Monday, June 20, 2011

It's Monday and yes, I have some miscellany

I have a collection of thoughts today so I thought I'd try rambling for a change. Ha. There is so much wrong with that sentence isn't there? If you read here regularly you know what I'm talking about.

Our weekend began with hubs flight home from India landing safely at 4:25 am smack dab in the middle of a horrendous thunder and lightning storm that woke me up from a semi sound sleep. fyi-once you hit a certain age the ability to sleep soundly vanishes. Anyway, he was back at the house by 6:15 and we went to the diner for breakfast. We came home and I began my normal pre-weekend tidy up while he went promptly to bed so he'd be alert for his 1 PM conference call. Honestly, his travel/work schedule about kills me and I'm not even the one traveling/working.

He took a few pictures while he was in Delhi but I am going to share just one...this is a gentleman he ran into while visiting a local tourist site...take note of the t-shirt-

Hubs tried his best to explain to this young man that he knows Pigeon Forge TN very very well and in fact grew up in a nearby town. Not sure the message conveyed but it definitely made hubs smile to see a little piece of home in a city that is about as far from East Tennessee as you can get.

A friend from Maryland spent the night on Friday since he needed to collect a piece of furniture in our area on Saturday morning. We enjoyed a fantastic BBQ dinner courtesy of the project manager who designed our patio. A couple of weeks ago he surprised us with a box from Jack Stack Barbecue in Kansas City. Everything was frozen, sealed, and packed in a cooler of dry ice when it arrived so all we had to do was heat it up and dive in. And we did! It was absolutely delicious...ribs, burnt ends, chicken wings, BBQ brisket, baked beans, corn and sauce. Another friend also happened to be on his own Friday night so we invited him to join us and we all agreed we'd be ordering more Jack Stack in the future. Incidentally, this is just my opinion and I am not being compensated for this review blah blah blah.

Saturday afternoon we attended a college grad party for a longtime friend and enjoyed the day and the weather. Sunday, Father's Day, and not a kid in sight. That's kind of sad but hubs loved chatting with his girls on the phone and their sweet facebook messages left on his wall.

And he especially loved the cards and gifts they gave him which included a photo mug that is now his new favorite cup.

Sunday afternoon we took a drive to a nearby town and visited Washington's headquarters, which includes a museum and the house he used as home base following the Battle of Trenton (aka Washington Crossing the Delaware) and the Battle of Princeton. There was a guided tour of the house which was interesting and the setting is beautiful.

Hubs and I would now both like to read a biography of Alexander Hamilton because he sounds like an interesting character and I don't know a lot about him. I do know he was killed in a duel with Aaron Burr who happened to be the Vice President at the time. Funny to think they attempted to settle a political dispute with swords. Now we just use really mean words which I guess is better?

After the tour we decided to wander over to another nearby town and browse thru some antique shops. As soon as we parked though, we noticed an outdoor shop and ended up buying a love seat and comfy chair for in front of the patio fire pit. I'd post a picture but in the end it didn't fit in our vehicle so it will be delivered tomorrow.

Hey kids! Pay attention in geometry because while you may think you'll never need it again I can tell you, as an experienced furniture mover (some might even say expert), you will definitely need it.

Hubs grilled steaks for dinner which were delish...isn't it funny that on Mother's Day we don't want to cook but on Father's Day they love to cook? At least mine does. I do believe standing in front of his BBQ grill is one of the happiest places on earth for my hubs. He also grilled peaches which we had marinated in a little brown sugar, vanilla and almond extract and then poured them over ice cream for dessert. This was eaten while watching the Miss USA pageant on TV. I love my hubs. He's an excellent father and a very good sport when it comes to his girls.

This post is linked to Miscellany Monday hosted by Carissa at lowercase on the button to read more random~

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters


  1. Sounds like a very pleasant weekend. Ours was fairly nice and laid back too.

  2. Sounds like a fun weekend. So glad hubs arrived home safely. That storm woke me up too:)

  3. You and I think alike sometimes. I was thinking of heading to where you headed on Sunday one day soon. There are alot of things close by that we should see! Sounds like your husband had a nice Father's Day with you. :)

  4. That's a great photo of the T-shirt! Who'd have thought! And what you said about geometry should be written down by every teacher and mom. EVERY time you use your math skills, take note, cuz EVERY kid will say, at some point, 'When will I ever use this again???'

    Be sure to stop in at my blog today and enter my handcrafted soap GIVEAWAY!! :-)

  5. Happy Father's Day to hubs. :) Sounds like a full weekend. What does a weekend pretidy consist of? :)

  6. That mug is such a great gift from the girls. I would love something like that from my boys. Glad to know your hubby had a great Father's Day. Mine is alone at the moment in Munich--no kids or wife, poor soul. But Aussies celebrate FD on Sept. 4th so he doesn't lose out altogether..

  7. That t-shirt is a riot! Can't wait to come up and enjoy the new patio and patio furniture! Let's make that happen asap!

  8. Yes, why is it men love to grill on their days? Not that I'm complaining! My hubs is a fantastic grill master. We've got to try the grilled fruit sometime.

    What an adventure-packed weekend. Sounds like it was lots of fun!

    Have a great week!

  9. I love that he ran into a little piece of Tenn. in India! I wonder what the guy wearing it thought of it all. Think he knew he'd end up in a blog post! lol! Hope you have a wonderful week!

  10. That was pretty neat seeing the shirt in India. I guess it is a small world. lolol. My hubs said Jack Stack is wonderful! He has eaten at the restaurant years ago. He did not realize you could get it frozen. hmmmm sounds like a plan to me! Loved the pictures.
    until next time... nel

  11. I do the same pre-weekend pickup...why do we do that since it's the weekend where all the dropping happens? Hmm

    Your Hub's travel makes me tired too! Yikes

  12. Wow, that is quite a crazy schedule!

    I read a book about the Burr/Hamilton duel in college that was FANTASTIC. I think the title was Burr but I can seem to find it. It really was a great book though.

    The lovelies were not here for Father's Day either HOWEVER, everyone is coming home this weekend- the lovelies, their boytoys, my dad and step mom, one of my brothers and his wife--to celebrate Father's Day, Hubs' birthday (sat.), and Birdie's Texas adventure! I can hardly wait!!!

  13. What an enjoyable weekend you had.

    That BBQ sounds DELISH - now I've got a hankering for some BBQ myself! ;-)

  14. Your hubs has the stamina of a teenager. If I arrived from India at 4 in the morning, I'd be comatose and crabby for a good three days.

  15. Wow--about the T-shirt-who would have thought that???
    Hub wanted to cook-out for Father's Day, but weather didn't allow this.
    Glad you had a good weekend.

  16. Glad your handsome husband made it home for Father's Day. Yikes, flying during a thunderstorm would SCARE me for sure. . .Nice photos of your outing and the food all sounds WONDERFUL!!

  17. What a perfect weekend. I love me some BBQ!!! I also happen to love picture mugs. It is fun when they sit in the cupboard for awhile and you find them and remember all the pictures.
