Wednesday, December 20, 2017

A Holly Jolly Hodgepodge

Merry Christmas Hodgepodgers! And if you landed here today by happenstance or Google or whatever Merry Christmas to you too!  I'm declaring next week our holiday break so this is the last Hodgepodge in 2017. Next time we 'meet' (January 3rd) the calendar will have turned to a brand new year.

If you've answered this week's questions add your link at the end of my post. Be sure to leave a comment for the blogger who linked before you, then go have yourself a happy holiday and a merry new year!

Now grab your cup of Christmas cheer because here we go-

From this Side of the Pond  

1. Where have you found unexpected magic or delight this holiday season?

Facetime. When this little guy's face pops up on my phone it is delightfully magical.

I cropped my little thumbnail out of this picture because I looked a little crazy, which my daughter tells me is how I always look when we FaceTime. Whaaaaat???? 

I mean she didn't say 'crazy', but pretty sure she meant crazy. I can't help it y'all. He sends all my emotions every which way so go ahead and call me crazy. 

2. What's your favorite type of holiday gathering? Will you/have you gathered in your favorite way this month?

My favorite would be a cozy family night on the couch with both my girls home, everyone in comfy pjs, snacking on popcorn, watching White Christmas. No we haven't gathered that way this month, darn that geography. 

Honestly I enjoy most holiday gatherings and we've had some lovely dinners, parties, and get togethers with friends this month so I can't complain. I'll be with all my sibs and my own sweet daughter2 on Christmas Day and know that will feel really special too. 

3. Time has named 'The Silence Breakers' (women who came forward with stories of harassment)  'person of the year' for 2017. Would you agree? If not, who do you think deserves the title?

I don't have a problem with their choice, but if I were in charge I'd likely opt for our nation's firefighters. What a nightmare they've endured this year as they've battled to save lives, homes, and some of the most stunning natural beauty in America. They're heroes in my book. 

4. How did you spend your time this year? Are you happy about that? Elaborate

Hmmm...good question. This year went by in a blur and I think most of my time was spent on family stuff, some beyond wonderful and some just plain hard. Lots of miles logged to and from family, a new grandson, the death of my father-in-law, lots of complicated people stuff. I'm never happy to walk through hard things, but I know God uses those experiences to grow and change me and there's been a lot of that this year. And we were given the gift of a grandson which added a kind of sweetness to life that cannot be easily expressed in words. Beyond grateful for every single minute I get to spend with him. 

5. Bid farewell to 2017 in ten words or less.

I became Nana so 2017 you'll always have my heart. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Merry Christmas from my family to yours~

"Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13



  1. Jo,

    I'd have to agree with Facetime visits. This is something DD#2 tries to do with us occasionally since moving to Maine and it's always an unexpected, delightful surprise. Technology bridges the gap caused by miles separating us from those we love. I can relate to missing the cozy family gatherings in the living room. I often think about these sorts of moments and wish for them back. day we can experience it again with everyone all under the same roof at the same time again. Thanks for hosting and sharing your responses. I shall look forward to participating withe Hodgepodge crowd in the new year. May you and everyone here have a joyful Christmas and may the Lord bless you with good health and happiness in 2018!

  2. Lovely way to end your last post of 2017, Joyce. That grandson is adorable! Have a wonderful Christmas. Thank you for all you do weekly, to get the Hodgepodge ready for us. I know we all appreciate it. God bless your family as we celebrate the birth of our risen King Jesus.

  3. Merry Christmas, Joyce, and thanks so much for another fun year of Hodgepodge! I went back and read your previous post, and it looks like you're all ready! Everything looks beautiful, as usual. I especially loved the 'Santa picture' :)
    You're right, the firefighters would probably have been a much better choice for Time.
    Kathy (Reflections)

  4. I have friends who are so grateful for Facetime and a daughter who lives in Nashville who loves those times, too. She'll be home Friday and I couldn't be happier to have everyone home this year. Gosh but I miss it when even one of them can't be home. I think the firefighters kind of go without saying, at least in my book. They are on my grateful list all the time, every year as it seems there aren't any years in the last few when they aren't risking life and limb with those big fires and the little ones right here where people have lost everything this holiday season which, sadly, we've had quite a few in our area. Crazy face? Hahahaha! Oh my, your daughter sounds like mine. :) And that sweet baby's face! Those eyes! What a love bug for sure. Have a wonderful Christmas and hug that sweet family of yours for me. I feel as though I know them and wish everyone pure joy for 2018.

  5. Merry, Merry Christmas! Prayers for continued blessings to you and your precious family. SusanD

  6. My FaceTime pictures always are crazy and I kinda feel sorry for the kids having to look at me, so I try to keep Grandpa in the main view. But then he pushes the phone over for me to be in. So we are both crazy. How could I not think about firefighters?? They truly are heroes. You have a wonderful attitude about Christmas. Distance has always been a problem for me and as I get older, it seems to be a continuing problem with more people involved. Your family is beautiful. Merry Christmas and thank you for all the Hodgepodge fun this year.

  7. It's been a busy year for sure! I love the photos of your sweet little T, and your Christmas card photo too. Wishing you grand love this Christmas and a blessed new year!

  8. Gorgeous family photo, Joyce! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  9. I have to agree that the firefighters would be a little more deserving of the person of the year. Or perhaps all the first responders and regular folks who jumped into action to help those flooded and affected by the hurricanes this year. That Christmas card picture is priceless! Have a wonderful week before Christmas!

  10. Becoming a grandma is indeed a big event. For me it was 7 years ago. I was so happy that Skype existed as he lives in Amsterdam and I in Brussels. At least I could follow how he changed ! Your family picture is very nice !
    Wish you a Merry Christmas !

  11. I love the Christmas Card...and what a cutie he is!!!! Happy Hodgepodge!

  12. Merry Christmas to you and yours! We had some similar thoughts especially surrounding becoming grandmothers in 2017. Beautiful family shot and wonderful photo of your little guy. He is looking at you so sweetly! Thanks for hosting the Hodgepodge and Happy New Year!

  13. Your crazy sounds like a good thing to me! Popcorn and White Christmas sound perfect. Mark and I will be doing that on Christmas Eve. Fire fighters is an excellent choice. Love your family photo. Merry Christmas!

  14. Merry Christmas, Joyce. I'm loving the HodgePodge every Wednesday. the Silence Breakers got the nod because of the cultural shift they're bringing about. but yes, the firefighters deserve recognition, the wild fires this year have been horrific and our first responders do a heroic job.

  15. Merry Christmas Joyce, love the sweet pictures!
    Will say Romans 15:13 to myself every day, in need of a little filling.
    Hoping to get back into the swing of the Hodgepodge in the new year. #goals!

  16. Totally agree on the grandson thing and thank goodness for video chats!!

  17. Joe and I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas!! Thank you for a year of fun Hodgepodges! I agree with your nominating the Firefighters in #3. Yes.

  18. Your family photo Christmas card is beautiful and so tastefully done. Merry Christmas to you and a Happy New Year.

    P.S. Your grandson is so photogenic!

  19. Seasons Greetings from NH. Your choice for Person(s) of the Year is excellent. Surely, your source of delight this holiday season could not have been unexpected. Thanks for another wonderful Wednesday Hodgepodge. SWMBO and I send you and yours our best wishes for a Merry Christmas.

  20. Joyce your cosy family night in sounds absolutely perfect to me, especially if it involves comfy PJ's.
    Have a really lovely Christmas with those that you love.

  21. Well here I am coming late to the party! I could have sworn I commented back to you but apparently not! Anyway, I hope that your Christmas was merry and bright with your siblings and daughter #2. I was able to facetime all of my sibs yesterday and it was is a great thing but of course nothing takes the place of the real thing. I know it happens this way every year but it never ceases to amaze me how fast the time is passing by and here we are once again with a brand new year upon us! Thank you for always providing us with interesting and many times challenging questions throughout the year and I pray that 2018 brings many more blessings to your family. Happy New Year!
