Wednesday, December 15, 2021


Hi Friends! And strangers lurking here too. A reminder this will be our last Hodgepodge of the year. We'll return to the regularly scheduled random on Wednesday January 5th, so mark your brand new calendars and plan to be here. 

If you've answered today's questions add your link at the bottom of my post. Be sure to leave a comment for the blogger before you because 'tis the season. Here we go-

1. How young is young? In the past, according to various organizations who decide these things, age 60 was the 'border age' to old. The World Health Organization has done new research recently and divided up the categories as-0-17 (underage), 18-65 (youth or young people), 66-79 (middle-aged), 80-99 (elderly senior), 100+ (long-lived elderly). Your thoughts on this particular breakdown, and also your thoughts as to where you land?

Well I for one am loving where I land-ha! Is it accurate? Hmmm...depends on the day I suppose. According to this chart I'm young. Or youthful which sounds even better. I feel more middle aged than young but I like that our 60's and early 70's  are still considered middle age. That definitely feels accurate. 

2. TIME magazine has declared Elon Musk person of the year in 2021. What say you? If you want to know more about how they choose you'll find that info in the link here. If you were choosing, who would be your person of the year? 

I've asked this question several years in a row now in the Wednesday Hodgepodge, so I know the criteria is essentially the person who most influenced the news and our lives, for better or worse. I don't often agree with the magazine's choice, but I think this year Elon Musk is not a bad selection. He has for sure made a lot of news. 

As far as who I would choose if given the chance...I can think of thirteen soldiers who lost their lives in Afghanistan who are certainly worthy of the title. Remember Afghanistan? 

3. I read here ten habits of extremely likeable people which include-they greet the world with a smile on their face, they ask questions, they're consistent, they put the phone away, they remember names and use them, they keep an open mind and don't pass judgement, they're authentic, they're kind and generous, accountable for their mistakes, and they send thank you notes.  

So, are you likeable-lol? Which one of these habits could use some further developing in your own life? What is one habit/quality you'd add to the list? 

Am I likeable? Don't we need someone else to answer that question for us? I think I'm pretty likeable. 

I'm an optimist and if I were adding something to the list it would be 'likeable people see life's glass as more than half full'. 

4. One non-holiday related task/job/goal/dream on your to-do list that you hope/plan to make happen before the new year rolls in? 

I'd love to say my office reno, but it's unlikely to be completed before the calendar turns. It's underway though so I'll take it! I've been reading through the Bible this year and I got a little behind but am catching up now. My goal is to finish before the clock strikes 2022.

5. Share with us some of your holiday plans.

I will not have my daughters or my grandsons here on Christmas Day, which was not at all the plan but is now the plan. I'm not on board in case you're wondering. 

Sometimes we have to work to see the glass half full, don't we? 

Daughter2 and her Mr. will be here a few days before Christmas and we're going to have my mother-in-law with us for about ten days which will be nice. Hubs recognizes I am struggling to find my holiday spirit this year, so he's putting things on the calendar, inviting friends here, accepting invitations, all to help make the season feel more merry. He's a keeper. 

Hubs and I are lighting our church advent wreath on Christmas Eve at the 9 PM candlelight service. The Christmas Eve service is almost always the thing that really and truly reminds me all is calm, and all is bright. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6

~Merry Christmas to you all~

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  1. Merry Christmas to you! Mark and I have been by ourselves on Christmas morning for the last couple of years and it is an adjustment. Year before last we got up and opened our gifts and then went for a walk. This year, Mark's mom is not doing well so our daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter will actually be with us.

  2. So sorry your Christmas plans have changed. Prayers for a way to be able to enjoy those fabulous grandsons! And congratulations on completing the Bible! That is quite an accomplishment!

  3. Hi Joyce. I know it's hard not to be with your girls all together for Christmas and I know you know it too. We also will not be with our girls this year, but they are getting a few days together with their little families just before Christmas and I am so happy for them. I love the relationship they have and I want it to be so strong as hubby and I won't always be around. I know how important my relationship with my sisters is and I'm glad they have that too.

    Thanks for another week of Hodgepodge and hope you have a great day.

  4. Our Christmas is a little wonky too since my parents are going with us to Tampa this weekend so we won't be having an actual Christmas with them. And because we have other plans between then and New Year's, we probably won't see my sister until mid-January but hey, you do what you have to do!

  5. Love your choice for the persons of the year! It is rough but doable to have family members absent at Christmas. Sweet hubby to try to fill in the blanks. A very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours!!

  6. True, those soldiers should get the honor. I am sure you are likeable! That is wonderful that you are reading through the Bible. ((Hugs)) about Christmas day. I know it is going to be hard but I am so thankful that you do get to see them often now throughout the year. Merry Christmas!

  7. We usually spend most of Christmas Day alone, and it's really fine. I do understand your struggle with Christmas spirit (especially since daughters and grandkids are now relatively nearby) but oh, I applaud your hubby for trying to make the season merrier for you. He is indeed a keeper.

    I like your idea of adding optimism to the list of likeable qualities.

    Merry Christmas!

    A few years ago I wrote a post about Christmas traditions when it's just the two of you. It's here if you're interested:

  8. I'm sorry your holiday plans went sideways, that is so disappointing! Asking the Lord to fill your glass more than halfway in another way. Merry Christmas Joyce, thank you for all you do in this space <3

  9. I like your addition to the likable people one likes a negative Nancy so I'm all about being glass half full. See you so soon!

  10. I understand your struggle with Christmas :( I keep reminding myself the true meaning of Christmas and this does make me smile. Yes, those 12 soldiers do deserve to be honored.
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  11. Yes, to remembering the reason for the season! Growing up, we did Christmas at one grandparents' home the Sunday before and the other the Sunday after - all the cousins and aunts & uncles, etc. Then we had our own Christmas at home (and the grands usually dropped in). Of course we weren't states away but it worked for us. Glad D2 and the boys will be there for a few days. Christmas covers a couple of weeks, anyway, if not more! It's all about love!! Thanks for another fun HP, Joyce! Enjoy the following days!! xo

  12. I am trying to get my kitchen countertops (which we made out of concrete) polished and waxed before Christmas. It really is something I should be doing more than once every 15 or so years and it probably wouldn't be such a big job and need quite so many coats to look nice.

  13. Well I feel like a stranger lurking here as I haven't been taking part for a while but I always enjoy reading your post. Sorry your Christmas plans are not as you might have wanted. We're in another Covid wave so just praying none of us gets it as we're hoping to all be together. One DIL is currently isolating with Covid but she's not too sick and she'll finish quarantining on the 24th! Phew. You're definitely likeable Joyce and I could probably pass as likeable on a good day but not with your added requirement lol. Have a great Christmas whatever you end up doing.

  14. indeed... remember afghanistan... and people who do the right thing even though it requires sacrifice. A nurse... deserves to be the person of the year, or someone who works to protect us from disease. I think you're likeable too!
