Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I see London I see France

Remember that rhyme from the playground? I keep saying it because, as they say in the UK, I'm taking a short break for a girls weekend in London and France. I'm technically only in London for two days but they will be jam packed. I hope I can stay awake for all the fun. I arrive in the morning and will go to a Christmas luncheon filled with old friends and then on to Christmas bunco Thursday night. I'm going to try and say hi to my old neighbors and my old house too. I hope my heart can take it.

Friday morning I'll take the train to France with my friend L. We are going to Strasbourg but we have to change trains in Paris. We will have to walk between stations so at least I'll get a glimpse of Paris this trip. Sigh. I've never been to Strasbourg but I've heard it is beautiful. I'm looking forward to shopping at the Christmas market, dining on French food, and most especially catching up with two more friends who are meeting us there. So much talking to do...it will be like a Jr. High sleepover except without the drama and without anyone telling us to go to bed. That's okay... I can sleep in January.

Have a great weekend...Joyeux Noël


  1. So jealous what a wonderful way to start the holidays London and France! Safe travels!

  2. Don't be so sure about the no drama and no one telling you to go to bed. My friends and I had a sleepover a few weeks ago and though there was only the tiniest bit of drama there definitely were some party poopers hollering, "Go to bed!" from the other room. But maybe your friends are more fun than mine. And, in that case, can I come too? Pretty please??!!

  3. That sounds like such a fun weekend!
    I'm so glad you and your friends are able to get together.
    (That's what I keep thinking.....I'll rest in January....or maybe February)

  4. Joyce, I know that I completely dropped the ball in connecting with you - So sorry! I have sort of weaned myself off of facebook (to go out and live life!), but decided today to click on your blog. I had to comment because, while in Australia, I started a bunko group!
    I started one here in Baltimore that is still going strong 7+ years later (they now play "left, right, center" - I'll tell you about that some time). About 8 months before we moved back to the U.S., I started a bunko group and they are still gathering. So, there is another commonality that we share - bunko in foreign countries. I noticed you spell it "bunco" - That is how it is spelled typically - I only spell it my way b/c my sister got me going on it and that's how she spelled it. Well, we seriously must connect sometime. I'm curious how your "re-entry" has been - Mines been rather tough. Maybe you have a post about that?

  5. What a beautiful way to see the sights during this time of the year. Can't wait to see the breath-taking pictures when you return.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  6. OH my goodness, you must be in Heaven! You do love your Europe! Have a wonderful and safe trip and just ENJOY!!!!
    Hugs! Karen

  7. What an amazing trip you have planned!! You have so much packed in a short time, but I agree with you, just wait and sleep in January or February! Life is too short, enjoy it while you can!!!! What fun to re-connect with old friends and see your old house. Have a wonderful time!! Love & blessings from NC!
