Welcome to the Wednesday Hodgepodge! It feels good to be responsible for just one post today, as opposed to the two I was writing on Tuesdays and Wednesdays during the April A-Z Blog Challenge. Add your link (Hodgepodge posts only please!) at the end of my post, and then hop over and visit some of the other participants.
Here we go-

1. Share something you appreciate (or something you appreciated as you were growing up) about your mother.
I appreciated, and still appreciate, the way my mom listens to my worries and finds a way to make me feel better about whatever is on my mind. She never tells me I'm being ridiculous.
2. A quote most commonly ascribed to Plato reads-"Necessity is the mother of invention." When did this last play out in your own experience?
Hmmm...I'm not clever in the way this quote implies one should be clever. I can't repair a flat with duct tape or jimmy rig some device to work when it won't. I did manage to blog all 26 days of the A-Z last month, and that required a little creativity on my part. I had company, was traveling, was reduced to my Ipad and even Internet-less a portion of that time, and when I ran out of hours in my week I combined the Hodgepodge and my letter of the day into a single post. That felt necessary and a bit inventive.
Weak answer I know, but like I said, I'm no McGuyver.
Some of you don't even know what that means, do you?
3. Share one of the earliest memories you have from childhood.
Maybe not the earliest, but one clearly etched in my brain. I was probably 5 or 6 years old, and family friends had come to visit. I don't remember now who they were, but they had children about the same age as my sister and I. We were all up in our bedroom listening to records and I accidentally broke a record in half. We'd had these records a long time, and I knew to be extra careful with them, so cracking one in half was distressing to my 5 year old self.
As it happened I had a lifesaver in my mouth, and I gasped when I broke the record causing the lifesaver to lodge in my throat. So I did what any kid would do-went and hid in the closet. Thankfully the lifesaver went down and I did not choke to death in there. I don't know why I panicked? I suppose I thought I'd be in trouble for breaking the record, but I'm sure that was just a child's skewed point of view.
4. When did you last 'hit the mother lode'? What was it?
Well I'm gaining a pretty great son in law sometime in the next year-does that count?
My daughter's happiness is contagious so yes, I think it counts.
5. What is/was your favorite dish mom made? Do you make that dish for your family/friends now that you're all grown up?
My mom is a wonderful cook, so it's hard to pick just one favorite, but I'm going to say her enchiladas. I make them very rarely for my own family, as they are a whole lot of work. My mom doesn't make them too often anymore, but if hubs and I visit around his birthday, she'll make them especially for him. He definitely appreciates it and definitely eats too many! She makes her own hot sauce, which is pretty much his love language.
6. Mother May I? was at one time a popular children's game. It required no equipment or parts to play. What was your favorite childhood game to play where you could just turn up and play-no gear needed?
We loved freeze tag, TV tag, and statues, none of which required anything in the way of equipment or protective gear. Do kids still play statues?
7. Which TV mom (past or present) is your favorite, and why?
I don't think you could be a kid in the 1970's and not love Mrs. Brady. More recently I'm a fan of Tami Taylor on Friday Night Lights. Pretty sure we'd be friends in real life.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Jack is back. Who's watching?
Loved the hitting the mother lode!! Scary about the broken record and the lifesaver....oh, and yes...I know MacGyver...ingenious and eye candy.
I completely forgot about freeze tag...played it all the time! I loved seeing your daughter's engagement photos on FB...so sweet. Yes, I think we all loved Mrs. Brady. The Brady Bunch was my go-to show every time I got home from school, along with Gilligan's Island. Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day, Joyce!
ReplyDeleteOh my word, we have the exact same answer for #7!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI forgot about freeze tag and we played statues too, I didn't even know that was a real game, I thought my neighbors made it up!
Happy Mother's Day to you!
I know who McGyver is! lol And, YES I forgot about "freeze tag" and "TV tag"… my brother and I would play some sort of wrestling game watching TV… we'd wrestle during commercials and then have to freeze in the same position during the show…til the next commercial break. Ha! I said this on FB, but the pics of your daughter & future SIL are priceless! I love the joy in their faces!!
ReplyDeleteThanks! We were so glad he thought to get a photographer. I would have hate to not see the sheer joy of that moment. I think she really captured the emotion so perfectly.
Delete*hated not to see...pesky spelling and grammar error : )
DeleteExciting about the upcoming wedding and funny that both of us said we don't make the dish our mom made (at least not the way they made it) because it is so much work!! ha! ha!
ReplyDeleteBelieve it or not, I've never watched 24, but you're the second blogger who has said something about it. I'll have to tune in and see what I've been missing!
ReplyDeleteYour childhood memory was an interesting one. I, too, remember having a life saver slide down my throat. Thank goodness neither of us choked to death!
Thanks for continuing to host, especially with all you've had going on!
love the engagement pictures!! really captured the moment!
ReplyDeleteI love McGuyver! When I was a freshman in college, one of my friends dressed as McGuyver for Halloween, & I was the only one at the party who knew who he was supposed to be
ReplyDeleteI used to play a game similar to statues in my childhood. I don't know if kids still play it today.
ReplyDeleteI love your answer to #4.
Romi @ In the Way Everlasting
That is a beautiful photo of your daughter and her intended! They radiate happiness. And who is Jack? Glad you survived the lifesaver moment. So glad it was a lifesaver (with a hole in the middle) rather than a Necco wafer!
ReplyDeleteYou'll have to remind me how to play statues. I love showing our youth kids games they have no idea about.. & these kind of 'no equipment' 'no technology' games blow their minds :)
ReplyDeleteLove the engagement picture of your daughter & future SIL :)
I laughed at your broken record I remember being oh so gentle with them and not to run in room while the record was playing. I remember every night my dad coming home from work grab a scotch and put on a Ray Conif record. Happy Wednesday!
ReplyDeleteWe used to play statues as well as freeze tag.
ReplyDeleteYes the A-Z was definitely a challenge you accomplished! Glad you didn't choke. You reminded me of the time I was showing my mom how our dog was grabbing at my quarter and it lodged in my throat. She threw me over and hit my back over and over again until it came out. I love that you answered about your soon to be son in law as the mother load. My husband is watching......
ReplyDeletejoining for the first time! We are adding a beautiful daughter in law to our family this summer!! yes, it is so wonderful to see our children so happy!
ReplyDeleteSo you can always you were a record breaking child! I almost said mother lode was getting precious daughters -in-law . I bet you will feel that over and over about your SIL. Can't believe you could blog from your phone! Wow. I get so irritated with the typing. Good fir your "invention" to get the job done.
ReplyDeleteThat pictures is just awesome of the happy couple!
ReplyDeleteGood questions this week, as always and a cute story from your earliest childhood remembrance. Goodness, could have been dangerous.
Everyone seems to have a different answer for the tv mom! There are so many great tv moms out there. ;) Hope you have a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteLove that photo of your daughter and fiancé - so much love, joy and excitement :-)
ReplyDeleteI love statues! Although one time when playing I flung too hard and broke my wrist.
ReplyDeleteI so enjoyed this more nostalgic Hodgepodge, especially since that is where my mind has been recently - thinking of mom.
ReplyDeleteI have never watched 24, but can't imagine why not. I need to find it on Netflix and catch up with everyone else!!
I agree that the A to Z Challenge was, well...a challenge. Congratulation on the new son in law. All the best that life has to offer to the happy couple. And yes, I am watching Jack but I must confess I am late coming to the party. I didn't watch the series much. Have a great day.
ReplyDeleteI am watching!!
ReplyDeleteI read your memory to Allison since it sounded so much like how she would have reacted as a kid and she laughed out loud and agreed whole heatedly she would have dome the same thing!
Thanks for the sweet comment. Yes, I do believe I am like my mother. :) Isn't it interesting how we can 'know' one another by virtue of the internet?
ReplyDeleteMy very, very best wishes to you all as you begin the excitement of planning the wedding. The engagement photos are adorable! I look forward to hearing all about it. Hopefully S and TJ won't mind being mentioned here every now and then. :) God bless.
Hey, #2 is not a weak answer! Ha.
ReplyDeleteI am so excited for you to be planning a wedding! Have I told you that? I may just keep thinking it. Ha.
For the record, I do know who McGuyver is/was and loved Carol Brady. Wasn't she so stylish?!
I'm new here! I enjoyed your post. What a scarey moment with that lifesaver! Glad it turned out okay. =) I have my grandmothers record player and all of my mom's old records. We listen to a few every week. My nine year old gets a kick out of it. Love that picture of your daughter and future son in law. Just beautiful! My daughter is getting married in 2 weeks, can't believe it! Nice to "meet" you! Blessings and Sunshine, Valerie
ReplyDeleteGlad you are ok! from the lifesaver. McGuyver was definitely eye candy always watched that show.....thanks for hosting
ReplyDeleteHow funny! I promise you, I did not read your answers, but our random is the same. lol I am like, hurray for Jack! I love 24!!! That being said, I am back with Wednesday Hodgepodge. :-) Thanks for hosting the fun!
ReplyDeleteMy mom was my best friend until she died. I pretty much talked to her every day. It was hard to lose that. I asked my kids if they ever play statues and they hadn't heard of it. I remember that game though and I do remember McGuyver too! I got bit by a chipmunk when I was a kid and did the same thing and didn't tell anyone. I always had this fear I was going to come down with rabies from the bite but I still wouldn't tell anyone. Go figure. It's so wonderful to see our children happy. I think gaining a wonderful son-in-law most certainly counts as hitting the mother lode! Happy Mother's Day!