Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Gift

'To give without any reward, or any notice, has a special quality of its own."
Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Today is a big day for our family. Today my 17 year old niece will receive a stem cell transplant from a randomly matched donor we have never met and most likely never will. I haven't written a lot about my niece's story because its not mine to tell, but not writing about it doesn't mean it hasn't been on our minds every single minute of every single day.

Many of you have emailed that you are praying and I thank you for that from the bottom of my heart. The prayers of friends and family and those of perfect strangers from all corners of the globe have meant so much to all of us, but especially to my niece and her parents. Her strength and faith have inspired us all and if you knew her in person I'm sure you'd say the same. She is so dearly loved.

When my niece and her parents learned the donor was living in Europe they dubbed him 'Nigel' and the name stuck. Essentially all we know about 'Nigel' is that he is a healthy young man. A healthy young man willing to interrupt and rearrange his life the week before Christmas in order to have his cells harvested, placed on a flight across the sea, and given to a courageous young girl who has traveled a rough and rocky road to be ready for this day.

'Nigel' was identified as a potential match through the bone marrow donor registry a couple of months ago. Once it was determined he was healthy and willing, and that he met the specific medical requirements, a transplant date was set. Originally the procedure was scheduled for early December but my niece developed pneumonia and the transplant had to be postponed to a date just three days before Christmas. Today.

I don't know what 'Nigel's' normal week is like but I assume he probably has a job, friends and family, and like most people this time of year, a very full calendar. Being a donor meant he had to interrupt what I'm sure was a busy week before Christmas to have his stem cells harvested.

And so we wait some more. Our hearts are overflowing with love and gratitude for a stranger we call 'Nigel' and his extraordinary gift. We have prayed for 'Nigel' for many weeks now, for his own good health, for his employers to be understanding, for whatever in his life needed rearranging in order to make today happen. I wonder if 'Nigel' has felt the prayers of so many who have been lifting him up these past many weeks? I like to think so.

I pray God continues to bless the giver.
And I pray He blesses the sweet special girl to whom the gift is given.


  1. What a remarkable gift. I bet he is your niece's pick for Person of the Year! Beautiful post. I have and will continue to pray for all those sharing in the suffering.

  2. Nigel is truly and indeed an angel. I work with BMT patients at times. My heart and prayers go out to you and your family at this time. I pray your niece will have an uneventful road to recovery!

  3. What a great Christmas Gift. I am praying for you all.

  4. Indeed a marvelous Christmas gift. I'm praying for all of you ... including Nigel. {{hug}}

  5. Wow! Prayers of thanks for Nigel and a smooth transplant and recovery for your niece. God is good ALL the time.

  6. What a wonderful gift to receive at Christmas time. Nigel is a true angel. Thinking of your niece and Nigel at this time.

  7. Prayers being lifted for your niece and her special friend, Nigel!
    What a beautiful blessing for your family.

    Merry Christmas!

  8. Such a cool Christmas gift! How soon until you know the results? Praying for 'Nigel' to know Jesus because of this!

  9. Sounds like the perfect gift. What a wonderful person to give such a precious item to someone he has never meet. Praying that everything will be perfect and that your niece will receive this gift without complications. My heart is with all of you. ((HUGS))

  10. I am a new reader of your blog and have enjoyed visiting over the past few weeks. Prayers will go out for Nigel and your niece. I would also like to share a video of a song my daughter sings that reflects on how hard life can be and how hard it is to see the love of God when going through a difficult time.

    Prayers for you all.

  11. I just read the wonderful news on Shannon's blog....such an amazing gift to give. My thoughts and prayers are with them both!

  12. God bless you, Nigel, and blessings to your niece! May their bone marrows together heal her and make her the healthy strong girl she should be!

  13. God bless the "Nigels" of this world! Sending prayers and good wishes your niece's way...

  14. I have been praying for sweet Anna today, and thinking of your family. What a special gift that Nigel has given. May we all strive to be 'Nigels' and give so selflessly.
    Wishing you and your family a peaceful and blessed Christmas.

  15. What a special gift. I am praying everything works out perfectly!

  16. Nigel is a special person. Hope all is well with your niece.

  17. Beautifully written. Prayers continue.

  18. What a marvelous gift! Hope all goes well for everyone.

  19. That is so awesome. Let us know how it goes, if you are able!
