Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Three Cheers For The Red, White, And Hodgepodge

Welcome to our first Wednesday Hodgepodge in the month of July! I love everything about the July 4th holiday here in America and hope you have a great week celebrating in some way. If you've answered today's questions add your link at the end of my post, then leave a comment for the blogger before you. Here we go-

From this Side of the Pond
1. It's a big week in the US of A as we celebrate Independence Day. Do you have any special plans? How will you mark the day? BBQ? pool-lake-beach time? fireworks? homemade ice cream? If you're not an American you can tell us what's happening in your corner of the world on Thursday. 

It's always a fun day on the lake, but the water gets busy. We normally don't take the boat out on the 4th because we live here and can boat when there are fewer people out. We'll play it by ear. Conveniently our across the cove neighbor puts on one of the best firework displays on the lake and we're in the prime viewing zone. Boaters come from all around the lake to watch (we sit on our dock) and when there's an especially pretty firework everyone honks. So fun! 

Normally my girls are here on the 4th with all the grands, but because my daughter1 has movers coming next week, and once they finish the pack and load, she'll be at the lake right after, both girls decided to wait. Daughter2's hubs is currently extending their patio so his parents went to TN for the holiday so his dad could help with that. Parents are great, aren't they?  

The girls want to both be here at the same time, so we'll have the whole crew in a couple of weeks, and we'll make homemade ice cream then. A lot of noise too I'm sure lol. 

Hubs brother and sister-in-law are coming here for the 4th, and we always have a great time with them. Hubs plans to BBQ ribs, and it'll be HOT so we'll spend a lot of time relaxing in the water on our floats. 

2. What's your favorite 'All-American' dessert? 

Is a brownie an American dessert? 

The answer is yes. I checked the internet and apparently the brownie was developed in the USA at the end of the 19th century. A brownie is one of my favorites. Strawberry shortcake feels All-American and that's another favorite. 

I'm not making either for the holiday though. I'm going to make a frozen strawberry pie that sounds yummy and also refreshing. I'll let you know. 

3. Does that patriotic feeling come easily to you, or are you having to work for it more these days? What's something that makes you proud to be a citizen of your country?  

It comes pretty easily to me. I mean as long as I don't watch too much TV or surf social media for too long. The men and women who serve our country make me proud. The way neighbors pitch in and help neighbors and strangers alike in times of tragedy or following natural disasters makes me proud. The volunteer spirit in America makes me proud. 

4. Your favorite 'patriotic' movie? Favorite patriotic song? 

This is a tough one. I think I'll go with Saving Private Ryan for my favorite patriotic movie. 

There are so many really good patriotic songs, not sure I can choose just one. A lot of country music has a patriotic bent to it and I love that. 

Some of my favorite patriotic songs are Only In America by Brooks and Dunn, Whitney Houston's version of The Star Spangled Banner which never gets old, and The Marine Corps Hymn which makes me think of my dad. Whenever that one's played it makes me proud to be an American. 

And I love Rodney Atkins 'It's America'. 

5. One simple pleasure on your July 'bucket list'? 

Make a peach cobbler. I generally make just one a summer and it feeds a crowd, so will probably do that when the kids and grandkids are here. I like to get the peaches from a farm store that's a bit of a drive from our house so I need to get hubs on board with a ride out that way.  Hi hubs! And yes I could buy them in the grocery store but these are worth the drive. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

America is a bit of a mess but it's still the land I love. May God bless and keep her...

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  1. I forgot about strawberry shortcake! That's awesome that you can sit on your deck and watch the fireworks across the cove. Thanks for hosting the Hodgepodge and Happy Independence Day!

  2. I can imagine how crowded the lake gets for the 4th of July weekend. How great to have a good spot to watch fireworks! I´m sure you will miss not seeing your girls and their families but how great to know that you will be seeing them soon.

  3. Since we live in a state that grows excellent peaches, I don't think I've ever bought a peach in the grocery store. We live 45 minutes away from Chilton County and that is where the peaches are grown BUT we have several "veggie trucks" (mobile Farmer's Markets?) who bring the peaches to various neighborhoods and parking lots so that we can buy them locally.

  4. Enjoy the time in a couple of weeks with your daughters and all the grandkids!! Daughter and her hub do not take their boat on the lake on the 4th because of the same reason as you. Happy Fourth of July! BTW, I also chose Saving Private Ryan!

  5. Hi Joyce,
    LOVED your answers today.
    Can you believe our son Atticus does not like brownies. Ha Ha! Silly boy!
    Thank you for #3... I agree!!
    Happy Independence Day!

  6. I didn't realize Daughter1 and family are moving so soon. I wonder if M-E has been able to see them. By the way, she passed her NCLEX and is now an official nurse working in Cincy. About the Lemon Fluff, I also put a graham cracker crust in the bottom of a 13X11 dish and sprinkle some on top. It's delicious and feeds a crowd, or just lots for us. Enjoy your 4th and the anticipation of your family all being together soon.

    1. Yes they did see M-E for a sweet farewell. She should visit England while they're there : )

  7. The fireworks sound like so much fun. That is wonderful that everyone will be visiting at the same time. Your pie sounds delicious. Saving Private Ryan is a great movie. I never listed a song, I missed that part of the question. Your peach cobbler sounds delicious. Enjoy! Thanks for sharing the song. Have a wonderful 4th of July.

  8. Saving Private Ryan will always be my first choice, too. Heck, my heart swells every time I think of it.
    This is a great song you've shared! This is the first time I've listened ... but it won't be the last. Happy Independence Day!

  9. I love brownies! I don't eat many sweets anymore. Whitney Houston's version of the Star-spangled Banner. I love BBQ ribs, but hubby can't eat pork. Have a Happy 4th!

  10. We used to take our boat and jet ski out on the weekend of the 4th since we have lots of family visiting from outer state that don't get to enjoy the lake much but one year when my youngest was little he fell off the tube and was nearly run over by another boat that did not see him in the water. After that I pretty much never wanted to take the boat out again when there were other boats out there.

    You need to try combining your 2 favorite dishes; use brownies with the strawberries for your shortcake recipe-- YUM!

  11. I've had some fresh peaches this year. I love the taste and the smell!
    That's fun to honk for the pretty fireworks.

  12. Dang you are making me hungry! I actually like a good chocolate brownie better than a chocolate cake. I think it's all about the texture. One of my favorites is a chocolate, chocolate chip brownie, with homemade chocolate pudding, real whipped cream with chocolate sprinkles.
    And I love a good peach anything. A peace pie or cobbler always does it for me.
    Oh you'll have so much fun when your whole clan comes in a few weeks.
    Ribs sound good as long as I don't have to make them.

    Have a sparkly good time!

  13. Who knew brownies were all-American!! Nice! Saving Private Ryan is a great movie. I haven't watched it in a long time. Must pull it out. Enjoy the holiday weekend!! I think lake life must be a great life, especially in the summer! xo

  14. I love that your girls plan their trips to come at the same time! I also mentioned strawberry pie, but love brownies too. Enjoy the holiday!

  15. Sounds like a fun 4th but an even "funner" week coming with the family. Yes, it's lots of work and lots of noise but a whole lot of sweet memories. Enjoy!

  16. Sounds like you have some great plans for the 4th and for the rest of the summer. How fun to live on the lake! I didn't think about brownies as an American dessert - that's interesting! Enjoyed all your answers today - Happy 4th!

  17. Your 4th of July setting sounds wonderful. How nice that your girls and all the little cousins will be together soon before the big move! It should be good and loud and busy! Happy 4th to you! God bless America!

  18. I enjoyed your answers. I agree, I wouuld avoid the lakes too.

  19. We used to go to York and get Black's peaches. YUM! :) Sounds like your girls are super busy; it'll be nice for everybody to just slow down for a few days. (Well, as slow as it can be with little ones running around!)
