Wednesday, August 10, 2011

She sells seashells in the Wednesday Hodgepodge-Vol 39

Welcome to the Wednesday Hodgepodge...a happy way to celebrate mid-week. Add a link to back here in your own post and then add your blog link at the bottom of the page. Be sure to hop around too...that's part of the fun! Here are my answers to this week's questions~

1. If you could work for any one government agency which would you choose and why?

The Library of Congress or The United States Botanic Garden. In all my many trips to D.C. I have never seen or heard of The US Botanic Garden. Hmmm...something to add to my list of must sees. I love libraries and I love beautiful gardens and in making my selection I have to think these choices would be two of the less annoying government agencies in which to work.

2. How difficult is it for you to forgive someone who refuses to apologize?

When a hurt is fresh its a little bit hard not to want and expect an apology. I think its natural when we've been wronged to want an apology. As I've gotten older I've learned to recognize though, that 'no apology' is the offenders issue, not mine, and I am more easily able to let it go.

3. What is your favorite meatless supper?

Eggplant parm-yum!

4. Wednesday, August 10th is National Lazy Day...will you be celebrating? If so tell us how so we can be lazy too.

Do we really need a day to recognize this? Celebrating bad habits? Sigh. I admire hard work carried out as part of living a balanced life. I don't think a person who works hard most days but who occasionally takes a day to read a book or hang out in their kitchen baking cookies, or sit curled up in a chair knitting, or plopped in a lounge chair in front of the ocean is lazy. In my mind laziness means having the ability to complete a task as well as the need to complete the task but not being particularly inclined to actually then do the task. Everyone needs a lazy day now and then. Nobody needs to make a habit of being lazy.

5. As a child did you have any special back to school traditions and if so, what were they? If you're a parent have you continued those traditions with your own children?

I was reminded of something as my daughter2 and I walked thru Target over the weekend. We passed the little girl dresses and my daughter said, 'Oh this would make such a cute first day of school dress for a little girl.' When I was little my mom always bought something new for me to wear on the first day of school, typically a dress and usually new shoes to go with. I continued that tradition with my own daughters too. And we always took a picture on the first day of school, sometimes on our porch and sometimes at the bus stop.

This picture was taken on the first day of grades 6 and 4. I know this because Daughter1 is no longer clutching a cute lunchbox. We've graduated to the brown paper bag for middle school.

6. Write a summer tongue twister.

Summers state of incalescence sizzles still, slipping slowly towards a soft September sky.

7. Would you be interested in observing a surgery or do you turn away when the nurse pulls out the needle?

I was able to observe a myringotomy back in grad school-a child having tubes put into their ears. Ick. More blood than I would have imagined. I am not especially squeamish but I guess I tend to turn my head when the nurse actually sticks the needle in my arm. Hubs is in a medical related business and always asks for a report as to brand and type when I get home so I do try to take note of these things before the actual stick.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Words I want to remember today- "Faith is deliberate confidence in the character of God whose ways you may not understand at the time." Oswald Chambers

This song goes hand in hand with that thought.


  1. What a fabulous tongue twister!

    I want to know, how do you so quickly find all of these old pictures of you and your girls? Please, share your secret :)

  2. The photo of your girls is so adorable!!

  3. Loved the picture and the song. Thanks for sharing them. That picture is so sweet. It reminds me of all of mine. Karen's Korner

  4. Like your meatless dinner choice. I think I may have many choices to borrow over the next few weeks. The tongue twister had my tongue twisted for sure.

  5. Eggplant:) Charlie's favorite. Love the song.

  6. I always got a new dress and shoes for the first day of school too. So did the lovelies. And I still find myself wandering through the back to school sections at Walmart and Target! I can't help myself!

  7. Love the girls back to school shot probably seems like yesterday! Great tongue are good!
    Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

  8. What a sweet picture of your daughters on the first day of school.

    I agree: everyone needs a lazy day now and then ... no one needs a habit of laziness. ;-)

    And I love your tongue twister ... you. are. good!

  9. Sorry don't yell at me about the twister I'm not good with songs,poems, and riddles and such!!! :)

  10. First of all, kudos to you for that tongue twister! LOL

    I love the photo of your girls, in their back to school dresses...those were the days, weren't they? I bought my little granddaughter a back to school dress last year--for old time's sake :)

    Loved yor words to remember, and the song. I can't imagine not having "Faith" in my life, and I often wonder how people who don't believe can cope with life's stressors.

  11. I share your thoughts regarding a day for laziness...sigh. Your tongue twister borders on the intensely poetic...woohoo! I love that quote by chambers. Love to you for posting yet another week of Hodgepodge!!

  12. thx for dropping by...
    i was sooo feeling your pain when you posted about your moving your daughter in...
    summer Southern heat is NOT the time to move anywhere, hahahah!
    you've given me hope...

  13. Love your random thought and thanks for hosting the Hodgepodge every week. Even though I don't always participate I do enjoy reading what everyone has to say.

  14. Your daughters are so cute in that picture. I could like working at the Library of Congress. That would be a good one.

  15. I remember getting new shoes for school--and not wanting to wear them because I thought they were ugly. Guess I was a shoe-diva even back then. : )

  16. I love that Kutless song! And I had never heard of Lazy Day until it came up in this meme. I promise ... I didn't put it on the calendar so I could celebrate next year! :)

  17. First of all, my boys would not stand for a meatless dinner. Just sayin'. :)
    Love that song by Kutless. We used it for our mission Sunday at church.
    I hope to post some back to school pictures soon too! Got some of my grandson today.

  18. Amiee -- My mom usually stores old photos in a photo box or albums. I also do the same.

    Anyway i actually like a few other baseball teams but im pretty much a die hard Giants fan since they're the team closest to me. They had a rough series with the Phillies last weekend ;/

  19. If I had to watch a surgery, they'd have to have an extra medical team on hand to revive me. You are brave!

  20. Eggplant parma - yum! It *is* good. You've made me hungry now!

  21. I love, love, love that song... It my be time to break out my well worn but currently neglected Oswald Chambers devotional...

  22. Great quote. Thanks for sharing. Hugs.
