Monday, February 13, 2023

Matters Of No Great Importance

Which is more or less the theme of my blog, and I guess that's okay. Ordinary gets a bad rap but how would we define extraordinary if not for all the in-between ordinary? 

We've pretty much just been livin' life here in the neighborhood. Hubs and I took a couple of pretty hikes over the weekend and the little brown dog was in his glory. 

He makes life feel less ordinary. 

Don't get excited. It's just a sign. 

Saturday morning we were enjoying a nice walk through a nearby park when we stopped for a water break. That's when we discovered the pup's paw was bleeding profusely, so we quickly loaded him up (literally) for the trek back to the car and a stop at the vet before they closed. 

He'd ripped a toenail but never yelped or cried, just carried on in his efforts to get to the river. It was fast moving so we didn't want him to swim but he was definitely trying to find a way around us. 

Anyway, hubs ended up carrying him about a half mile and we met another couple coming in to the trail who said they had a first aid kit in their car, so they very kindly walked back up to the parking lot with us and helped us get his foot wrapped.We normally have a first aid kit in the backpack but neglected to grab it before we left the house. 

People are nice. Mostly. I know not everyone, but in general the people we encounter while going about our everyday lives are nice. 

We made it to the vet's office just before they closed and a mere $400something dollars later our pup was right as rain. Actually since we were there they refilled his arthritis meds for three months and did his heartworm check too, so technically the injury we came in for was just a teeny tiny part of the bill. 

Dog ownership is not for the faint of heart, but we love him. 

Sunday night hubs grilled duck jalapeno poppers to have while we watched the Superbowl, and they were delish. Boursin cheese and Benton's bacon made them extra so. 

I grew up in the Philly area so we were definitely rooting for an Eagles win. My sister sent me this picture of my momma at a party with my sister, brother-in-law, and nephew, all cheering on the hometown team. 

We didn't win, but my mom looks awfully cute. 

I've been doing a fair amount of reading and just finished our book club selection for this month-The Rose Code by Kate Quinn. I'd give you my review but our book club meets tomorrow and a few of the members read my blog so I think I'll save it. I've also been listening to a biography of Prince Philip (which if you read The Rose Code you know it ties in) and I'm really enjoying that one. (Prince Philip's Century 1921-2021: The Extraordinary Life Of The Duke Of Edinburgh by Robert Jobson). He was a very interesting man with a difficult childhood he dealt with mostly by, in his words, 'well you just get on with things, what else can you do?'.  

I feel like we don't do a lot of getting on with things anymore. 
Not an entirely bad thing, but not entirely good either.  

In case anyone is keeping track hubs and I are still listening to Napolean. I think we started this one back in July on our road trip north. In our defense we haven't been on any more long car trips recently and that's mostly when we listen. Also, the book is 976 pages long which means the audible version is over 36 hours. Maybe not everyone's cup of tea but we've both enjoyed it and learned a lot. 

Wait! I do have something that is (thankfully!) out of the ordinary and it's this-

A week ago Friday hubs and I were at a birthday party for a friend. We came home and hubs took the dog out and immediately came back inside asking if we'd had a package delivery or WHAT IN THE WORLD!! SOMEONE HAS DRIVEN ACROSS OUR FRONT YARD!!

Bother. Bother bother bother. 

We don't live on a cut through street and we're near the very end of the road where the cul de sac begins.  Our driveway is long too so this was no easy feat. A camera caught the whole event, and long story short(ish) the driver was looking for a house two down from ours, it was really dark, she was extremely distressed about some personal goings on, and I guess just panicked when she mistakenly came down our drive. 

Did I mention hubs likes to keep our grass looking like Augusta? True story. 

Not sure why she turned into the yard as there is plenty of room to turn around in the drive, but she did and that's that. She was extremely apologetic and of course offered to pay for repairs but hubs told her no need, it's not a big deal. 

I mean it is a big deal, but it's not a big expensive deal. Hubs has been wanting to sand the whole front yard to level it in a few places ever since we moved in and I've been saying it's unnecessary. Except now I guess it's necessary and he's not mad about it lol. 

So that's a peek into goings on here lately. 

'There isn't any such thing as an ordinary life.' L.M. Montgomery


  1. Poor pup. Glad you could get in before the office closed. Ugh about the lawn. Glad there's a plan to restore it to it's former glory. Cute photo of your momma and nephew,

  2. It is sometimes the things most mundane, however, that we dwell on. My son has a couple friends who pick him up now and on Saturday, after hours and hours of rain, his friend's truck left some gashes in our yard and I was none too happy.

  3. So sorry about his toenail. How nice that those people helped you and that you were able to get to the vet before it closed. Beautiful photos. Those poppers look delicious. Sweet photo of your mom. That is really sad about your lawn.

  4. Aw, I love how you love your pup! Between monthly grooming appointments and vet bills, I sometimes wonder where my head was when I suggested we adopt litter mates. "How much trouble can that be?" (hahahaha)
    Despite being warned not to do so, someone did a number on my son's land the other day. Not only did her car get stuck, but too, the wrecker that was sent out. It's always something!

  5. I enjoyed this post so much. I love all-over-the-place it's life writings and you do it best. So sorry about pups and the vet bill, not to mention the yard scars. Tell hubs we did loads of river sand in our former small yard (yet loads) and it paid off with the prettiest grass in the neighborhood. Not to mention it was level. You do have the cutest momma but sorry for your loss. It was our gain as Mahomes is a local boy. Good game and could have gone either way.

  6. We were hoping for an Eagles win here, too. Great first half. Second, not so great. Glad they made it to the Super Bowl, though. Your mom looks great!! Thanks for the catch-up, Joyce!!

  7. Your mom is just adorable in her Eagles gear. Almost typed Phillies as we are more baseball fans than football. I'm sorry the Eagles didn't get her a win. We were pulling for them, too.

    My goodness, I am glad no one was standing in your yard when the poor soul realized she was lost or beyond where she intended to be. Hope the hubs has your yard back to it's golf course status in record time.

    Your trek with the hobbled pup reminds me of a time my dog just sat down and wouldn't not get up on one of our hikes about a mile from home. She was too heavy for me to carry far. Finally got her to walk to the car and decided she had been bitten by something, maybe a snake or spider or scorpion. I was thankful whatever it was didn't kill her.

  8. I love peeking in to your ordinary life lol. Hope the pup has fully recovered by now and what a shame about the lawn but if it works for your hubby maybe not such a disaster.
