the kidnapped Nigerian school girls, and also the story of the Sudanese doctor (married to an American citizen) imprisoned and sentenced to death, charged with apostasy. She gave birth this week and has her newborn and her 20 month old son with her in prison. We Americans are pretty casual about our many liberties. These stories have faces and names and remind me that not everyone in this world lives with the same sense of freedom we enjoy in our country.
2. What's the last thing you wanted but didn't get?
Well for about five minutes last fall we thought we might be moving. It didn't happen so here we are. We've had a few 'near misses' when it comes to relocation in the course of our married life, and I know God always has us right where He wants us to be.
3. May 28th is National Hamburger Day...when did you last have a hamburger? Other than your own kitchen or BBQ grill, where is your favorite place to go for a hamburger? And for all you non-meat eaters out there...when you're invited to a cookout what is one side dish you hope is on the menu?
We had hamburgers Monday evening, hot off the backyard grill which is pretty much the only way I eat a burger. I like mine with lettuce and tomato, no cheese. I'm not particular when it comes to sides, but if it's a backyard BBQ I'd be hoping for some baked beans. If I were ordering a burger out somewhere I guess I'd choose Red Robin. I like theirs, but a hamburger isn't what I normally order when dining out.
4. How have your priorities changed over time?
I don't really think my priorities have changed a whole lot over time. They've pretty much always been faith and family, and that remains true today. The way those things play out in my daily life however, does look different. My children have grown up, and I've also matured and learned things about myself that cause me to interact with the world differently. Still faith and family take the top two spots on my list of what I prioritize, and I don't think that will ever change.
5. What's a favorite memory with your grandparents?
I wrote about both sets of grandparents on my blog a while back (here and here), so I'm going to mention something I didn't mention there. My maternal grandfather had a shop, and once when we were visiting he let us four kids ride over there in the back of his pick up truck. I know! Hey, it was 1969ish, and the laws of transportation safety were a lot looser back then.
He drove slow as molasses, but we thought it was awesome. To top it off, once we got to the shop he got us each a Dr. Pepper in a glass bottle from the vending machine. Whoohoo! That was such a treat to my nine year old self.
Do nine year olds still get excited about a Dr. Pepper from a vending machine?
The times they are a changin'. Have changed. Sigh.
6. On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being fantastic!), how good are you at multitasking? Share an example.
I used to be, but I think this is one of those skills that gets rusty if it's not used a lot. When my girls were young I could multitask with the best of them. These days life no longer demands I do four things at once, so I don't.
7. How would you summarize your highs and lows for the month of May?
May is always a bit of a mixed bag around here. Two years ago we lost our precious niece in the month of May, and when that date shows itself on the calendar we all feel so much. We do get to finally welcome springtime here in May, and that's a blessing. A visual reminder that God makes all things new.
We celebrated much this month too, Mother's Day and a big graduation. Hubs and I thoroughly enjoyed spending a long weekend in beautiful Charleston. And I think my girls and I just might manage to squeeze in a day of wedding dress shopping before the calendar tumbles into June, so sending May out on a high note for sure!
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Last spring a mama robin made her nest in the plum tree just outside my living room window. I watched and waited and fretted right along with her, anxious to see her baby birds. Upon returning home from a weekend away, I found a broken blue egg on the driveway, and knew those babies were lost. So sad.
Like most mothers I know mama robin is nothing if not persistent, and we were so happy to see her rebuild that nest in the very same spot this year. Guess what???
She's got babies! And they are too adorable for words.
It's super hard to get a photo, given the way the nest sits in relation to our vantage point inside. There's a pesky branch in front of the nest, and the camera wants to focus on that instead of their wide open mouths and fuzzy little heads. Hubs stood on a chair and tried to aim the camera in towards the nest as he awkwardly hung over the top half of the window sash, but still was only slightly successful.
I snapped this one yesterday, and have been walking around the house ever since saying, "Out came a baby bird". It must be said in the same sweet voice my own baby girl used when she was just a tiny tot. Daughter1 was obsessed with the P.D. Eastman book, Are You My Mother, and when she 'read' the story herself she emphasized every single syllable of that phrase.