Monday, July 22, 2024

Summertime And The Livin' Is Easy And Also Loud

We've had a full house all week and we still have a mostly full house this week, but I want to put some of the happenings here on my blog while they're fresh. It's not short so buckle up. 

Before I dive in I do want to let you know I've finally added a 'follow by email' option to my sidebar. If you'd like to be notified of new posts here via email, just add your address in the box there and hit subscribe. 

I'm joining Holly and Sarah for their regular Hello Monday link party to talk about the week that was. 

There has been lots of merrymaking with both daughters and their littles here at the lake this past week. It has been loud messy fun and we're all exhausted and ready for bed at an early hour, but we are truly loving all the minutes spent together. I have washed at least 100 towels and cooked 1000 meals. Nine people in and out of the lake and the pool means a lot of towels and all that swimming means we need fuel. These boys can eat and I'm not even kidding. 

I made myself a calendar of menus before everyone arrived and that's been so helpful. I did have to run to the store once but mostly I shopped ahead and hubs has been doing a lot of grilling. My girls appreciate home cooking, plus dining out with five small children might be too much, even for us. 

Going all the way back to Tuesday for this recap...we declared Tuesday a boat day. Sounds simple, right? Y'all. The amount of gear we needed to pack, take down to the dock, get on the boat, as well as five children swim-suited and sunscreen-ed, buckled into life jackets, hats and sunglasses on, water bottles in tow, not to mention our own selves, plus noodles and water saddles and fishing poles, beach towels and lunch in a cooler, well it does make one wonder for a minute if it's worth it?

Totally worth it. 

There are lots of islands in our lake and many have sandy beaches so we headed to one of those. Once hubs set the anchor the process of getting everyone and everything off the boat and onto the island begins. Hubs totes most of the gear while one daughter puts the swim diapers on the babies and the other daughter gets off the boat and then I pass the kids to her and she escorts them to the island. 

Is it worth it? 

100%!  A morning in the sand and sea with little ones is not a walk in the park, but we don't care because it is way more fun than not. 

We got home in time for naps for some, although probably not for the ones who needed it most-ha! Hi hubs!, and the older boys watched a movie while the three littlest slept. 

Hubs had to attend an event Tuesday evening so I made spaghetti and meatballs and we got everyone in bed on the early side. Daughter2's hubs arrived from working nearby so we hung out on the deck until Pawpaw aka 'the hubs' got home. He had just sat down to finally relax with his favorite bourbon when I ever so gently reminded him he was grilling a pork butt for Wednesday's dinner. 

Which means he has to prep it on Tuesday night. 

As in right now.

And also get up at 4 AM to get it on the Green Egg. Hi hubs! 

Wednesday morning he and my son-in-law were up before the sun, so when I came outside with my coffee at 6:45 am the smell was already so good. We swam in the lake that morning, and then late afternoon my older sister drove the hour and a half out from her house to mine with my mama. 

My mama is in town for a few days while my younger sister and her family (who she lives with) are traveling. It was wonderful for her to be here the week the girls were both in town. 

Wrangling everyone for this picture might have been trickier than boat day, but I wanted a pic of my mom with all of her great-grandchildren, and with my girls too. 

My sister was a big hit with the boys especially and they had so much fun with her. I didn't take a single picture of her while she was here because there was a lot going on (possibly a giant understatement! lol). Hubs made maybe his best BBQ ever and I added coleslaw, baked beans and roasted veggies to the meal, with a peach and blueberry cobbler for dessert. So good!

Thursday morning we went back up to the neighborhod pool and everyone had such a nice time playing in the water. We came home for lunch and naps (so grateful these little ones sleep the way they do!), then had an early taco dinner before loading everyone up in two cars to get ice cream in town. Making the fun happen with littles of various ages is something of a production but we all dig in and make it happen. 

And we don't take a lot of photos but we're definitely living it. 

This spot does the Nitrogen ice cream which is exciting to watch, and they loved every single bite. When we got back to the house Daughter1 and I took the big boys to the lake to swim again, and Daughter2 and the younger three hung out on the deck with Pawpaw. 

Divide and conquer is not a bad motto for managing kids of varying ages and stages. 

Friday morning daughter2 and her sweeties headed back to their home in Tennessee.  After they got on the road we went for an easy boat ride with daughter1 and her kids. 

Still a few things to carry but we just brought towels and snacks and opted for lunch at home. 

We hung out in a cove and jumped off the swim platform and had a grand time before the clouds rolled in and we made a bee line back to the dock.  Hubs made popcorn in our big popcorn machine and the boys watched a movie with him while little miss napped. Daughter1 and I sat on the porch with our iced coffee and solved all the problems of the world. 

Maybe not all, but a few. 

It was leftovers for dinner Friday night because this cook needed a break. And my next door neighbor brought over a blueberry pie for dessert which was so sweet and so thoughtful and we all really enjoyed that. 

Which brings us to Saturday. I needed to do a grocery run so hubs took the two older boys (the mancub and Max as they're known on the blog) to a fish hatchery not too far from here. He encountered a detour so it ended up being further than anticipated, but he made it and they had a ball. 

They were allowed to feed the fish which was exciting and it was a great way to spend a drizzly morning. 

Hubs treated them to lunch on the way home and they came in laughing and happy and full of fish stories. 

I had ordered some legos for the boys and they arrived midday Saturday, which kept them busy the rest of fthe afternoon. They were anxiously waiting for their Daddy to arrive as he wrapped up his Fellowship in Cincinnati on Friday and will hang out here for a few days before they all head to England for their six month stay (you can read more about that on Daughter1's blog linked here-Sincerely Shannon). 

Whew. Who's tired? 

But in the very, very, best way. 


  1. You sound like the very best hostess and nannie! What an adventure in England! Will you all get to go while they are there? I know you will need a big long nap but your heart will be full!

  2. Awww! It sounds like soooo much work but like you said, obviously worth it. All the memories and fun... after a whole process of getting everyone ready. How great to get to see your mom and sister, too. Truly an amazing family weekend! How fun that most of it continues into this week with some family still in town.

  3. What an exciting (and exhausting in the best possible way) visit! Getting everyone outfitted for the boat ride sounds like quite a big job. The picture with your mother and the great grandkids is priceless!

  4. The divide and conquer part got me; we always said that when the kids were little and it always worked out. Glad you have been able to spend so much time with family.

  5. What a wonderful week for you all Joyce! I'm a little tired today and I only had my oldest home. lol I can't imagine how you must be feeling. But how fun! Love the photos of the 4 generations! Hope you have a great day!

  6. That does sound exhausting but oh so fun!

  7. The best kind of tired. What a special time for all of you. So great for cousin memories, too!! Water as in pools and lakes with boats are such a great activity for littles and all of you. Wonderful photos. Enjoy the next few days!

  8. Of course it's totally worth it. I admire what you have done. I can't see myself doing all that you did. Hats off to you! Hi nice that your sister brought your Mama. The photo came out perfect with your mom. The dinner looks delicious. That ice cream sounds interesting too! What a fun time you all had. I love the pictures you shared.

  9. I need to jump in your lake and follow that up with a piece of that amazing pie- the kids must have an absolute BLAST- love seeing these posts :)

  10. You handle all this soooo well. I've been there and have to pray constantly for grace. I enjoyed your story of everything and the pictures. Also took note of how to subscribe via email. Thanks for that. I'm in the process of adding that to my blog (I hope). We've got a big thunderstorm now, as I type this, so the 'net is a little slow.

  11. Agreed.....totally worth it! What a full weekend and love that generational picture. I can only imagaine all the towel washing. So smart of you to plan out some meals in advance too. Enjoy the week ahead!

  12. I usually find a full house to be a mad house with a lot of laughter and maybe some tears, along with worn out bodies at the end of the day.
    Lots of happy photos here
    I have never had a blueberry pie not an Aussie thing

  13. Such fun!! Oh my goodness, I love how you love your people!! Thanks for sharing the photos and stories and sharing the awesome memories y'all made!! xo

  14. Well, I thoroughly enjoyed reading the details of this fun, fun visit with the Grans and their Moms. What a special, special time and as you said, it's a good tired. Have a good week of recovery!

  15. What a wonderful time you all had - and lots of memories for the littles to look back on as they grow up. But yes I'm sure you're exhausted lol.

  16. I'm finally getting around to catching up on my blog reading after our own week at the lake with our Littles followed by another week at their house helping their mama! I totally get the "good kind of tired" feeling and the "is it worth it?" mentality! YES, YES, YES!!! Next weekend is a cousin weekend at the lake with 20 of us for three days! Am I ready? Not yet! But I will be!

    I absolutely love reading your blog and all the adventures you and Hubs have! Thanks so much for sharing with us all!
