Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wednesday Hodgepodge Vol 4-the holly jolly edition

Thanks for stopping by the Hodgepodge on this first day of December. If you've played along add your link at the end of my post so all the internets can come say hi. Here are my answers to this week's questions-

1. What is the most interesting thing you've done in the last year?

I glanced back at my photos to help me choose something and I think I'm going to have to say watching my first born graduate from university.

It was an achievement celebrated with family, filled with emotion, and was followed by a fabulous week in Marco Island. Definitely a highlight of 2010.

2. What is your most meaningful family heirloom?

Hmmm...heirloom is generally defined as any object that has been in a family for generations. I have to really think about this one to know if we are actually in possession of anything that would qualify. We don't have a lot of that sort of thing...I have a book of poetry that belonged to my dad that I love. Hubs has a ginormous Christmas ornament that is over 100 years old (I think) and has been in his family for a long time. It currently sits on our tree and we always add it last to minimize the potential for mishap.

3. What food festival would you most like to attend. If you're not sure click here for a list of possibilities.

I can't pick just one so here are three I'd like to attend-

-the Alba white truffle festival..I've heard its fun but really, it might just be an excuse to go to Italy. Do I need an excuse?

-the Epernay Christmas Champagne Market...champagne sipped in France...two of my favorite things

-Crab Days in St. Michaels, Maryland...I love a crab feast and St. Michaels is full of charm any time of year.

4. you love it or is it considered a four letter word where you live?

I love the first snowfall of the year. Actually I love the first few snowfalls of the year. We have a whole hillside of woods behind our house and they are absolutely magical covered in snow. The snowfalls I truly dislike are the ones that come in April when the calendar says Spring.

5. Can you ski? Do you ski? Are you any good?

Yes I can ski. I'm also a big giant coward on the slopes (you're shocked I know) so I don't do a lot of skiing. With that said I must add that I do still love a ski holiday. We've taken several as a family and they are some of my favorite of all our many travels.

Hubs and Daughter1 love to ski and are both excellent skiers. Daughter2 is also a very good skier but doesn't love it so usually she will ski a little and then she and I will explore the town and shops together. I really love the mountains, being outdoors, the atmosphere in a ski town, the shops and restaurants and most especially my ski pants which flatten my stomach better than any Spanx product ever thought about doing.

6. What quality in your spouse or best friend are you most thankful for?

A sense of humor.

7. Describe the coziest spot in your home.

My sun's bright yet warm and the perfect spot to curl up with a book, think big thoughts, take a nap, or listen to daughter2 play the piano. The room has windows on three sides and I love how sitting in this room can make me feel like I'm outdoors.

For an extra splash of cozy we add a Christmas tree to the sun room this time of year. Not a great photo but trust me, it's cozy.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

If you have been following the saga of my damaged wedding and engagement rings you will be happy to know that hubs picked up my repaired, good as new, jewelry on Monday and I'm once again wearing my rings. We discussed replacing them but the timing wasn't right and the jeweler said he was confident they could be repaired. He also stretched my wedding band a teensy bit since its always been a little tight and it feels good to have them back on my hand.


  1. So glad you were able to get your rings back. I know my hand feels naked if they are not there. Sunrooms are cozy!

    until next time... nel

  2. 1) your tree is beautiful! nice job!
    2) yay! i'm glad your rings are back and in one piece! :)

    happy december!

  3. Your answer about the ski pants made me smile--great boots, by the way. I'm so glad you got your rings back!

  4. What a beautiful photo of you and Hub with the mountains behind you! Welcome to the last 30 days of 2010! Great questions this week ( but I say that every week don't I )

  5. I don't ski, but you make a ski vacation sound like fun! Your tree in the sunroom is very pretty. Glad you got your rings back.

  6. Oh, I love your "cozy corner." It looks most fitting to me. What a beautiful picture of you and hubs skiing!

    So glad you picked us up on Wed. If you get weary, maybe you can ask for help or hosts at different times. Just want to make sure we have something of this sort going on Wed. :o)

    Blessings to you!

  7. I'd so be in the group w/your hubs and Daughter1 swooshing down the slopes. Surprised? Love those boots! I totally missed the ring/er story. That happened on one of the weekend adventures I was on and didn't get to read it. So glad your rings were repaired and you are able to wear them. Great Random! Blessings, SusanD

  8. I'd love to have a sunroom--and your tree there is gorgeous!

    That ski photo makes me wonder what I've been's beautiful.

  9. Fun questions, Joyce! Thanks for doing this each week!

    Congrats on your daughter's college graduation. I watched my oldest graduate from high school in June, and it was wonderful and sad all at the same time.

  10. I am glad your ring was fixable. :) I cannot believe you are flying to England tomorrow! Yay, you!!
    Take me with you.

  11. Your tree is lovely. And the room sounds like a great place to curl up with a book and read.

  12. Glad you were able to get your rings fixed.

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE snow ... but I'm with you on snow that comes when it's SPRING (i.e., late March into April). ;-)


  13. I'd be happy to join you at that crab festival!

    Good news about your rings. :)

  14. The ski picture of you and your husband is a great one. I love the look of ski towns. Maybe I should start a ski town visiting tradition and do it your way: lots of shopping.

  15. Lovin' your cozy sun room and ski vacations. Would love to try and ski one day... it's on my list. It's a bit confusing here when the calendar says fall and we are still sweating in shorts. ha. A sense of humor will get a couple far, yes? ;) Your #1 sounds like a perfect answer.

  16. Glad to know you got your rings back!

  17. I could like the snow if I had cute snow boots like yours! :)

    So happy you're wearing your rings again!

  18. Love your ski picture. That snow is spectacular. I want to hear about this mystery trip.

  19. Love your ski picture... I have never been skiing, but maybe someday!

  20. You are doing a *great* job with the HodgePodge. Visiting a ski town is on my places to visit...not for skiing but for the atmosphere.

    And I'm so glad you were able to get your rings repaired. As I think you've said, they really are irreplaceable.

  21. Enjoyed reading your answers to your questions.
    So glad your ring is back. I want to see that giant ornament. Hope your weekend is going well.
