Wednesday, November 27, 2019

South Korea Scramble

There are a few million bits and pieces I still want to mention about our trip east so I'm going to drop them here. I guess you could also call this post Picture Overload, but whatever.

We were away for a month give or take a day, four days of which were spent traveling, four days in Seoul, and four days in Tokyo. I know! I haven't even mentioned Tokyo here yet, but we'll get to that. Let's wrap up S. Korea first.

When your 'kids' live far from home it's so nice to see their space up close and in person. If you read my daughter's blog you might have seen the video tour she posted of her apartment which was great, but it makes a mama's heart feel better to see it in real time for herself.

The apartment and grounds are really nice and we spent a lot of time on the playground with the mancub. I might have gone down this slide a hundred and seventeen times but how could you say 'no more' when this is the reaction you get every single time?

The second day we were in town this fabulous thing happened-

Coffee with my friend from England. She and her husband have been so kind to my daughter and it was wonderful to catch up in person.  They also attend the same church as my girl so we were able to see her hubs and daughter a little later on in our visit too.

We walked into 'the ville' several times while we were visiting. So interesting to see how people live all around this great big world. Of course we indulged in the famous and delicious Korean BBQ one night-

And we ate some 'this is not your typical takeout' takeout-

As is true of toddler households the world over, mornings typically began with a whole lotta track works-

Halloween happened while we were there and the cutest little Woody you ever did see wore his costume around to a few neighboring apartments for his first taste of trick or treating. Also you need to know his mama is completely amazing, having just arrived home from the hospital a couple of hours earlier. 

One afternoon hubs and I walked to the local Anjeong-ri market, more commonly referred to as the 3/8 market since it's only open on dates ending in 3 or 8.  

The produce was amazing along with lots of fish and other foods, snacks, and candies. 

We stopped in a newish coffee shop on the walk home for a cup of tea which never disappoints here. 

Real china and attention to detail make it so. 

One beautiful day we ventured to a nearby park to run and play and worry about a kite someone managed to get stuck in a tree.

Speaking of trees, the ginkgo trees were everywhere, a gorgeous shade of bright lemon yellow. Apparently once the leaves drop the female of the species has an extremely unpleasant odor, but we weren't in town for that. 

We read a lot of books. A lot a lot. Maybe thousands, but particularly this one-

His favorite is the story of 'Noah' and the Whale, and every time we read this one the mancub expressed great concern at Jonah's sandals coming off as he sunk into the sea. 

We also ventured out to toddler story time at the library on base-

There were somewhere around fifteen kids in attendance and there was paint!!

God bless the mamas and the librarians! 

Mostly we did a lot of this. 

Baby watching. 
Because no matter where in this world you may be...

There is nothing quite so sweet as a sack of sugar in the form of a newborn baby boy. 


  1. That last picture is PRECIOUS! I loved reading Shannon's latest post about the birth and enjoyed this "wrap-up" of your time with them. Followed Tokyo on FB but look forward to your post about Japan! Welcome home!

  2. Wonderful pictures! Made me emotional. Babies and good writing do that. ❤️

  3. Have really enjoyed following your travels but of course reading about those Grandsons is the best. Shannon did a great job of detailing the little one's arrival.

  4. How special that you were able to make that trip and see your family "in place". Have been loving your pictures and have followed your daughters blog as well. But that last picture on this post - sigh - touches this grandmas heart. So precious! That needs to be on canvas on your wall! :)

  5. My goodness, I know you were so glad to get home and can't even imagine how busy you must be with the upcoming holidays. What great pictures and those boys, just precious!!! Have a great Thanksgiving!

  6. Congratulations on that beautiful baby boy!

  7. I thoroughly enjoyed each and everyone of your photos. What a wonderful trip you had. Nothing better than your sweet grandson's!!!
