Wednesday, February 12, 2025

A Love-ly Hodgepodge

Love is in the air in this week's edition of The Wednesday Hodgepodge. If you've answered today's questions, add your link at the end of my post, then leave a love-ly comment for the blogger before you. Here we go- 

From this Side of the Pond
1. Did you watch the Super Bowl? Did your team win? What's your favorite game day snack for  whatever sport is happening? 

I did watch the Super Bowl. Truthfully I slept through a fair chunk of the third quarter, but was really happy with the win. I grew up just across the bridge from Philly and the Eagles are my team. Hubs grilled wings and brats for dinner before the game and they were so good. My favorite game day snack would probably be nachos, which were not on the menu but are still my fave. 

2. What's your 'superpower'? 

Napping? Loading the dishwasher? 

3. Will you do anything special on Valentine's Day? If so do share. Any thoughts on/about this particular holiday? Share a favorite verse or quote relating to love. 

Daughter1 is in a wedding Valentine's Day weekend, one that requires travel, so we'll be home manning the fort. And by fort I mean the grands. We were invited to the wedding as the bride is a college friend of my daughter's, a sorority sister, and she was also her roommate in DC after college so we know and love her.

We decided to let the 'kids' have a weekend away and just enjoy their time together without us tagging along too. Also, we're tired and not up for another road trip at the moment. I'm sure staying home with the grands won't be tiring at all.  

A favorite verse-'For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.' Romans 8:38-39

4. Are you a fan of the rom-com genre? If so what's one of your favorites? If you're not a movie go-er then what about a book you love that features a great love story? How about a favorite love song? 

I like a rom-com now and then, but prefer legal thrillers, mysteries, or drama more. My favorite rom-coms are Sweet Home Alabama and When Harry Met Sally. There are probably others, but those two popped in to my head first. 

Books-The Thorn Birds would be one of my favorite love stories. 

Love Song-well there's no way I could pick just one. A few favorites are-More Today Than Yesterday by Spiral Staircase, Love Will Keep Us Alive by The Eagles, Everything by Michael Buble, How Deep Is Your Love by The Bee Gees, and for me and the hubs especially I Love You by Climax Blues Band. 

5. Let's get creative...write an acrostic using the word L-O-V-E. 

L-love is lots of things, including patient and kind

O-it offends not

V-values the other more than oneself

E-and endures all things

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

We had our wine club dinner Tuesday evening and it was as usual delish. One of the courses was filet tartare with tomato short rib stock, soy cured egg yolk and pickled vegetables. Have you ever tried tartare, and if so what did you think? 

When we lived in North Jersey hubs and I used to go in to the city and we would sometimes go to Sardis and order their tartar. It was served on a fancy platter with all kinds of garnishes and was so good. 

While I neglected to snap a photo of the tartare I did manage a picture of dessert. Priorities, right? Dessert was a hazelnut crunch bar with nutella drizzle and whipped cream. Yum! 

Thanks for joining in today...happy Wednesday and happy heart day! 

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

My Tuesday version of Hello Monday

I wanted to recap the weekend, but the weekend kind of wore me out. I posted my 10 on the 10th yesterday because I had written my answers to that prior to the weekend.  

Today it's Hello Monday on a Tuesday. It's fine. 

Also Monday was a blur too, so no rest for the weary I guess. 

Back to the weekend...hubs and I road tripped to daughter2's house on Friday because our littlest grand was celebrating her birthday. We ended up not getting on the road until almost noon because hubs needed to run an errand with my son-in-law and my daughter1 was out getting her haircut, which meant I was in charge of the grands for a couple of hours. 

We had an uneventful drive to Tennessee and listened to a book most of the way, the third in a series of legal thrillers we enjoy. (Book 3 is The Southern Killer by Peter O'Mahoney).  

The other set of grandparents beat us there and neither of us brought our dogs which was kind of nice. Having daughter1 in my house means we can leave the little brown dog with his 'birth mother' ha! She texted us a picture of my son-in-law taking him for a walk and hubs said he shouldn't get any big ideas. She texted back he will honor the adoption agreement. 

Friday night daughter2 made a really delicious baked spaghetti for dinner and we chatted and did a little bit of party prep before calling it a night. 

Saturday morning was the big day. Happy 1st birthday to this little sweetheart who is positively precious. 

The party had a heart theme because when your birthday is less than a week before Valentine's Day you might as well embrace all the hearts and shades of pink and red.

A year goes by in the blink of an eye. 

My son-in-law put a brisket on the smoker before we went to bed Friday night so we woke up to the aroma of that. The men spend a lot of time discussing time tables, temperatures, and taste whenever grilling is happening, but they love it and it's kind of cute to listen to them. Grilling is an art. 

Also, the brisket was sooo delicious. I think the best one yet, perfectly seasoned and perfectly cooked, and the texture was like butter. 

My daughter's mother-in-law and I got to work creating the balloon arch which would be attached to the bounce house. Go big or go home on a first birthday, right? These arches are far more time consuming than one would think, but I knew this from past experience. 

I loved the happy colors and the confetti balloons are so much fun. 

Sweet baby J would be happy with a balloon and nothing else. This whole pile was hard to resist. 

He did have himself a big time in that bounce house too though, which was a hit with all the littles. Friends started arriving around 3:30 and it was a party! My daughter and son-in-law have the nicest friends and we enjoy them a lot. 

Sugar was her usual sweet self and the star of the show even though she didn't know it. I always say first birthdays are for the have navigated a tiny human's first year of life and that should absolutely be celebrated.  

Daughter2 made a sheet cake from scratch with homemade strawberry icing and the prettiest sprinkles, then made a smaller heart shaped smash cake too.

It took baby girl a minute to figure out what to do with the smash cake, but big brother walked over and took a big bite out of one side and that was all it took. 

Sugar liked playing with the icing but wasn't interested in eating the cake. She's dainty like that. 

Also, it's hard to be the first born on the second born's birthday lol. At one point the other grandmother said to sweet baby J that he should let sissy have a turn at something because she's the birthday girl, to which he replied, 'Well I'm the birthday brother.' True little man. 

He's sweet with his sister and the first two gifts she opened (well, her momma opened) were darling little outfits so he wasn't too overwhelmed by that. 

We bought Sugar a baby doll stroller and then I got her momma's Bitty Baby out of the attic and put her in it. I wasn't sure I'd give her the doll this time or not, but when I pulled Bitty Baby (Julia as she's known here) out of the box she was stored in she was wearing her Valentine's Day dress, so how could I not? 

When everyone left we all crashed. We got up Sunday morning and got ready to hit the road. My son-in-law picked up donuts and hubs asked J to pick the Superbowl winner-

And he did! We got home about one and hubs got to work setting up the grill for his famous wings and brats. I slept through most of the third quarter, but was so happy with the win. The Eagles are my hometown team and they showed up for this one. 

And now somehow it's Tuesday and I have book club, and a tax organizer to finish, then a dinner to attend this evening. I thought February was quiet and dull?

Linking today with Hello Monday hosted by Holly and Sarah and Talking About It Tuesday hosted by Joanne

Monday, February 10, 2025

10 on the 10th ala Valentine's Day

We've had a busy busy weekend which included a road trip, so I think I'll save my recap for tomorrow (Tuesday) and join Marsha In The Middle for her monthly 10 on the 10th today. 

Feel free to play along and add your link on her blog. Every month is different and this month we have ten 'would you rather' style questions related to Valentine's Day. Here we go-

1. A cozy restaurant or cozied up at home in your jammies?

We typically try to cook something special or a little bit fancy together at home on Valentine's Day because restaurants are busy and often have set menus for the holiday. That being said, I feel like we've spent a lot of time cooking at home lately so a nice dinner out is really appealing. 

This year we'll be in charge of the grands over the Valentine's Day weekend while my daughter1 and her husband travel to a wedding. It's possible we'll be dining on pizza and that's okay too. 

2. Eat red velvet cake or wear red velvet? 

I'll have the slice of cake please. I love velvet fabric especially around the Christmas holidays, but I prefer the darker tones-black, emerald, navy

When my girls were little I did 
dress them in red velvet on occasion, but it's not a color/fabric combo I'd wear myself. 

3.  A heart shaped box of candy or a heart shaped piece of jewelry? 

It would depend on the jewelry. Some delicate heart shaped earrings? Yes please. I love these from Kendra Scott-

The little Kate Spade hearts are also really cute-

4. Reese's Pieces or a Reese's Heart?  

I'd be happy with either, but would probably opt for the Reese's Pieces. 

5. Watch a Valentine themed movie or an action movie? 

Is the Valentine movie any good or is it super cheesy? If it's the latter, then I'd rather watch an action movie. 

6. A box of chocolates or a less than perfect homemade card for my person? 

Can I just share the above mentioned Reese's Pieces with my person? They're one of his favorites. 

7. Iceland or Tahiti? 

Definitely Tahiti. I'd like a trip to Tahiti more than a cozy dinner in a restaurant or a cozy dinner at home in my jammies or a bag of Reese's Pieces or some heart shaped jewelry. 

8. Would my Valentine want me to sing At Last or I Don't Want To Miss A Thing? 

My Valentine wouldn't want me to sing lol. Are these my only choices because neither would be songs I'd sing? 

If I could sing I mean. 

Which I can't so there won't be singing. 

9. Celebrate for a week or not at all? 

I like the holiday, but a week might be a lot. Not at all sounds like the February equivalent of Scrooge. A single day feels just right. 

10. A really sour piece of candy or a Brussel sprout dipped in chocolate? 

Finally an easy one...sour candies are my favorite so will happily opt for that one. 

Hope your week is filled with the things and people you love. 

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Hodgepodge Questions-Volume 589

Here are the questions to this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge. Answer on your own blog, then hop back here on Wednesday (Feb 12th) to add your link and share the love. See you there!  

1. Did you watch the Super Bowl? Did your team win? What's your favorite game day snack for  whatever sport is happening? 

2. What's your 'superpower'? 

3. Will you do anything special on Valentine's Day? If so do share. Any thoughts on/about this particular holiday? Share a favorite verse or quote relating to love. 

4. Are you a fan of the rom-com genre? If so what's one of your favorites? If you're not a movie go-er then what about a book you love that features a great love story? How about a favorite love song? 

5. Let's get creative...write an acrostic using the word L-O-V-E. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Sugar Sugar...

Someone especially sweet is celebrating a birthday today...

Dear Sugar, 

Today you are ONE. Time seems to move faster with every passing year and while I know that's something 'old' people say, it feels so true. 

Also, Pawpaw and I are not really old, it's just that sometimes five grandchildren can fool us into thinking we are. 

You, my precious girl, have been pure sweetness from day one. You have what I call a whole body smile. When you smile, which is almost all the time, your whole face lights up (mine too!) and your whole body seems to feel the joy. You can make any day better and brighter, which is a gift I hope you never lose. 

You've been walking for a few weeks now, which has opened up a whole new world to explore. You dearly love your big brother and want whatever he has. He makes you laugh and loves you to bits too, and is so patient with you (most of the time).

You have your momma's big blue eyes and love seeing Daddy walk through the door. You like being outside, getting in to brother's toys, bath time, books, noodles, and music. You're also a climber which keeps everyone on their toes. 

You are the beautiful caboose on our cousin train and we all adore you. We can't remember what it was like not to know you and we're so glad you're ours. 

Happy birthday sweet Sugar. You are so very easy to love, and I pray you always smile as big and as freely as you have in this first year of your life. Know your Nana loves you deep and wide xo

"But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in Him." 
Jeremiah 17:7

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Share Our Shelves-January

It's the first Thursday of the month which means it's time to share what we've read the month prior. Just a note (or possibly a few paragraphs) about how I rate books using the Goodreads five star system. 

I'm extremely stingy with five stars. If I give a book five stars I have absolutely loved it and continued to think about it after the cover has been closed. It's a book that will probably be added to my list of all time favorites.

Four stars for me means it was a great read. 

Three stars is good, but maybe not memorable. It likely had some flaws that bothered, but still not a bad read. 

Two stars is unfortunate and I should have probably quit before I did. 

One star. I don't think I've ever given a book one star because if it's that bad I'm sure I've put it down before finishing. 

Also, I hesitate to rate memoirs because they're someone's lived experience and it doesn't feel right to rate that. 

Now for what I read in January-

Ask Not: The Kennedys and the Women They Destroyed by Maureen Callahan

Whew. This book. If you're a Kennedy fan you likely won't be after reading this one. This isn't a book I would have grabbed on my own, but my sister gave it to me to read and once I got started it was hard to put down. I can't remember a book that made me as furious as this one. 

I will say this is billed as non-fiction, but the author takes a good many liberties in posting internal conversations she wasn't actually privy to. Casting this as non-fiction might be a stretch…calling it an historical re-telling feels more accurate. 

Honestly there was so much absolutely awful behavior it wasn't necessary to add imagined or supposed dialogue. The dirty deeds stand on their own. If social media had been around when some of this had been happening I doubt the family would be as revered as they are in American culture today.

This book isn't about politics at all. At times I felt like I was reading a tabloid but wow, some truly despicable stuff has been perpetrated by the men in this family. The book features nine different women very negatively impacted, some in fact having their lives completely ruined, by various male members of the Kennedy clan. Some of the stories-crimes-escapades I was more familiar with than others, and some I'd forgotten about until I read them re-told here. 

I'm not sure of the author's motives, but I feel like she wanted the stories of these women to be known and heard. Almost without exception the women were cast as 'they did it to themselves' or 'they knew this was what it meant to be married to a Kennedy' while the men take zero percent of the blame or responsibility. 

While not everything presented as fact is indeed a confirmed fact, you still come away feeling kind of sick to your stomach. At least I did.  

The Faculty Lounge by Jennifer Mathieu

Another book my sister recommended and thought I'd like since I taught school. I will say upfront there is some language and lots of the expected progressive point of view expounded upon, so if you don't have the stomach for that you might want to give it a miss. 

If you've taught school, particularly high school, I think you'll nod your head a lot, laugh a little, and will relate to much of the humor and inner workings of a high school as told from the faculty point of view.

The story begins with a substitute teacher dying (of natural causes) in the faculty lounge on a school day, and his death being discovered by a young new teacher. The substitute had been a teacher at the school for decades before retiring, and then returning as a sub. Each chapter following his death features one of the faculty members recounting their own personal experience and interactions with the sub, almost like a series of short stories. I enjoyed the format very much.

The Great Divorce by C. S. Lewis

I have read and loved a lot of C.S. Lewis's writing, but had never read The Great Divorce until now. This is a relatively short, allegorical tale of a bus ride from hell to heaven. You'll need your thinking cap for this one. 

In the tale anyone can take the bus, any one can stay in heaven, but sadly in the end most opt to return to the 'grayness' below. They're unable to give up the very things that prevent them from accepting heaven. The characters have a myriad of excuses as to why, and wow this book makes you think. I will definitely be re-reading it from time to time. 

The story begins with the main character at a bus stop where the bus is taking people to heaven. They begin in The Valley of the Shadow of Death so not quite hell, and end up in The Valley of the Shadow of Life, so not quite heaven. This person goes on to encounter a variety of characters responding to the opportunity to remain in heaven or return to hell. The word divorce is used in the sense that there is a choice to be made and there's no middle ground. There is a complete division between heaven and hell. 

Absolutely loved it and still thinking about it today. Five stars for me. 

The Paris Widow by Kimberly Belle

Let me just say from the beginning I loved the setting. The story begins with Stella and her antique dealing husband (Adam) hopping around Europe ending their tour in Paris, and about to head back to their home in Atlanta. There's an explosion and in the aftermath Adam is missing. Is he dead? Is he/was he the man he said he was? All questions to be answered as the story progresses, with the backstory revealed one chapter at a time. 

When I read books like this I scratch my head at how little fictional married couples seem to actually know about each other. About their work, their pasts, their family dynamics...all of it. And they don't seem curious about it either. I know people try and often succeed to keep affairs hidden, but criminal activity? Maybe I'm too much in my hubs business lol. 

There were some holes in the plot, and some unbelievable bits, but overall it was an enjoyable easy read. Three stars for me. 

The Unmaking of June Farrow by Adriennne Young

I don't remember how I ended up reading this one, and didn't know what I was getting in to when I picked it up. Magical realism isn't for me. There's some time travel in the book which was at times hard to follow, and it wasn't until the end I felt like I finally understood the timeline. I thought the writing was lovely and that's what kept me reading til the end. 

June Farrow is determined to get to the bottom of her mother's disappearance, and at the same time end her family's 'curse'. When she steps through a mysterious door she begins (or continues) a journey through time, discovering secrets about both her past and her future, and the choices she must make that come with the knowledge gained there. Another three star read for me. 

So what have you been reading lately? 

This book party is hosted by Joanne, Marilyn, Jenn, and Tanya...hop over to any one of their blogs to add your link and see what others have been reading. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

A Heart-y Hodgepodge

Hello loves. It's February so I'm going to use that moniker. The very young bagger at Publix called me love yesterday, and if she can do it so can I. 

If you've answered this week's questions add your link at the end of my post, then leave a comment for the blogger before you. Bloggers love comments. Here we go-

From this Side of the Pond

1. What area of your life feels like you're stuck in a Groundhog's Day loop, doing the same thing over and over? Does it bother you or is that just how life is in this particular season? 

I feel like I'm always emptying the dishwasher and adding clothes to the washer or moving them to the dryer or folding them and putting away. Those two household tasks feel a little bit like a Groundhog's Day loop, but I think that's life in every season. 

2. Something that makes your heart skip a beat? 

This saying can mean either excited or nervous depending on the circumstance. We have a double sided stone fireplace and there have been a few near misses with little ones clamboring around the furniture that sits in front. Definitely makes my heart skip a beat. 

3. Do you wear your heart on your sleeve or are you more of a closed book? Elaborate. 

I looked back at my blog and it seems I've asked this question four times now. Oh well. There are lots of newbies in the Hodgepodge who weren't reading here in 2015. Or 2016. Or 2022. Oops. My answer was similar each time and remains the same still. 

I am not a person with a quick temper or short fuse, but I do cry and blush fairly easily. I think it depends on the 'audience' as to how my emotions play out. I can act like things are fine and don't bother me if need be, but I definitely stew about things behind closed doors. 

4. According to Prevention Magazine, these are 25 of the best foods for heart health-

wild salmon, sardines, liver, walnuts, almonds, chia seeds, oatmeal, blueberries, coffee, red wine, green tea, soy milk, dark chocolate, raisins, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, whole grains, apples, oranges, grapefruit, avocado, avocado oil, olive oil 

Which five on the list do you include in your diet most often? Are there any foods on the list you simply cannot abide? 

Almost all of these are a regular part of my diet but I guess the top five would be salmon, blueberries, coffee, apples, and oranges. The only thing on the list I don't eat is liver. I despised it as a child, couldn't even stand the smell of it, and I've never gotten over it. My parents liked liver and onions but blech. Not for me. It's one of the very few foods I don't eat. 

5. What was the last piece of furniture you bought? Is there a piece of furniture you need/want to purchase this year? 

We purchased a lot of outdoor furniture for the patio and new outdoor dining spot, all of which was delivered last week. There are pictures in Monday's post found here-Weekending. We also added a new sofa to the pool table room to coordinate with what's outside. Trying to make these space flow together for entertaining. 

The next thing we'd like to buy (or re-do) is our family room couch. We want to reconfigure the furniture layout and it will all be a lot so not happening this year. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

He's not spoiled at all...

And by he I mean the little brown dog. 

We've had a couple of beautiful days weather wise and we're all soaking up some vitamin D in the hopes it knocks out whatever germs are lingering. 

Tuesday was a s'mores kind of day. True story-I'm not a huge fan of s'mores. 

I like all of the components on their own (especially the toasted marshmallow), but when you put them together they're too much. What about you? Love 'em or no thanks? 

Have a great day everyone! 

Monday, February 3, 2025


Good Monday morning friends. We are still fighting germs in our house and it seems when one kiddo gets to feeling better another one goes down for the count. The two oldest grandboys spent the weekend with their other grandparents and I washed all the sheets and towels (again), Lysol-ed the house, cleaned all the bathrooms, then opened up some windows to let the sunshine and fresh air in. 

Hubs, daughter1, little miss, and I hung out at home mostly, with a few little errands thrown into the mix too. I've been doing a lot of cooking with a full house here and was running out of steam by the weekend. You forget how often kids eat. I mean there's breakfast then there's lunch and then of course dinner plus snacks in between. They are not picky eaters at all, but I'm just not used to all.the.meals. 

I made a chicken pot pie on Friday and we had BLT's Saturday which doesn't feel like real cooking and was a nice break. Pictures? Nope. 

How about an outdoor project update because I do have some pictures of that. When last we spoke (about this) we were waiting on furniture to arrive and guess what? It's here! The truck pulled into our driveway Friday morning and the unloading and figuring it all out commenced. Thankfully the designer came with them because it required a bit of finagling. 

It's a large space and we needed large furniture to fill it. Plus we always have people coming and going here so we wanted a lot of seating. It took a while to get the rug in the exact correct precise right spot and then get the furniture centered. Where is the center anyway? Is it between the columns? In line with the sliders? in line with the line that runs through the patio? hmmm...

Hubs needs everything symmetrical to the nth degree, while I'm more of a 'let's eyeball it and see how that looks' kind of gal. These delivery guys were great and super patient. 

Can you move it about four inches to your right? 
Wait, can you move it two inches back to your left? 
Bring it forward just a smidge. 
Too much! Can you back it up a hair? 
Maybe we should try removing one piece? 
Maybe we should add that middle piece to the left side instead? The right side?
Somehow the rug is now off center. Can you slide it over just a tad without 
moving all the heavy furniture we just asked you to set down there?

In short, we're a lot. Daughter1 tried to gently suggest hubs and I go upstairs and let them set it up and then come down and weigh in, but that's not how we roll here.  We have opinions. Especially one of us. Hi hubs! 

The end result though is so pretty! Can't wait to have a party of some kind when the weather warms up for good. 

I love the swivel chairs which sit out a bit from the main seating. You can join the conversation or swivel and look at the lake. 

We've made a cozy outdoor dining space under our screened porch and I love the new table and especially love all those chairs. 

We still need a fan installed in the dining space, along with some twinkle lights or Edison bulbs, and I need some lamps for the serving pieces, and some art and 'stuff' but we're on our way. 

We sat out by the new little fire table that afternoon and it was lovely. 

I have my new soon-to-be favorite napping spot all picked out-

Saturday we loaded up the car and went to see a couple of houses that are on the market. My daughter and her family are house hunting, and she's finally got her land legs after the move, the trip across the pond, the germs!!, so starting the hunt in earnest now. While Saturday's houses were a no-go, I guess it's good to eliminate things too. There's not a ton on the market, but listings generally pick up here in these next couple of months. While they're not in a big rush, I know it's hard not to be itching to get settled into your own space too. One day at a time. 

Saturday night we put little miss to bed, then the three of us watched Back In Action with Cameron Diaz and Jamie Foxx. I thought it was going to be silly, but it was actually pretty cute and we all enjoyed it. 

Sunday hubs took daughter1 to see three more houses and a couple of these might be worth another look once her hubs arrives later this week. I did more cleaning, more laundry, and just some general picking up while they were out and it felt good to get the three inches of dust off my bedroom furniture. Hubs grilled burgers for dinner and then it was early to bed for all the littles. We watched Groundhog Day because it seemed like the thing to do. 

It's an unusual season here...we're trying to hold on to some of our routines, but others we've chucked out the window for the time being.  It's fine. Better than fine. We love having the kids here and I know the other grandparents feel the same. 

I confess I might need to mother my daughter a little less, but it's hard. I mean she's right here in my very own house so it's tempting to weigh in on all sorts of things I don't need to weigh in on. She was going to run an errand the other day and I launched into directions when she reminded me she lives here now and is going to have to learn her way around. Plus it's 2025 and she has gps so I actually never need to launch into directions. 

It's what I do though. Mothers gotta mother.

Think maybe I'll put myself in time out right here. 

Linking with Holly and Sarah for their regular Hello Monday weekend catch up. 

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Hodgepodge Questions-Volume 588

Here are the questions to this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge. Answer on your own blog then hop back here on Wednesday (February 5th) to share answers with the universe. See you there! 

1. What area of your life feels like you're stuck in a Groundhog's Day loop, doing the same thing over and over? Does it bother you or is that just how life is in this particular season? 

2. Something that makes your heart skip a beat? 

3. Do you wear your heart on your sleeve or are you more of a closed book? Elaborate. 

4. According to Prevention Magazine, these are 25 of the best foods for heart health-

wild salmon, sardines, liver, walnuts, almonds, chia seeds, oatmeal, blueberries, coffee, red wine, green tea, soy milk, dark chocolate, raisins, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, whole grains, apples, oranges, grapefruit, avocado, avocado oil, olive oil 

Which five do you include in your diet most often? Are there any foods on the list you simply cannot abide? 

5. What was the last piece of furniture you bought? Is there a piece of furniture you need/want to purchase this year? 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

A Juicy Hodgepodge

Actually it's not that juicy but I needed a title. Welcome to this week's edition of The Wednesday Hodgepodge. So glad you've decided to join the fun here today. Add your link at the end of my post, and be sure to leave a comment for the blogger before you. That's what good neighbors do. Here we go-

From this Side of the Pond
1. What was your after school routine like when you were a kid? 

If we're talking about elementary school then life was simple. We walked home with our friends, my mom would give us a snack and we'd chat about our day, and then I think we mostly played, rode bikes, that sort of thing until dinner. 

I don't think we had a lot of homework in elementary school, at least not the early years. I do remember a lot of homework in sixth grade, which was still part of elementary school where I grew up. My mom worked part time as a librarian when we got a little older, but I think it was only on Tuesdays we let ourselves in. I had my younger sister with me so wasn't alone, and it wasn't for long. 

There weren't a ton of activities. That's me on the left and my younger sister on the right. Is she holding my hand or is she trying to place herself in front of me in the photo. You decide lol. I was a brownie and girl scout and took ballet but other than that life revolved mostly around the kids in the neighborhood (of which there were many), activities and church, and lots of imaginative play both indoors and out. 

When I was 13 I started babysitting for an hour or two right after school for the little girl across the street. Her dad got home sometime between 4 and 5, but her mom was a nurse and left for her shift around 3, so it was an easy job. Plus the people were great to me and the little girl was a sweetheart. 

2. January 26 is National Green Juice Day ( I guess it's true everything really does have it's day). Do you juice, as in make your own in an attempt to get healthy? Do you do the green juices? What's your favorite kind of juice (home blended or store bought, either one)? 

I don't juice and we don't have a juice bar in our town. It feels like a lot of fuss to do at home. I like juice but haven't really investigated the green varieties. My favorite  is cranberry. 

3. What's something trivial about which you have a strong opinion? 

How my groceries are bagged. Hubs gets annoyed at how over the top I am when I put the items on the belt, but I know some of the baggers load them as they come, and I do my best to prevent nonsense from happening. Put all the cold items with the cold items. Don't put milk and ten cans of something in a single flimsy bag. f

And yes, I know this is an absolute first world problem. I will say my daughter was shocked at the total when we checked out on Sunday. 

4. What do you need more of in your life? Less of? 

More of? Jesus

Less of? Dust and dog hair. Not very deep I know, but keeping it real. I've been off my game for the past week, have a houseful of people, and hubs (chief vacuum-er here) has been away so ugh. The floors need attention. 

5. Give us three adjectives to describe your January.

cold (original, right?), reset (mostly used as a verb I know, but it fits my January), and mellifluous (your word of the day)

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

Fire + water for a January win...

Happy Wednesday everyone! 

Monday, January 27, 2025

Monday Morning Coffee Hour

Good Monday morning to you. How was your weekend. Ours was sick! 

I wish I meant that in the slangy way the word is sometimes used, but nope, it was the real deal. 

Here's the thing no one tells you about having grandchildren. They come with hugs and kisses and words and germs. Have mercy, the germs! I feel like a first year teacher when I'm around them (iykyk). I still remember having the most wicked case of strep throat ever my first year in the public schools. 

I do think you build up your immune system being around kids, and if that's truly the case mine should be good for the remainder of the year. 

My daughter said, 'you're not going to blog about this are you mom?' Of course not.

Oh my word it has been a week. 

I'll spare you the gruesome details but let's just say one half of the team had a fever-cough-sinus thing and the other half had what I feel certain was norovirus. Sadly I was in the second camp.

Actually by the weekend most of us were fine, but we kept it low key and just did more movie viewing and less eating than we normally would. 

We survived and I have the pictures to prove it. Sort of. Getting five littles to all look the same direction at the same time, whilst also feeling crummy, is not without it's challenges, but we persevered. I plan to have a cousin crew photo every year wearing matchy matchys. They've been told. Arkansas...

Hubs missed out on all the fun here because he was duck hunting with friends. I know it's not everyone's thing, but rest assured we will cook and eat what's 'caught'. 

Honestly I'm glad hubs wasn't home last week, because we need someone operating at full capacity. 

He always says he thinks I'd enjoy this, but I'm not keen on the idea of cold, dark, early, and wet. Especially the cold part. 

I do enjoy the photos though. 

And that was our weekend. Dead ducks...

... and lame ducks. 

Linking this post today with Holly and Sarah and their Hello Monday blog hop. 

Don't worry...I used lots of hand sanitizer.