1. Share one way you think the world has changed for the better since you were a kid?
In spite of all the negatives associated with it, I do think the Internet is a pretty amazing thing.
2. How 'bout one way it's changed for the worse?
Well for starters, I think we've lost our common sense. The media is ridiculous, fear has invaded every corner of our culture to the point that everyone we encounter is now suspect, and we have to monitor our every word lest we offend someone.
Oh wait, the question asked for 'one'. Y'all know I never can do that.
3. Starlight, starfish, starling, Starbucks...your favorite 'star'?
Starlight. Who doesn't love a sky full of stars?
4. Name a song that's overplayed, but you love it anyway?
See You Again by Carrie Underwood...such a pretty song, but wow they play it a lot. Millions of wonderful songs out there in the universe, but we always seem to hear the same few. I love this one anyway.
5. When did you last have home made ice cream? Your latest favorite flavor?
Our local ice cream place makes their own, so does that count?
Yes, it counts.
They make a black raspberry chocolate chip that is completely delicious.
6. What do you think is the best way to inspire or motivate people?
I think people are motivated by optimism. We all want to feel valued and respected, not belittled or taken for granted. Words of encouragement, legitimate praise, and when needed, gently stated constructive criticism...these things all go a long way towards motivating people to complete a task or to do a good job. People want to feel appreciated and I think when we feel appreciated we're motivated to keep going, to do more or better.
As far as inspiration goes, I'm always inspired by leaders who are also do-ers. The ones willing to work hard and get their own hands dirty in order to meet a goal, who don't feel that any job is beneath them. I'm inspired by people who are open and honest about their own failures and how they overcame them.
7. When was the last time you were without power?
I flew down to my daughter's last Thursday and arrived just in time for dinner. She requested PF Changs, and just as we were finishing up a nasty storm came out of nowhere. So thankful I was on the ground and not still in the air!! Anyway, lightning struck a transformer and the power was out for several hours. My daughter did a great job navigating a very busy road without any working traffic lights, and we made it safely back to her very dark apartment. So glad I was there and she wasn't alone! I think she was glad too.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Speaking of motivation, I love a great quote...
"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great." Mark Twain