Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Sisterhood Of The Traveling Hodgepodge

Welcome to another week in the Wednesday Hodgepodge. If you've answered today's questions add your link at the end of my post, then leave a comment for the blogger before you. 

fyi-there won't be a Hodgepodge next week (Aug 10) because I have a few too many things happening and somethin's gotta give. The Hodgepodge will return the following week (Aug 17). Thanks for understanding! 

Now, here we go-

From this Side of the Pond

1. Do you have a sister? Tell us something about her. If you don't have a sister, tell us about a friend who has been like a sister. Or tell us about a sister-in-law if you have one who is extra special. 

I have two sisters whom I adore. Can't imagine life without them. And I have four sisters-in-law who are all pretty special too. Oh and I've birthed sisters who have been the bestest of friends from Day 1, which makes me so happy, and in conclusion let me just say sisters are my favorite. 

As far as telling you something about my sisters, well...we are a part of each others hearts. We laugh, cry, sing, fight, forgive, share, and  remember. I can tell my sisters anything and they are always on my side even when I might be wrong. Ha! They may try to get me to see another side of things, but they are on my side from the start and that counts for a lot. 

I'm pretty sure my girls discuss me with one another, which is just one more great thing about having a sister. Moms can be a lot sometimes and it's nice to have a sister to vent with and laugh with and remember how much you both love your mom. 

2. Resister, assister, insister, persister...choose one and explain how it relates to you and your life lately. 

I guess all of these could be applied to me in some form or fashion. Much as I hate to admit it I'm a bit of a resister when it comes to trying anything new. I almost always end up being talked into the fun, but I like to dig my heels in first and make you work for it. Hubs is nodding his head. 

I'm extremely determined so will persist, sometimes longer than I should. And I'm a helper so happy to assist in whatever way assisting is needed. I volunteer in a local soup kitchen most Thursdays so assist is probably the one that fits best at the moment. 

3. Share a favorite song, book, movie, or television program that features sisters.

Song-Sisters, Sisters as performed in White Christmas. My girls loved to copy that act when they were small and it was too cute for words.

Book-The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield

Movie- The Parent Trap, both the original and the remake with Lindsay Lohan

No tv shows are coming to mind. 

4. August 3rd is national watermelon day...are you a fan? Do you like watermelon flavored candy? Besides eating the melon as is, do you have a good recipe made with watermelon? 

I am a huge fan of watermelon. Watermelon candy not so much, but actual watermelon is one of my favorite foods. I don't do a lot with it besides eating as is, but I saw this recipe the other day and want to try it.  (Chile-Coconut Watermelon crudo) Sounds like a lot of steps for what it is, but I'm super curious about the taste. 

Also, hubs makes a watermelon smash cocktail that is a bit of trouble, but really delicious. 

5. 'Tis August...what are three things you're looking forward to this month? 

A few days at the beach with Daughter1 and her family, a women's retreat in the NC mountains with some current and also soon-to-be friends from church, and a wedding in one of the prettiest places I know.

Actually called 'Pretty Place' and the name fits. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Cotton candy summer evening sky...

Also makes for a 'pretty place'. 

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  1. That's definitely a pretty place to have a wedding.

  2. Wow that is beautiful! Absolutely breathtaking, honestly.

    And I am also a huge fan of watermelon! That watermelon smash sounds delicious!

  3. Wow, that is a pretty place for sure. Lots of sister joy in this post and that is the way I like it. That watermelon cocktail does sound fun and a little dangerous, too. Vacation Bible School is next week with my duties starting each evening at 5:30 so thanks for the week off. :)

  4. Don't we love our sister-love! I see the sister- love between my granddaughters and am so grateful they share such a bond. Oh my what a truly "Pretty Place" and perfect for creating a lasting forever memory. Your pretty place is certainly worth sharing too and I thank you.

  5. I picked the same movie/song as you...too funny! I would love to see that church some day. I hope you enjoy your trip and your whole month of August.

  6. Great sunset pic! And I agree that moms can be a lot and my sister and I sometimes do talk about our mom, but not in horrible ways. :)

  7. Hi Joyce,
    I am catching up on your blog. Thank you for sharing your family, it always makes me smile.
    Enjoy your month of August.. summer sure is flying by!
    Take Care,

  8. I loved Parent Trap - old and new!!

  9. Pretty places, indeed!! You do have a full calendar coming up!! See you back in a couple of weeks, Joyce. Thanks, always, for the Hodgepodge! xo

  10. Love your title. Beautiful answer for #1. I felt I was all of them too. So nice of you to volunteer at the soup kitchen. One of my favorite songs! I agree, both of The Parent Trap movies were good. The watermelon cocktail sounds yummy. Your August sounds perfect.

  11. I really loved all your answers. You are VERY blessed in the sister realm. I have two daughters and they are amazing. They have their "moments" as sisters, but they love each other and have a great relationship. The "pretty place" is stunning. Wow. I love parent trap too.

  12. What a beautiful place to have a wedding! Very aptly named.
