Monday, January 23, 2012

Be Vewy Vewy Quiet

Jet lag is not a pretty thing. Especially when you've spent two weeks on the other side of the world and as a result your days and nights are upside down. Hubs arrived home Thursday morning and spent the weekend trying to right his internal time clock.

He'd been in Singapore and Korea since early January and was fully on their time. Figuring out the difference requires higher level math and its too early for that this morning. All I know is he left Korea at 10 am on Thursday and arrived here at 9:40 am on Thursday. Huh?

When he travels he sends me pictures like this one...

And these....

I think the term 'live' is a temporary state of being for these imprisoned frogs. Hubs said there was a gentleman behind the cage who 'fixed' them for you. Don't ask.

Is this building incredible or what?

There's actually a pool up there...

I feel a little bit jealous until I see him sound asleep on the couch for most of Saturday and then hear him wide awake at 4:30 am Sunday morning asking in a loud clear voice, 'Wanna have some coffee and go for a walk?' A walk? Seriously? Its pitch black outside, not to mention freezing cold, and let's not forget about all the critters that are out and about at that hour.

We know this for a fact because we see their footprints all across the freshly fallen snow that greeted us when we awoke Saturday morning. Or in hubs case, the middle of the night.

This was our first snowfall since the crazy snowvalanche we witnessed back in October, and thankfully this one was much gentler. We probably got about 6 inches and its the icy kind which is not my favorite but at least hubs was home to clear the walkways.

We did the usual dinner out on Friday night, I caught up on laundry and we hit the supermarket too. We watched the playoffs (Go Giants!) and made chili and took care of some paperwork and looked at our calendar for the next couple of months. Nothing too exciting but its good to have him home.

His travel calendar this year month is ca-razy. I can't predict the future but I'm pretty certain his will include more napping. I'm okay with just so happens naps are one of my love languages.


  1. Oh Joyce, I remember those days well. Hubby would be on month long patterns and I was home with the girls. Toward the end of his career he was mostly stateside and that was a good thing. I think at 59 he was really getting tired of all the time changes. I know now, I love having him with me all the time. (Well, mostly! lol!)

  2. Glad hubs got back safe and sound and in time to shovel snow. Have a warm day.

  3. So glad that your hubby is home.

    I'm envious of your snow ... sure wish we'd get some here. Doesn't sound like we're going to get any in the foreseeable future. :-(

  4. This reminds me of a close friend of mine whose husband travels 3 weeks at a time to Dubai. When he does have the great fortune of coming home, his system is all out of whack. Takes him all weekend long to feel normal, again, then he leaves on Monday. I love your snowy pictures! Sure wish we'd get some down our way!

    1. Joyce, I don't know how anyone can get over jetlag that fast! It takes me a good week. Lovely photos he sends you. Enjoy your week. :-)

  5. Glad hubs is home and safe, even is on the wrong clock for now. I don't know if I could stand it if my hubby was gone all the time. I'd probably have to get more cats. :)

    I agree, the three buildings with a joined roof is so cool! But, while I'll support you with a "YAY Giants" for yesterday, in two weeks, it's "No way, Giants," in Patriot Nation, Toledo!

  6. I can't imagine trying to adjust to such a time difference! Thanks for sharing Hubs' neat photos. Now, about those frogs... (Lol)

  7. Your hubby sent you gorgeous pictures. I'd be a bit jealous too. I agree, 4:30am is WAY to early for a walk! :-) Glad he is home!

  8. I will be cheering for the Giants since my Saints are out. Gotta love Eli. :) I don't know if I will venture into the city for any of the Super Bowl festivities. It's sure to be a bit crazy. Glad your hubby is home. Hope you talked him out of that 4 am walk.

  9. Stephen flew into Seattle from Asia on Thurs. In the middle of our ice storm, when they had reported the airport was closed, and then convinced a taxi to drive him the 18 miles home while the trees were cracking and falling around the area. These guys live a charmed life. His jet lag wasn't too bad. They seem to deal with it better than I would.

  10. Wow. I don't know how he does it! However, I would not mind an excuse for a random nap now and then either. ;)

  11. I'm thinking it's good that some of those pictures come without smell-o-vision!

  12. Love all the pictures. You guys go to the coolest places.

  13. Those are such neat pics. How long does it take him to get his body schedule back? We've been watching MASH dvds and Radar says "Our today is their (U.S.) yesterday and our tomorrow is their today". Crazy!

  14. I hated the jetlag part of international traveling. great pictures and so lucky I would love to go to Singapore. My hubby leaves Wednesday for England,France and Spain...maybe next year when my child is at Uni I can travel with him. Do you hop on any of his business trips?
    Glad you guys finally got snow..if it's going to be cold might as well snow! Stay warm!

  15. Let's not even talk about the play-off. I'm still in shock and mourning from the kick that took a flight to Korea instead of directly through the goal post. I don't even know who to root for, but I'll pick with being anti-Pats and that leaves me w/ the Giants.

    Glad your hubby is home safe and sound. Hey, do any of those tracks in the snow belong to Mr. Black Bear ????? YIKES!

  16. You should go to Singapore with him!!! And thanks for the picture of all forms of waxed meats for Chinese New Year. :) I miss seeing those flat waxed chickens. :) I wanna know of he ate at my favorite restaurants and what hotel he stayed at...these are important things, you know!! And the jet lag...I do not miss that. Always felt like a truck had hit me. Be nice to him.

  17. You are such a positive and supportive wife...It encourages me when I feel sort of fed up with the massive traveling thang! The pictures do help...and I can't wait to use that line...about naptime being a love language!

  18. What beautiful photos! I bet he is glad to home napping on his own couch!

  19. Great pics!! I don't think I would like having a husband who travels a lot. I am not very good at being quiet :) I also made chili this weekend and it is perfect for today because it is raining and chilly (for CA)

  20. I love the pictures he sent to you. Those long flights would drive me crazy! Glad he is home safe & sound. Mark went to Ohio today. We have rain here. It's the storm you saw in SF yesterday during the game.

  21. Oh Joyce... I feel for you! My Hubby has had a couple of crazy years of constant travel. In fact, he's away this week, home a week and then gone 3 of 4 weeks in February. At least there are perks to his travel & he's taking me away in March on a much-needed (for him) vacation!

    Enjoy your sleepy hubby while he's home! ;-)

  22. Glad Tim is home safe and sound. The snow looks beautiful.

  23. Loved all the pictures! I hope his travel calms down soon . . . or you start joining him more :)

  24. Well, about those frogs--ew. And I won't ask. LOL

    How sweet that your hubby thinks of you so much while he's away and sends you pictures of the places he gets to go. Your family is just so special!
