1. Do you think the world became a more dangerous place on September 11, 2001 or are we just more aware of the danger? How has your own life changed as a result of that day?
I think I lost my naivete about the world long before 9/11. It left me in December of 1988 when a Pan Am jet with my dearly loved next door neighbors aboard fell from the sky. The world has been full of evil since long before any of us reading here were born. I think it is only in America that we have felt mostly safe from a particular type of evil but 9/11 pretty much put an end to that.
We moved overseas post 9/11 and that definitely gives you a different perspective, not only on America but on how the rest of the world views America, which fyi is not all sunshine and roses. We still travel a lot, most often by air, and every time I'm in an airport I think about our personal safety. Air travel used to be a little bit exciting but those days are gone, replaced by liquids in a bag and full body scans. Its no longer just airports either, that have amped up security. My bag was thoroughly searched and I was patted down before the football game at Giants stadium on Monday night. I didn't bat an eye.
2. Did you think your parents were too strict when you were growing up? How about in hindsight?
My parents had rules but I don't remember thinking they were too unreasonable. I was a kid who liked rules so I'm pretty sure I didn't complain too much. There are times as a kid when you feel pressure to participate in something you don't really want to be part of and its nice to throw the blame on your parents rules as in "I'd love to go to the party but my super strict parents said no." I would say that while my dad had a gruff exterior he didn't worry the way my mom did and was more inclined to say yes to certain things. My mom liked to tick off the dangers and what ifs. I do not fall far from that tree. Ahem. All that being said, my dad definitely had high expectations and if you were in trouble you went to mom first. I think my own kids do the same so maybe that's a girl thing.
3. Share one random but candid fact about yourself.
Have you ever read my 100 things about me post? Why not? I wrote it a couple of years ago and its chock full of random candid facts about me. I'm struggling to think of something that hasn't already been said. How about this-I started subbing in our local school system last spring. I love kids and I've taught school in the past, plus I liked the flexibility subbing offered. It has been a long time since I've been in the public school system and on Day 1 I suddenly remembered that teaching and subbing are nothing alike. Oh my.
4. Would your nearest and dearest describe you as simple or far too complicated?
My hubs says I'm complicated. That's a compliment, right?
5. What is your favorite stadium or carnival food?
5. What is your favorite stadium or carnival food?
I'm not even sure what qualifies as stadium/carnival food anymore since it seems like you can get almost anything at ball parks and fairgrounds nowadays. I had roast turkey with cranberry sauce at the Jets game Monday night. We were in the company box and there is usually a buffet of typical game day foods-hotdogs, dips, chicken wings, etc. available for snacking. I've really been watching my diet and I wondered what I'd find to eat that wasn't too unhealthy. I was pleasantly surprised to find turkey and it was really delicious. If fat and calories were not an issue I'd go for a hot dog with mustard and sauerkraut.
6. Tornado, hurricane, earthquake...how many of these natural disasters have you experienced? Which do you think would be the scariest?
6. Tornado, hurricane, earthquake...how many of these natural disasters have you experienced? Which do you think would be the scariest?
Supposedly the recent East Coast earthquake was felt in our area but I was oblivious. I've never been in a tornado but I have been in two hurricanes. Irene was mostly a non-event at our house although when you live behind a hillside full of huge trees, strong winds and rain are nerve wracking. We lived in Annapolis during Hurricane Floyd and that was scary. My mom was visiting and hubs was out of town and couldn't get home. It was my birthday weekend and we were without power for days. My girls and I played hours of dominoes with my mom all by the light of our camping lantern. I'm thinking this may be what put them off the game for years to come. Hmmm.....
I think they're all pretty scary but if I have to pick the scariest I'd say earthquakes. At least you can take some precautions if you know a hurricane or tornado watch is in place, and certainly with hurricanes we have a lot of warning and the opportunity to get out of harms way. Earthquakes occur without warning and there's not a whole lot you can do when the ground opens up.
7. Labor day weekend is approaching so a work related question seems appropriate. Growing up, did your parents assign you regular chores? Were you paid for doing those chores. If you're a parent do you assign chores to your own children? Why or why not?
That last question was inspired by a post Mindee wrote on Monday. Everyone go say hi to Mindee. She blogs at Our Front Door and she's funny.
7. Labor day weekend is approaching so a work related question seems appropriate. Growing up, did your parents assign you regular chores? Were you paid for doing those chores. If you're a parent do you assign chores to your own children? Why or why not?
That last question was inspired by a post Mindee wrote on Monday. Everyone go say hi to Mindee. She blogs at Our Front Door and she's funny.
I had chores growing up. My mom always had a list on Saturday mornings for my younger sister and I to have done before the end of the day. We usually argued over some of those chores but I believe bickering with a sibling is a key component of the kid -chore package. And of course arguing and complaining never got us out of the actual doing.
During the week we set the table and did the dishes after supper. Saturdays were for cleaning our room and bathroom, dusting downstairs and our least liked job-vacuuming the steps. My mom would look things over when we finished too. We did not get paid for doing chores. We were part of the household and most likely its primary mess makers so why wouldn't we have to participate in the care and keeping of the house? As a ten year old I may not have seen it in quite those terms, but as a mother you better believe I did, which is why my own girls had chores too.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
We saw The Patriot Flag unfurled at the Giants/Jets game on Monday night. The flag is 56 feet wide and 30 feet high and has been touring around the country all year. It's been in all 50 states and will fly at all three 9/11 sites on the 10 year anniversary date in a little over a week. It is an impressive and moving site to see in person.