Sunday, February 25, 2018

Who Wears Short Shorts?

Not me. I just wear regular shorts, but I wear them in FEBRUARY!

Hubs and I have been enjoying the great outdoors this weekend and yesterday I was in shorts. In FEBRUARY! It's been crazy humid and the pollen is already making an appearance but y'all! I wore shorts! In FEBRUARY! 

Toto I don't think we're in Kansas North Jersey anymore.

There are a number of waterfalls an easy drive from us, and we're determined to get out and see as many as we can up close and personal. One is just a few minutes from the house and we pass the park entrance sign on an almost weekly basis. Every time we drive by we say, "hmmm...wonder what's up there?" On Friday we finally made the turn in to see what's what.

Even though these falls are situated within a state park vehicle parking can be wonky at the trail head. We knew this before driving in, because I always like to hop online and read travel tips before we go. Other visitors to the area said to park on the road, but it looked like we might get blocked in by hikers who had not read the parking instructions online. We decided to park at the ranger station then walked along the road to the trail head. Easy peasy. Also the ranger was very nice and gave us a couple of options for hiking.

Before heading to the trail we walked up the hill near the station to check out two historic buildings on site, The Stone Block House and The Trader's Brick House.

Following some raids by Creek Indians the State of SC had these block houses put up along the frontier and then protected by a small group of militiamen. The Brick House was a trading post established in 1795 that exchanged everything from ammunition to livestock.

Both buildings are boarded up now so you can't go inside...

...although someone thought there might be a way- ahem. Still so interesting to see and read about and imagine what the world was like a couple of hundred years ago. When we hike we're always on the lookout for an arrowhead or some other remnant of days gone by.

The hike into the falls was about a mile on a well-marked trail. The poplars are leafing out and we saw lots of lovely little trillium peeking out of the ground too.

The falls are about fifty feet in height and they're beautiful.

Since Saturday promised to be even warmer than Friday we ventured the next day to another nearby area known as Riley Moore Falls. It pays to do a little bit of research before you hike because this is not one you'd happen upon without a little bit of direction. You travel about three miles on a mostly gravel road and then we parked and walked another mile or so down a muddy road to the trail head. Note to self-that downhill road is gonna be uphill all the way back.

The trail itself is well marked and continues downward through thick woods before opening up to a wide expanse of beach and a really pretty waterfall.

Riley Moore Falls are only about twelve feet high, but they're a hundred feet wide and the beachy area makes you want to linger.

Here's my mountain goat-

He coaxed me up there and we had a picnic lunch on that highest rock.

You can tell from my smile I much prefer terra firma.

Or maybe that smile is all because the sun is shining, there's beauty in this wild world, and oh yeah...

I'm wearing shorts.
In February!


  1. What a gorgeous place to explore! And what a fun date!

  2. That second falls looks like a nice place to swim in warmer months! You two had a lovely couple of days and we are also in shorts here. It is still in the mid-high 80s down this way. Wishing you blessings in the week ahead!

  3. Wow! WE had hail and snow here in the Seattle area today and it was cold! Glad you took advantage of your shorts weather and saw these beautiful waterfalls. The trillium is wonderful!

  4. Beautiful blog post! I'm not sure I've heard of nor seen Trillium before. They are pretty! Such gorgeous water falls! Thanks for sharing.

  5. You live in a beautiful area. Shorts in February are fun, but I'll top you with being able to wear a bathing suit too 😉

  6. We've been wearing shorts in Alabama, too! Weather has been wonky - 100% chance of rain ALL day yesterday. Since everything is blooming here, I guess the rain is a good thing!

  7. I am trying hard to NOT begrudge you your shorts in FEBRUARY... ;)
    Good on you for getting out in it! I'm just happy it's NOT snowing and a balmy 45 degrees today. :)

  8. I has actually been so warm and humid, it's a bit eerie! Of course today it's back to normal (at least here)...turned the A/C OFF since I had it ON and now the HEAT is back on! Both of these look like great places to explore...beautiful falls! I have been here for 25 years and still finding new places!

  9. The Carolina's offer so much natural diversity and natural beauty. Thank you for sharing it with us. Isn't retirement wonderful!

  10. What a beautiful spot to explore!
