Thursday, September 29, 2011

I love it when a plan comes together

A few weeks ago daughter2 celebrated her 21st birthday. You remember this cutie, right?

I had seen what looked like a simple and fun idea online (Pinterest, where else?) and I decided to try to recreate it for her special day. It was definitely fun but the verdict on simple may still be out.

In as few words as I can manage, ahem, here's how it worked-I downloaded this poster template which in essence is actually 25 postcard templates. When these 25 postcards are put together they morph into a poster which reads-'I'm so glad you were born'. Without telling my daughter, I emailed 25 friends and family members, explained what was required, and asked them to email me back if they were in. Tracking down the friends was a little tricky as I had to semi stalk them on facebook. The boyfriend mentioned to her later that his heart started pounding when he saw my name in his inbox. Apparently he was wondering what he'd done to warrant an email from me. Hmmm....I might need to think about that reasoning a little bit more closely when life settles down here.

In a project like this it pays to have a rather large extended family...13/25 postcards were assigned to grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Daughter2 has a bazillion friends so narrowing it down to just 12 wasn't easy. I went with a few besties from the high school years who are scattered far and wide, including one across the sea, and then a few friends from the college years, and one special friend who goes all the way back to her toddler days. Mostly I went with friends I felt would remember to mail the cards.

Once I had my 25 names confirmed I assigned a postcard to each one and sent them an email along with instructions and their template. They had to open the attached template, print it out on card stock, write a birthday message along with her address on back, and then put an actual honest to goodness stamp on it. And then mail it of course. I knew that last part would be hard for some of the friends because this generation resists sending snail mail. That requires going to the post office. Bother.

I asked everyone to get their cards in the mail between Aug. 30 and Sept 4 so Daughter 2 would have all of them by her actual birth date. Originally I wasn't going to tell her anything but after I thought about it I decided she might read a postcard and chuck it and I didn't want her to lose any of the pieces. A couple days before the first was due to arrive I told her she'd be getting mail all week long and not to throw it away. She got three cards the first day and knew right away it was some sort of puzzle.

I attempted to photograph the end product while I was in town recently but she was missing one card. She had to track that one down so I was glad I'd kept my list of names and which numbered card they'd been assigned. Naturally its the one in the middle but still really cute-

This was a fun surprise and she absolutely loved it. She loved the birthday wishes and all the love sent her way, she loved the idea of working out the message, and most especially she loved going to her mailbox every day and seeing it jammed with postcards. While they might be resistant to mailing letters college students are big huge fans of receiving letters.

I've tried to white out all the names and addresses but I think you still get the idea.

And my mom wrote her message on the patterned side of the card which we all just love because that is so my mom. It made Daughter2 smile.

The finished product is a collection of happy thoughts and sweet wishes in ink and paper and color on one side with a heartfelt message on the other. I had fun planning this and Daughter2 has a special keepsake to mark a milestone birthday.


  1. That sounds so nice! I am like your daughter I love receiving mail although I rarely send it. I actually check the mail every day with hopes that it will hold something for me. :)

  2. Oh my gosh, that is soooo cool! And sweet and fun and beyond the scope of the most amazing mom thing to do ever!!!
    Love it!

  3. Joyce, this took a lot of preparation on your part and great faith in that the participants would come through for you and your daughter. I agree that although college kids aren't letter senders, they enjoy receiving mail. How much fun was it for her to get daily mail. Glad it turned out so well! Great fun!

  4. What a CUTE idea!!! Did the missing piece ever arrive?

  5. What a lovely thing to do for your daughter. I love this idea!

  6. Wow that is so cool....such a great memory and fun for everyone!

  7. What a neat idea! There are so many creative people out there! :)

  8. What a beautiful idea. I know that in the years to come this will be such a special memory for her.


  9. This was brilliant! You must know a lot of cooperative people. And maybe the boyfriend just has an overactive conscience. lol

  10. What an awesome idea!!! I gotta remember to do this on the next one ;-)

  11. That is SO much fun! I have to admit though, that I resist snail mail too. :)

  12. That's so fun! Nothing better than getting snail mail that isn't a bill. As you read, my mom brought me cookies which, while a different kind of awesome, is awesome just the same! Have a great weekend!

  13. That is such a cool idea! Some friends of ours did something similar for their anniversary with a picture of themselves on a cruise. It was made into a puzzle. I hope every one sends their pieces back. :)I should remember this....

  14. First and foremost this Ozark Farm Chick thinks this is the cutest darn idea!!!

    Here's sendin' that lovely princess of your a very belated happy birthday wish!

    God bless ya'll from the sunny hills and hollers of the Missouri Ponderosa!!! :o)

  15. What a fantastic and creative idea! I'm sure she was chuffed.

  16. What a fun idea. It came out great and I am sure she will always treasure it. I just love Pinterest. Have a great weekend Joyce.

  17. This is just too cute and required a whole lot of work on your part. But, what a special memory for your daughter.

    Hope it has been a time of rest and relaxation this weekend. Blessings!

  18. That is such an adorable idea! I love it! Happy birthday to her :) XOL

  19. I'm testing to see if I can comment here :)

  20. What a wonderful idea! I'll bet she keeps those cards forever and in time, will love them even more than she does now.
