Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Nuts About The Hodgepodge

Welcome to another edition of the Wednesday Hodgepodge! If you've answered today's questions add your link at the end of my post, then leave a comment for the blogger before you. 

A quick reminder there will not be a Hodgepodge next week (Feb 23rd). I will have a houseful and want to enjoy every minute with my peeps. The Hodgepodge will be back in action the following Wednesday, March 2nd. March!! I know!! 

Okay, back to we go-

From this Side of the Pond
1. February 16th is National Almond day...are you a fan? If so what's your favorite food item or recipe that contains almonds? 

I do like almonds, all nuts really but almonds are a favorite.  I have no idea why, but the first food that came to mind was the Good Humor ice cream bar called a Toasted Almond. I haven't had one in years and don't know if they even make them anymore, but I loved them. An Italian almond cream cake is one of my favorite almond desserts, and I used to love the Peshwari Naan bread from the local Indian restaurant we frequented in the UK. Yum!

2. Something you are currently 'nuts' about? 

My new Macbook Air. 

3. Something currently driving you 'nuts'? 

Nothing like stating the obvious, but the hypocrisy happening in our country is really hard to take. 

4. Something you recently bought for 'peanuts'? 

Hmmm...maybe pillows for the Murphy bed. I had two gift cards and a coupon which made the purchase feel like a bargain. 

5. Share a favorite quote uttered by any U.S. President ( if you're not an American, a quote made by the leader of your own country). 

"Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains to bring it to light." George Washington 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Hubs and I made a chocolate fondue for our Valentine's Day dessert. I used the recipe found here and it's a winner...

Have a nice week everyone!

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  1. Couldn't agree with you more on your answer in #3.

  2. I hope you have so much fun with a houseful of family! That chocolate fondue looks yummy!

  3. Oh, I do love that quote and I certainly hope it is true. Such troubling times! I've never made fondue but you sure make it look tempting. Enjoy your company and we'll see you back in a couple of weeks.

  4. Good morning, Joyce! Wowza! That chocolate fondue looks heavenly. Enjoy every minute next week with your family. Can't wait to see the pics!

  5. Hooray for the houseful you will be having soon! Love the quote from Washington. Let the light shine on all this nonsense and lies! Your fondue treat looks AMAZING! Have a wonderful day.

  6. I look for those bars every time I walk down the ice cream aisle at the grocery store and never see them! Your fondue looks delish!

  7. That fondue looks delicious. Thanks for the questions again this week and enjoy your week off with family!!

  8. Yum on the fondue! Yes, the hypocrisy happening in our country is really hard to take. I love having a gift card and a coupon with it is really nice. Enjoyed reading your answers. Take care and enjoy your company.

  9. The same thing is driving us both nuts! That chocolate fondue looks absolutely wonderful. Love the presidential quote you chose, as well.

  10. That fondue looks delicious! We went out to dinner last weekend as a family to the Cheesecake Factory and with gift cards it only cost us $10 for the tip for our family of 5; that felt like peanuts. Usually it costs us an arm and leg for the whole family to eat out not even including desserts for each of us! (Don't worry; we did tip more than $10 but most of it was leftover from the gift cards and we left an addition $10 in cash).

  11. I have never eaten a chocolate fondue, I only know the Swiss fondue in which you dip bread and eat it with salad or vegetables !
