Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Grandma Got Run Over by the Hodgepodge-Volume 56

Gosh Wednesdays roll around quicker and more often in December don't they? If you are ducking some holiday chore like baking or wrapping or cleaning then welcome! And if you're one of those super organized, plan ahead, never procrastinate, have Christmas shopping done in September types, well I guess you're welcome too. Actually everyone is welcome in the Wednesday are my answers to this week's questions-

1. Will you be hosting any house guests between now and the end of December? Does that thought make you happy or crazy? Do you do anything special to make your house guests feel welcome? How long should a guest stay?

Will I be hosting any house guests? Do you know us? We pretty much have a steady stream of house guests around here and for the most part that makes me happy. We enjoy having company and most of our visitors are not here for more than an overnight or a weekend. Hubs brother and sister in law were here last night on their journey south and on Friday night we have three or maybe four or possibly six of hubs co-workers spending the night. We're all attending a Christmas party in our neck of the woods which, as the hubs likes to say, is just south of Canada, and since these co-workers all live closer to the big city it makes sense for them to spend the night here. We're hosting my side of the family for Christmas this year so thirteen relatives of various ages, sizes, and temperaments will be here for two, three, or four days beginning December 24th.

As far as making things special...I like to put a little gift bag in their room or at least water and a snack. I make one nice big breakfast and we usually get bagels from The Best Bagel Shop in NJ (literally!)...

Mostly I try to relax so my guests feel like they can do the same.

How long should they stay? I think I'll plead the 5th since potential house guests read my blog and I don't want anyone to feel like they're not welcome to stay as long as they like. They're not but I like them to feel like they are.

2. Walter Elias Disney was born this week back in (Dec 5) 1905...what's your all time favorite Disney movie? Here's a list in case you're struggling...and yes, you have to pick one.

Y'all know I'm not good with the whole 'one' thing, right?
I'm going with The Parent Trap.

3. What's the last thing you purchased that you realized was a mistake after the fact?

I had trouble with this one. I'm not really an impulse shopper and I think buyers remorse is usually associated with impulse shopping. Four houses ago we purchased a couch and love seat that was just eh once we got it in the house. We lived with them for several years anyway.

4. What percentage of your Christmas shopping is done online?

Hmmm...more than 50% but less than 90%...math was never my thing.

5. Amaryllis...snowdrop...poinsettia...your favorite winter blossom?

Snowdrops...we had the sweetest little bed of snowdrops off the patio in our UK house...the weather could be a bit dreary there in the winter and these precious little flowers would bloom wildly in spite of that. Seeing the snowdrops pop open meant spring was not so far away. I don't have a photo but you can click here if you've never seen a snowdrop.

6. What is one thing on your personal wish list this year? I think we all want peace on earth so let's make this an actual item.

I want a new ski jacket but hubs informed me that was no fun and I should just go buy one for myself and he'll come up with his own surprise. I would love a fancy camera. Not too fancy because we all know technology isn't really my friend, but one that allows me to zoom without the picture going all blurry would be nice.

7. If you could only use one word today what would it be?

Hope...that word has become our theme song around here since August.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Using the random space today for my Day 7 photo challenge's prompt is 'wreath with a red bow'...

"In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. (This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria.) And everyone went to his own town to register." Luke 2:1-3 (NIV)


  1. Maybe if you buy yourself a new ski jacket...his surprise for the holidays would be a ski trip for the two of you!!! And I LOVE your wreath.

  2. Wrapping? Really? haha! I'm still shopping!! :) It's so nice of you to host that many folks. If I had the room in my home I would.
    I love the wreath on your door!

  3. You are too kind to host so many people....hostess with the mostess! (not sure if that is even a word!) NJ does have the best bagels hands down .... I was so excited to move to east coast because of the bagels....WNY not known for their bagels :(
    Love the snowdrops so pretty as is your wreath!
    Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  4. I wish I was more like you and hosting people all the time. However, I'm not real good with that so we don't usually have people staying over. Well, except my daughter's friends.

  5. I would like to be a guest at your house. What a great hostess you are! Hope is a great word. Said a prayer for your sweet niece.

  6. I follow you on pinterest and absolutely love the stuff you pin! AND I love the idea of giving your houseguest little gift bags...
    I'm from NJ and haven't been to the Best Bagels shop in NJ...which county is it in?
    The wreath is pretty! :)

  7. I'm impressed - you picked just one!!

  8. I would love to be a guest ... if for no other reason than the bagels! ha! That's a gorgeous wreath on your door!

  9. I am so impressed with you handling so many house guests. Your awesome! Your husband is also so sweet about your gift. I am sure he doesn't disappoint. Hope is a wonderful word.

  10. Dah, I'm confused Joyce! Do you live in the US or UK? I see the New Jersey Bagels sign, then you talk about a UK home. Please clear this up for me!

    Oh I love your front door! It's simply beautiful. One day, I hope to have lovely wreaths like this hanging from my front door and all of my windows. That would be so awesome!

    Thanks for hosting!

  11. Oh, I wish I'd been in the photo challenge...Your answers are great...the last overnight guest was my sister in the summer, she was here for 3 or 4 nights...I like to put water and mints in the guest room and lots of special toiletries in the guest bath. This time of year, it would be nice to just treat your home like a bed and breakfast, serve only breakfast...I usually have food in the fridge for breakfast and lunch and let guests do their own.
    Mama Bear

  12. I chose The Parent Trap too! Sounds like your house is going to be as busy as ours this season- but I love it that way! A house filled with family and fun---I can't think of a better way to spend Christmas!

  13. Your house is sure to be full of holiday spirit this year with all those house guests :)

    You are doing a nice job with the photo challenge, too.

    Thanks for hosting...especially during such a busy time.

  14. "...I don't want anyone to feel like they're not welcome to stay as long as they like. They're not but I like them to feel like they are." How funny because it's true! I like your wreath!

  15. I think I want to come visit your house. I love bagels! : )

    I may not be around much these days, but I'm still coming by and reading every word. Promise.

  16. What a gorgeous front porch you have ;) I too love bagels, if you're ever in California you ought to try Grateful Bagels right here in town. ;D

  17. Your answer to #1 is very insightful! I'm really bad and rushing around and trying to get "something" done and I never considered how it might make my guests feel like they were in the way.

  18. I had to google a picture of a snowdrop, because I had never even seen one!

    Sounds like you make your guests feel right at home :)

  19. I love the snowdrop BEAUTIFUL never have seen one.
    Thank you for hosting this fun hop

  20. Pretty smart pleading the 5th on how long a guest should stay :) I wish I had thought of that :)

  21. I'm new to Wed Hodgepodge. I think I will enjoy it. I liked your answers.

  22. I love parent trap.. A bag for a guest that is just amazing.. I just love how so many people stop by and play along..

  23. Your Christmas plans sound wonderful!!! And I was GOING to say The Parent Trap, too. Don't know why I reverted to Mary since I had to choose-only one--MP won out. LOL!!!

  24. Your house guests comment cracked me up!

  25. OK, they have the best bagels but what about Bialys?
