1. Question day this week lands on Cinco de Mayo. Are/were tacos on your Tuesday night menu? Hard shell, soft shell or just gimme all the tacos? Are you even a fan of Mexican food? Do you like your salsa mild, spicy, or somewhere in between? Margaritas-Frozen, on the rocks, or no thank you? Have you ever been to Mexico?
Do we even know what day it really is anymore? I'd truly lost track, but this question was a handy reminder prior to my grocery shop today (Tuesday) so yes to tacos for dinner. Also not gonna turn down a margarita if hubs offers to whip one up because grocery shopping, y'all! It's not for the feint of heart these days.
Back to the question...I love Mexican food, tacos of any kind, my salsa somewhere in between but more spicy than not, and I'll have that margarita on the rocks with salt.
I've been to Mexico, but it's been a number of years.
2. What's something you may do this month?
I may get in the lake. Oh there are people swimming, my across the cove neighbors have been in for weeks now, but I like the water (and the air) to be a bit warmer before I take the plunge. The water is currently around 70 degrees, and I need it to inch up a few more notches. Plus while we've had a few hot days, we've also had a few cool days (not complaining!), and if I'm getting in 70 degree water the air needs to be consistently hot hot hot.
3. Tell us what's happening in your state or town as far as restaurants/salons/parks/beaches/businesses opening up. How do you feel about it? Are you out and about or hunkered down? Do you wear a mask?
Well I can tell you what's not open-my hair salon. Sigh. I had an appointment scheduled for Friday, but it was cancelled. I have another scheduled for next week just in case things change by then. They seem to be opening new areas of business daily so we'll see. My salon is tiny and I'm usually the only one in there besides the stylist so I would feel comfortable going to see her. She wears gloves to do my hair, we can wear masks, and she cleans the chair between customers anyway, so the risk feels low. I understand a larger salon might be problematic.
State parks, some coastal hotels, and the beaches are also now open and outdoor dining at restaurants is permitted, as long as distance is maintained. Large groups and parties are still banned.
I have mixed feelings I guess. I don't have a problem with parks and beaches opening up as long as people spread out, which is fairly easy to do. I know hubs and I are not ready yet for group activities and we are wearing our masks when we go to the grocery store or the post office or the hardware store which are the only places we've been. We'll keep that up until we see how things go.
4. Mother nature, everybody and their mother, mom jeans, like mother like daughter, soccer mom, mother hen, mother lode, necessity is the mother of invention, stay-at-home mom...pick one and tell us how it applies to your life right now.
So many apply which makes it hard to choose. Certainly necessity being the mother of invention has proven true in recent weeks. People are so creative and have come up with all sorts of ways to do their jobs, to keep us laughing, to connect with one another, to share information...it's been pretty amazing to see, and I think some of these 'new ways of operating' will stay with us post pandemic.
5. April showers bring May flowers...what's blooming in your yard or garden today?
My knockout roses have started to pop and I love it.
I have them in a couple of different places in my yard and they're absolutely loaded with blooms.
We'll enjoy them all summer long.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
One of the casualties of the Corona was the trip to SC my mama had planned back in March. We had to cancel which was so disappointing and now here we are rolling in to Mother's Day many many miles apart. I'm thankful for siblings who live near enough to take care of grocery shopping and celebrating her on this very special Sunday.
Happy Mother's Day to the one who loved me, taught me, raised me, showed me.
Always and forever a mama's girl.
Now how on earth did I get to be #1 this week?
ReplyDeleteMy hope for preparing tacos for Jack vanished when he ate lunch at 4. Oh well.
Your roses are lovely!
Your rosebushes are beautiful. Sweet pic of you and your mom :) Happy Mother's Day!
ReplyDeleteThose roses are gorgeous!! I with you on the hairdresser...man I need a haircut.
ReplyDeleteMy mother had also booked a ticket to come visit me in Brazil, and that is now postponed indefinitely. Your roses are absolutely beautiful!
ReplyDeletePeople are swimming...and those roses! It's 45 degrees and raining here. Spring it seems is holding off for us. We've had some nice days, but not very many yet. I can't wait!
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet photo of you and your mama. Precious. Your knock-out roses are true to their name. How wonderful that they will last through the summer. Your answers resonated with me. I do hope your salon can open soon. I might have to find a new salon because I am not a fan of the cleaning that does not go on between customers at my present salon. :( Happy May to you!
ReplyDeleteGreat post today and thanks again for hosting! Those knockout roses are amazing. I really ought to think about planting some rosebushes.
ReplyDeleteYour hair salon definitely sounds safe. Hope you get to go soon. People and masks, I don't understand why they won't wear them! Hope your taco's were good. I like my margarita on the rocks too. I've been enjoying the late night shows from their homes. The roses are gorgeous. I love your random. Take care and Happy Mother's Day!
ReplyDeleteI completely forgot to mention my knockout roses. I love those!
ReplyDeleteI hope you get to make that salon appointment. It's just what we need in times like these :)
Have a Happy Mother's Day, Joyce.
Kathy (Reflections)
Love those roses. So pretty.
ReplyDeleteThat's a beautiful picture of your mama.
ReplyDeleteI am most likely NOT getting in our lake in May. Friday is supposed to be a low of 28 degrees here. Brrrrr. It will take the water a while to warm up from that! Hoping you can take the plunge, and that warmer days are ahead here in the midwest. Enjoy those beautiful roses! Mine are not blooming yet, and are not nearly as big and beautiful as yours. Happy Mother's Day!
ReplyDeleteYour roses are gorgeous!! Thank you for this fun Hodgepodge, Joyce!! I added another link because I tried to do it from my phone the first time and the link is wrong. Happy Wednesday!
ReplyDeleteOh it would have to be very hot for me to get in a lake lol! Your roses are beautiful and so many blooms. Yes I think it will be a long time before we are close to being back to normal and it will be a new normal. Being apart from relatives is the hardest thing but thank goodness for technology. Enjoy your Mother's Day as best you can - ours was last month and we managed a 4 way chat until the babies got bored lol.