It was weekend-lite around here once again.
By 'lite' I mean we didn't get a full weekend since hubs had an early morning flight out yesterday.
You shouldn't feel too sorry for him though because
his view will be something like this for the next few days...
You shouldn't feel sorry for me either...
here's my awesome view...
Did I mention, ugh?
The plumber and tile guy (I'm sure he has a more official title) along with tile guy's assistant came to get the master bathroom shower re-do underway at the end of last week.
Things started off with a bang when assistant tile guy dinged my upstairs hall foyer ceiling as he was carrying the old shower doors outside...
I've zoomed in here...the ding itself is small.
Unfortunately, not so small that it doesn't smack you in the face when you walk up the stairs.
And it's an actual gash as opposed to a scrape, which tells us that the entire ceiling will need to be repainted as opposed to patched.
Patching a ceiling is never smooth sailing.
Just to make things sightly more problematic...
that little patch of ceiling is part of a much larger space which includes our downstairs foyer, the family room and the upstairs hallway...
Its a whole lotta ceiling.
Plus (
yes, there's more) the ceiling is two stories up on either side of the staircase which spells good times if you're a painter.
I'm thinking they will try for a patch but I'm pretty sure I will not be happy with that.
And I know for certain my hubs won't.
Other than that they were exceptionally neat and tidy.
I'm sure they'll make it all purty once the work is finished, but this sort of thing gives me a knot in my stomach.
Hubs happened to be home when the 'incident' occurred so he was able to talk to the tile guy but now it's up to me to 'discuss' it with the plumber who is the project boss.
I detest this sort of task.
I like for life to always be very pleasant.
Very pleasant with no unpleasant unpleasantness.
Hubs, on the other hand, lives for this stuff...tell me again why he's not the one negotiating repairs with a work crew while I lounge on a beach somewhere warm and lovely?
Okay, so technically he's working and not 'at the beach' in a - sitting in a lounge chair- kind of way but still, you know what I mean.
In other weekend news we finally found a mirror for our dining room wall.
I needed something above my server and am really happy with the way this looks...we still have to decide what's going atop the server itself but having the mirror up helps.
Let me tell you-hanging that mirror was quite the project.
Somehow hubs has thrown his back out (he claims he did it painting upstairs but I think that's his way of getting out of finishing off that last bedroom) and he's been in agony all week.
Did that stop him from hanging the 50+ pound mirror?
No it did not.
I'm sure whatever is wrong with his back is nothing a 12 hour flight can't fix.
So now tell me, is your fuse slightly shorter than normal when you and your significant other attempt a project like this?
A project that involves one of you barking orders while holding something extremely heavy and completely awkward while the other one snaps back that she is not a mind reader?
We used to have a boat and hanging that mirror reminded me of our days docking the boat.
We'd be floating gently towards the dock and hubs would begin telling me to grab ropes and bumpers and blah blah blah and even though we were on our boat everysinglesolitary weekend I would act like it was my first time on the water and would drop ropes and trip over his feet as he tried to keep us from smacking the dock.
I think you get the picture.
Hanging this mirror was a bit like that.
I think its partly because hubs is a perfectionist.
He takes approximately 637 measurements while we awkwardly hold the very heavy mirror up to the wall no less than 42 times, all the while trying hard not to drop it or ding the paint.
Then he measures some more to be sure it is 100% exactly centered because if that mirror is one millimeter too far left-right-up or down he will never be able to eat a meal in there.
He would not disagree.
I guess it could also be partly because I'm sorta clumsy.
And directionally challenged.
'Oh, you meant my left, I thought you meant your left.'
The good news though is that the mirror is up!
Once we got it on the wall we were pretty pleased with ourselves and we smiled and congratulated each other and admired our new purchase.
What disagreement?
I tease him about his tendency towards perfectionism.
He teases me about my tendency to be clumsy and directionally challenged.
He's yin and I'm yang and together we make a whole.
And life is never ever dull.