Wednesday, July 31, 2024

You Never Outgrow The Hodgepodge

Welcome to the end of July and this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge.  If you've answered today's questions add your link at the end of my blog, then leave a comment for the blogger before you. 

Here we go-

From this Side of the Pond

1. What is a childhood habit or preference you will never outgrow? 

My love of jelly beans, words, going barefoot, and getting lost for hours in a good book. 

2. Did you know July is beans month? What's your favorite bean? Your favorite recipe that calls for beans? When it comes to chili are you team beans or team no beans?  

I'm assuming jelly beans don't count teehee. I like all beans but green beans are my favorite. I'm not sure I have a favorite bean recipe, but I do make a white bean soup that's really tasty. I put beans in my chili which is my preference, but I like it without too. 

3. Some historical figures have a tag line after their name, something like 'the brave' or 'the wise' or 'the mad'...what would your tag line be? Explain why? 

This was harder than I thought it would be. How about Joyce the overthinker? Joyce the reluctant adventurer? Joyce the dreamer...I like that one. 

4. The way to my heart is______________________________. 

Small thoughtful acts, kind words, and a gentle tone. 

5.  The calendar rolls into August this week, but before we go give us four adjectives that describe your July. 

joyful, noisy, active, sun-kissed

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

After the kids left last week hubs started to put away all the baby related gear. Not so fast please.

An impromptu Round 2 happened this week. 

Daughter2 was at her in-laws this past weekend, helping host a baby shower for a high school friend of her hubs. We're more or less the halfway point in her drive to/from, so she stopped here on her way home Monday. Her hubs had a few days of work related travel so she and her babies have been with us for a couple of extra fun in the sun days. 

We're not mad about it. 

If you want life to slow down enough to smell the roses I recommend hanging out with a toddler. 

They're not in a hurry for the world to go by and help you notice small wonders you might otherwise miss. 

Happy Wednesday everyone! 

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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Hodgepodge Questions-Volume 562

Here are the questions to this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge. Answer on your own blog, then hop back here tomorrow to add your link to the party. See you there! 

1. What is a childhood habit or preference you will never outgrow? 

2. Did you know July is beans month? What's your favorite bean? Your favorite recipe that calls for beans? When it comes to chili are you team beans or team no beans?  

3. Some historical figures have a tag line after their name, something like 'the brave' or 'the wise' or 'the mad'...what would your tag line be? Explain why? 

4. The way to my heart is______________________________. 

5.  The calendar rolls into August this week, but before we go give us four adjectives that describe your July. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Monday, July 29, 2024

The Monday Morning Weekend Recap

Good Monday morning friends. I'm slowly getting back into the groove here, and by slowly I mean moving at a snail's pace. 

We had a fairly quiet weekend and spent most of it putting the house back in order. There was also some reading and some lounging in front of the TV with the Olympics on, and we got together with some friends, but mostly it was laundry, changing beds, vacuuming, and the great re-set. 

We had a surprisingly uneventful trip to the Atlanta airport on Wednesday and got home about 4PM. We were both completely exhausted. I told hubs I was not cooking, maybe ever again-ha! but we had two burgers leftover from the night before so we warmed those up, put a few things away, then called it a night. 

Thursdays are my volunteer day and I haven't been in a month so was anxious to get back to it. I was up and out by 8:30 and generally am there until about 1 PM. I swung by the library afterwards to make some returns and pick-up a couple of holds that had come in, then I dashed into the market to grab enough items to get us through the weekend. I could not face doing a big shop just yet. I got home around 3, and asked hubs if it was too early to take a bath and put on my pajamas, and he said no, so that's what I did. It felt glorious. 

We baked a frozen pizza then watched a really good movie-One Life with Anthony Hopkins. If you haven't seen it I recommend. It tells the true story of Sir Nicholas Winton, a young London stockbroker who in the months leading up to WW2 rescued over 600 children from Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia. Such courage people displayed in the face of so much evil. 

Friday a handful of my college friends had plans to get together for lunch. There's a restaurant we like in Weaverville NC, not far from Asheville, called The Stoney Knob Cafe, and we we decided to meet there. Originally I didn't think I'd be up for another drive, but I don't see this group very often so carpe diem, right? 

There were six of us meeting, one lives near Asheville, two just over the mountain on the Tennessee side, and then three of us over the mountain the other direction, in South Carolina. I was coming the furthest, but met up with the other two SC girls so we could all ride together. 

It was such a nice day. We made it through the Asheville area without any real delays and then spent the afternoon talking and catching up on our lives. Once upon a time we were all young college students who joined the same sorority and we've been friends ever since. 

We don't see one another often, but when we do it's like no time at all has passed. That's the best kind of friends, don't you think? 

The restaurant is filled with all sorts of very eclectic art work, and their menu features a lot of Greek dishes. I opted for the Greek platter which was so delicious-Greek salad, pork souvlaki, tzatziki, pita, and feta. 

Six spoons and one bowl of their rice pudding brulee for dessert made for a sweet ending to a sweet afternoon spent with sweet friends. 

I hate to mention another meal, but hubs and I ended up going out for Mexican food that night with our next door neighbors, which is alway fun. 

Saturday hubs and I had a long leisurely coffee hour (or two) on the deck. It was nice not to have anywhere to go or anything we absolutely had to do. 

Except all the stuff that still needed doing I mean.  

We watched some of the Olympics, read a little, did several more loads of laundry (will it never end???), and I made BLT's for dinner, which in my book isn't technically cooking. Hubs did get out on the paddleboard for a bit on Saturday morning because somebody wanted to go swimming. 

The little brown dog is not the least bit sad to have his best bud all to himself again.  

Sunday night some neighbors invited us over for a BBQ they were hosting for two new neighbors and we enjoyed that a lot. I was supposed to bring a broccoli salad and deviled eggs, but the eggs refused to peel in a way that was pretty so I had to quickly regroup. I turned the eggs into egg salad, then sliced up some fresh from the garden cucumbers and put a dollop on each with a little sprinkle of dill. Voila! Plan B. 

One item of business-I've had a few new visitors to my blog recently so here's a friendly reminder letting you know I host The Wednesday Hodgepodge each week, and you're welcome to join. I post the questions on Tuesday and the link is up on Wednesday. There's no real rhyme or reason to the questions, hence the name Hodgepodge. Random is my blog lane and I try to stay in it. 

Have a great week everyone, and thanks to Holly and Sarah for hosting the Hello Monday party each week! 

Saturday, July 27, 2024


If you read here regularly you know I always write my grandchildren a letter on their birthday. Today is one of those days. 

Dear Mancub, 

Today you are seven. 

Once again you're marking a birthday thousands of miles and an ocean away from your Nana. This past week you boarded a plane with your family and moved to England, and you know what? 

Nana isn't sad. 

How can I be sad when you have the chance to live in one of my most favorite places in all the world? 

When your momma was a teenager we moved to England. We hugged her grandparents goodbye and flew across the ocean just like you. We had so many wonderful experiences as a family making our home in a country not our own, and I know you will have that too. 

I also know you'll ask at least a million questions in the next six months. I know you'll love the language and the way words like gobsmacked, brilliant, knackered, and cheers roll right off your tongue. I know you'll learn a lot about a lot, that you'll see so many beautiful new old places, and I'm also one hundred percent certain you'll fall in love with the English countryside, just like Nana did once upon a time. 

Seven feels big. You are growing up and we love you so. You and your momma and your brother and sister too, were able to spend ten days with us before your big move and we had so much fun in the sun.

There was of course, the the annual run off the dock with Nana, but this trip what you really wanted to do was paddleboard. You hopped on the first day you were here and it became a fast favorite way to spend the day. 

Nana still wobbles, but you bounced up on that board like you'd been doing it all your life, and suddenly you seemed not quite so little. 

Hey guess what? While we're not in the same time zone on your big day, we will be on mine. Yay! Pawpaw and I cannot wait to visit. We look so forward to sipping tea in your garden, giving and getting big in person hugs, walking along the High Street with you and your sibs, re-visiting some of our favorite old stomping grounds, and most especially discovering new ones too, all with you by our side. 

Happy birthday Mancub! Remember no matter where you roam in this great big world the God who made it all holds you in the palm of His hand. 

Know too your Nana loves you deep and wide xo

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6 

Friday, July 26, 2024

A Few Of My Favorite Friday Things

I wrote a post Monday (linked here) recapping our houseful, but wanted to share a few more favorite things from the past week on the blog today. 

While my youngest daughter and her littles went home last Friday, my oldest daughter and her family were here with us until Wednesday. On Wednesday we loaded up in two vehicles, that is the in-laws in one car with dad and the two boys, and then hubs and I in the other car with momma and her little miss, for the trek to the Atlanta airport and their flight to the UK.  

Two kids dragging backpacks of their own, momma wearing the baby pushing a cart loaded with three huge bags, dad pushing a wagon carrying a car seat and then pulling a cart with another two ginormous  bags, and whew! They're rockstars!  

They will be living in England for the next six months, and believe me when I say one of my favorite things currently is knowing I have a trip already booked and on the calendar. 

For the record, airport goodbyes are not my favorite.

Let's talk fun...linking up today with Andrea and Erika for this week's edition of Friday Favorites. 

1. A 'Grand' Summer Bucket List- I like to ask the two oldest grands what they want to do when they visit, and then I make a little bucket list/chart, hang it on the side of a kitchen cabinet, and they can check off as we go. They enjoy the checking and remind me when I forget. 

This year's chart included the usual swimming-boating-fishing type of activities plus a few newbies as well...paddle boarding, the jumbo Connect 4...

...a trip to the Fish Hatchery, and jello pie. 

2. Jello Pie-have you had this? 

In this picture I hadn't spread the whipped cream over the top yet, but you get the idea. Hubs has very fond memories of his grandmother making him jello pie as a child. He told me it was plain strawberry jello poured into a graham cracker crust, topped with sliced bananas and topped with cool whip. I wasn't convinced, but he really wanted the boys to try it. 

First of all, I don't do Cool Whip. I know some people love it, but homemade whipped cream is so easy and a thousand times better. Also, jello pie? I went to Pinterest and found a variation of hubs grandmom's technique, and the boys helped me put it together. 

I was out of bananas so used strawberries instead and they were yummy. Hubs assures me the bananas are possibly more delicious but then childhood memories are hard to beat. The boys helped make the jello, and my 'recipe' had you add a little cornstarch and less water so it was more like that filling you get in fresh strawberry pie. I think I really wanted strawberry pie and hubs had his heart set on the jello version. This one made everybody happy. 

We stirred the sliced strawberries into the mixture, then poured that into the crust. I'd purchased a large box of jello, but the recipe only called for 3 ounces so I mixed up the rest of the jello as directed on the box. Because the strawberry mixture only half filled the pie shell I went ahead and poured the rest of the regular jello on top to set. It worked. 

I have to say, it was so tasty. Surprisingly light and refreshing and the boys thought it was a big treat. Hubs too! 

3. Paddleboarding. Y'all. My six year old grandson jumped on the paddleboard on day one and navigated like a pro from the word go. Even the four and a half year old could manage without a lot of help. We made the paddles shorter after their first try and that was even better. 

The mancub had to literally be pushed off the board and into the water if you wanted a turn. He absolutely loved it, and while he used to spend all day running off the dock he's now spending all day on the paddleboard.  I mean he still loves running off the dock, but the paddleboard is his new favorite.

4. Water skiing-

Friday night we went for a quick boat ride so Daughter1 could waterski. She hadn't skiied in a few years, mostly because she's birthed three children in the last seven, but she is her father's daughter in terms of coordination. Popped right up without even thinking about it. 

Her children thought she was amazing. 

She pretty much is. 

5. My people-

We've had no less than nine people in the house, eating, sleeping, and playing since July 14th. The level of activity from sun up to sun down has been something like mach ten. The volume too. 

There's been swimming and boating and jumping and games and books and movies and outdoor showering and indoor legos and meals We've talked and laughed and applied sunscreen and reapplied sunscreen and we've sipped a lot of coffee. We tried to take a few pictures too, but this crew was not having it so we let that go. 

Yesterday it was back to just me and the hubs, and the silence is deafening.  

The house needs cleaning from top to bottom, every sheet and towel is in the process of being either washed or dried and folded, the frig needs wiping down, the windows too because little hands and noses need to press against the glass for a really good look at the world around them. 

Not gonna lie...the transition from full to something less than that takes time. We give ourselves a lot of grace and space to reset the house and our heads too. It takes a few days to get back into the rhythms of regular life, but we'll get there. We always do. 

Girls who grow up and grow families of their own, who keep touching home plate whenever they can... definitely one of my favorite things. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

It's Hodgepodge Day! Bienvenue!

Bonjour mes amis! Welcome to the games of the five hundred and sixty first Wednesday Hodgepodge. If you've answered today's questions add your link at the end of my post, then leave a comment for the blogger before you. Or after you. Or all the bloggers on the list. 

On your mark, get set, go...

From this Side of the Pond

1. The Olympics kick off this coming weekend. Will you be watching? If you could watch just one event in person, which one would you choose? 

We'll definitely be watching. I always enjoy the Olympics. 

If I could only see one event in person I guess it would be swimming. I've always loved the gymnastics but we know more now about what goes on behind the scenes as well as the toll the sport takes on the body, so it's less appealing to me than it once was. 

2. Have you ever been to Paris? Is this a city you'd like to visit? What's your favorite 'French thing'? 

Ah, Paris. I love it. I've been a few times as it was an easy train ride from the UK. I cannot imagine the traffic with the Olympics on tap, but I wouldn't say no to a trip. 

My favorite French thing? Impossible to choose just one. France is a beautiful country and while I love Paris I love the small villages and countryside more. 

I also love the language, the food, the wine, the champagne...

... the architecture, the cheese, the bread, the Alps...                                                 

3. Macaron, creme brulee, chocolate souflee, mille feuille, or an eclair...your favorite French patisserie from the ones listed? 

Yes please. 

Okay, if I must choose-Creme brulee is my favorite dessert, but I do love all of the above. Europeans know how to do afternoon coffee and cake. 

4. July 24th is National Cousins you have many cousins? Are you close to them? Will you see any of your cousins on July 24th? 

I have a lot of cousins, but have never lived geographically near them, and most of my cousins are older than me. One of my dad's brothers had two sons nearer the age of my younger sister and I, and we did see them from time to time, as they were at least on the east coast. My parents grew up in Colorado and New Mexico so most of my cousins lived on that side of the country, and people didn't travel the way they do now. 

This was taken on my grandparents Colorado farm. My grandpa is the one who looks like a farmer and I'm standing beside him with my brother, younger sister, and two of my cousins. My uncle is the one with his shirt unbuttoned. It was summer so I guess maybe he was warm? 

Whenever we visited grandparents we spent time with our cousins too. It wasn't often, but I liked knowing I was part of a big extended family and still appreciate that today. Thanks to Facebook I've reconnected with some of them there. It's been fun to see their growing families and share a little bit of our lives that way. 

5.  Last time you went somewhere that felt like 'everyone and his cousin' was there? 

Hmm...I pretty much try to avoid huge crowds these days. How about my dock on the 4th of July lol! If you don't know what I'm talking about I mentioned it here-A Post Holiday Hello Monday

We'll be at the Atlanta airport this week and I can pretty much guarantee there will be a crowd. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I've recently added a follow me by email option on my sidebar. If you'd like to be notified via email of new posts here, just put your address in the box and click subscribe. 

Also, I'm wondering how you respond to comments on your blog? Do you reply to the commenter by email or do you reply to them right under their comment on your own blog? If you ask a question in the comments section do you go back to the blog to see if it's been answered? 

If I respond to a commenter under their comment I'm not sure the person will be notified or will come back and see my answer.  Email replies feel more reliable, and I usually end up doing both. 

Happy Wednesday everyone! 

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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Hodgepodge Questions-Volume 561

Here are the questions to this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge. Answer on your own blog, then hop back here tomorrow to add your link to the party. See you there! 

1. The Olympics kick off this coming weekend. Will you be watching? If you could watch just one event in person, which one would you choose? 

2. Have you ever been to Paris? Is this a city you'd like to visit? What's your favorite 'French thing'? 

3. Macaron, creme brulee, chocolate soufle, mille feuille, or an eclair...your favorite French patisserie from the ones listed? 

4. July 24th is National Cousins you have many cousins? Are you close to them? Will you see any of your cousins on July 24th? 

5.  Last time you went somewhere that felt like 'everyone and his cousin' was there? 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Summertime And The Livin' Is Easy And Also Loud

We've had a full house all week and we still have a mostly full house this week, but I want to put some of the happenings here on my blog while they're fresh. It's not short so buckle up. 

Before I dive in I do want to let you know I've finally added a 'follow by email' option to my sidebar. If you'd like to be notified of new posts here via email, just add your address in the box there and hit subscribe. 

I'm joining Holly and Sarah for their regular Hello Monday link party to talk about the week that was. 

There has been lots of merrymaking with both daughters and their littles here at the lake this past week. It has been loud messy fun and we're all exhausted and ready for bed at an early hour, but we are truly loving all the minutes spent together. I have washed at least 100 towels and cooked 1000 meals. Nine people in and out of the lake and the pool means a lot of towels and all that swimming means we need fuel. These boys can eat and I'm not even kidding. 

I made myself a calendar of menus before everyone arrived and that's been so helpful. I did have to run to the store once but mostly I shopped ahead and hubs has been doing a lot of grilling. My girls appreciate home cooking, plus dining out with five small children might be too much, even for us. 

Going all the way back to Tuesday for this recap...we declared Tuesday a boat day. Sounds simple, right? Y'all. The amount of gear we needed to pack, take down to the dock, get on the boat, as well as five children swim-suited and sunscreen-ed, buckled into life jackets, hats and sunglasses on, water bottles in tow, not to mention our own selves, plus noodles and water saddles and fishing poles, beach towels and lunch in a cooler, well it does make one wonder for a minute if it's worth it?

Totally worth it. 

There are lots of islands in our lake and many have sandy beaches so we headed to one of those. Once hubs set the anchor the process of getting everyone and everything off the boat and onto the island begins. Hubs totes most of the gear while one daughter puts the swim diapers on the babies and the other daughter gets off the boat and then I pass the kids to her and she escorts them to the island. 

Is it worth it? 

100%!  A morning in the sand and sea with little ones is not a walk in the park, but we don't care because it is way more fun than not. 

We got home in time for naps for some, although probably not for the ones who needed it most-ha! Hi hubs!, and the older boys watched a movie while the three littlest slept. 

Hubs had to attend an event Tuesday evening so I made spaghetti and meatballs and we got everyone in bed on the early side. Daughter2's hubs arrived from working nearby so we hung out on the deck until Pawpaw aka 'the hubs' got home. He had just sat down to finally relax with his favorite bourbon when I ever so gently reminded him he was grilling a pork butt for Wednesday's dinner. 

Which means he has to prep it on Tuesday night. 

As in right now.

And also get up at 4 AM to get it on the Green Egg. Hi hubs! 

Wednesday morning he and my son-in-law were up before the sun, so when I came outside with my coffee at 6:45 am the smell was already so good. We swam in the lake that morning, and then late afternoon my older sister drove the hour and a half out from her house to mine with my mama. 

My mama is in town for a few days while my younger sister and her family (who she lives with) are traveling. It was wonderful for her to be here the week the girls were both in town. 

Wrangling everyone for this picture might have been trickier than boat day, but I wanted a pic of my mom with all of her great-grandchildren, and with my girls too. 

My sister was a big hit with the boys especially and they had so much fun with her. I didn't take a single picture of her while she was here because there was a lot going on (possibly a giant understatement! lol). Hubs made maybe his best BBQ ever and I added coleslaw, baked beans and roasted veggies to the meal, with a peach and blueberry cobbler for dessert. So good!

Thursday morning we went back up to the neighborhod pool and everyone had such a nice time playing in the water. We came home for lunch and naps (so grateful these little ones sleep the way they do!), then had an early taco dinner before loading everyone up in two cars to get ice cream in town. Making the fun happen with littles of various ages is something of a production but we all dig in and make it happen. 

And we don't take a lot of photos but we're definitely living it. 

This spot does the Nitrogen ice cream which is exciting to watch, and they loved every single bite. When we got back to the house Daughter1 and I took the big boys to the lake to swim again, and Daughter2 and the younger three hung out on the deck with Pawpaw. 

Divide and conquer is not a bad motto for managing kids of varying ages and stages. 

Friday morning daughter2 and her sweeties headed back to their home in Tennessee.  After they got on the road we went for an easy boat ride with daughter1 and her kids. 

Still a few things to carry but we just brought towels and snacks and opted for lunch at home. 

We hung out in a cove and jumped off the swim platform and had a grand time before the clouds rolled in and we made a bee line back to the dock.  Hubs made popcorn in our big popcorn machine and the boys watched a movie with him while little miss napped. Daughter1 and I sat on the porch with our iced coffee and solved all the problems of the world. 

Maybe not all, but a few. 

It was leftovers for dinner Friday night because this cook needed a break. And my next door neighbor brought over a blueberry pie for dessert which was so sweet and so thoughtful and we all really enjoyed that. 

Which brings us to Saturday. I needed to do a grocery run so hubs took the two older boys (the mancub and Max as they're known on the blog) to a fish hatchery not too far from here. He encountered a detour so it ended up being further than anticipated, but he made it and they had a ball. 

They were allowed to feed the fish which was exciting and it was a great way to spend a drizzly morning. 

Hubs treated them to lunch on the way home and they came in laughing and happy and full of fish stories. 

I had ordered some legos for the boys and they arrived midday Saturday, which kept them busy the rest of fthe afternoon. They were anxiously waiting for their Daddy to arrive as he wrapped up his Fellowship in Cincinnati on Friday and will hang out here for a few days before they all head to England for their six month stay (you can read more about that on Daughter1's blog linked here-Sincerely Shannon). 

Whew. Who's tired? 

But in the very, very, best way. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Hodgepodging With My Favorites

Welcome to this week's edition of The Wednesday Hodgepodge. If you've answered today's questions, add your link at the end of my post then go say howdy to your neighbor there. 

Doing something a little different two daughters are both in the house, same time-same place (whoohoo!), which doesn't happen nearly as often as we'd like. They're going to answer the HP questions with me today. They both have blogs (linked in my sidebar), but not a lot of time for it in this current season so we're all in it together this week. I didn't let them do too much thinking (as opposed to my ever overthinking), they just answered on the spot.  

Here we go-

From this Side of the Pond

1. What is an adult problem nobody prepared you for? 

me-how many difficult decisions need to be made as our parents age, the weight of that. 

D1-the ridiculous number of times I've had to change my address on all my mail, cards, billing,'s not really a problem but it is annoying. 

D2- this is parenting specific, but how inconvenient it is to run a really quick errand with two kids in car seats. For instance if I need to drop something at UPS I can't just run in and do it in 30 seconds. I have to unbuckle two kids and bring them in with me. No more just popping in someplace for a quick second. 

2. Without mentioning any tech, what's your most prized possession?

me-thinking what would I grab in the event of a fire and I always come back to my wedding album. I'm sure I own many more valuable items, but that's always the first thing that comes to mind. 

D1-I can't think of a thing. Even my photo books I could reprint if something happened to them. But I would miss those books. 

D2-pretty much anything can be replaced. I'll say my wedding rings...if there's a tornado watch when I go to bed I wear my rings so I don't have to fumble around for them if a watch becomes a warning. 

3. It's National Peach Ice Cream Day (July 17th). Will you be celebrating? Do you like peaches? 

me-I love peaches, and we've been celebrating all week. We made homemade peach ice cream on Sunday and still have some in the freezer.  

D1-Yes I love peaches, they're my favorite fruit. And we have peach ice cream. Peach is my favorite flavor of homemade. Will I celebrate? Yes I'll eat more peach ice cream. 

D2-I won't because I'm currently not eating dairy. We're getting some Nitrogen ice cream later this week and they have a non-dairy option, but I probably won't get peach.

Given a choice would you prefer peach ice cream, peach pie, peach cobbler, or just hand me a peach? 

me-of the choices mentioned peach cobbler is my favorite. I am planning to make one tomorrow (Wednesday) as my mom and sister are coming for dinner. I like Paula Deen's recipe (linked here). It feeds a crowd! 

D1-peach cobbler, that's my go-to dessert to make for people

D2-peach cobbler with ice cream. 

Do you own anything that is peach in color? 

me-there's a bit of a joke in my family about a peachy colored shirt I owned that seemed to be in every photo I was in for a few years. I think it was more tangerine than peach but I do like the color peach. Actually the bridesmaids in my wedding wore peach dresses. 

When I lived in the UK someone from a bridal magazine there stumbled across a blog post where I posted a picture of the dresses. They contacted me and asked if they could use my picture in an article. It seems peach was making a comeback in the wedding world, but of course as she put it, 'an updated touch of peach'.

D1-Do I have anything peach? No.

D2-Mom are you going to say that peach shirt? I don't think I own anything peach. 

4. What makes a friendship successful? 

me-making the effort to stay in touch for one. We're all busy, personally we've moved a bunch so some of our friends are geographically far from us, but we talk on the phone periodically, we text, we ask about one another's lives and genuinely care and want to hear what's going on with that other person.  And then the characteristics that make any relationship successful apply to friendship as well-kindness, compassion, common interests or seasons of life, selflessness...

D1-A successful friendship is one that can survive distance and time. My oldest friend and I try to speak on the phone once a week or so. We haven't been able to see one another in person since before either of us became mothers and yet it doesn't matter.  I know when we are finally able to sit down in the same room it will feel like no time apart. We've now just said goodbye to the dear friends we made in Ohio that I promised myself we'll stay close to. It will require intention and putting things on calendars in advance and inconvenience but it's worth it. 

- I would say being understanding of one another's life seasons. Meaning I'm in a season with babies and some of my friends have older kids or no kids, so understanding that. A lot of my friendships are long distance, so making an effort to stay in contact, but also not putting too much pressure on anyone to be in constant contact. Be the friend you want to have. That's good advice for children and works for me too. 

5. Let's give our brains a rest and do a little summertime this or that...beach or pool? ice cream or snow cone? amusement park or camping? burger or hot dog? watermelon or strawberries? get up early or sleep in late? sunrise or sunset?

Beach or pool? 

me-it's a tough call, but probably the beach
D1- beach wait, the beach.

Ice Cream or snow cone- 

me- snow cone  
D1-  ice cream 
D2-ice cream

amusement park or camping- 

D1- camping
well, look at us with the same answer, and it's camping no less

burger or hot dog-

D1- burger
D2-hot dog

watermelon or strawberries-

D1- strawberries

get up early or sleep in late-

D1- sleep in late 
D2-sleep in late

sunrise or sunset-

me-I love a sunset, but sunrise is my favorite 
D1- sunset..if I'm not getting up early I'll miss the sunrise
D2-sunset (see answer above) 

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

Having so much fun with these girls and their busy adorable noisy offspring in the house and on the water  this week. 

Happy Wednesday everyone! 

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