Tuesday, January 10, 2012

P.S. and Questions for the Wednesday Hodgepodge-Vol 61

Before I dive into the questions for this week's Hodgepodge I want to add a little p.s. to the post I wrote on Sunday. I so appreciated all the comments and emails that were sent. Women are complicated and interesting and want to make a difference in the world or at least in their own little corner of planet Earth.

Motherhood is a never ending but ever evolving role. When our kids are little we can pretty much predict when they'll need us because they always need us and we recognize its a 24/7 proposition. Adult children need us too, but their need isn't 24/7, nor is it something we can plan around or schedule...therein lies the challenge. You suddenly find yourself with lots of time on your hands. Except when you don't. You could throw 100% of your energy and focus into a new pursuit or an old dream, but that little voice in the back of your head and deep in your heart says you better keep a chunk in reserve. How do you use your time and talent and energy outside the arena of wife and mother and still remain, as one of my friends said, 'interruptible'. Mothers everywhere are nodding their heads in understanding at the weight of that word.

My husband is my biggest cheerleader and would say I should pursue whatever in this world I want to pursue. He means it too and encourages me to do exactly that on a regular basis. I'm here to tell you that's easier said than done. The words 'mom' and 'available' are tangled up with one another long before that baby takes her first breath and will remain so until the end of time.

I could go on and on and oops, I have, but I think some of you are just here for the questions to this week's Hodgepodge so I'll move along. Be sure to come back tomorrow and link answers with all the other internets out there. Here ya go-

1. Lake Superior University has once again published a list of words/phrases they think should be banished from the Queen's English in 2012-

amazing, baby bump, shared sacrifice, occupy, blowback, man cave, the new normal, pet parent, win the future, trickeration, ginormous, and thank you in advance.

Which of these words/phrases would you most like to see banished from everyday speech and why? Go here to read more about how the words are chosen.

2. Are you easily embarrassed?

3. What is your go-to snack?

4. Have you ever been to Washington D.C.? If not do you have any desire to go? What site/attraction would you most want to see in that city? If you have been, what's your favorite site/attraction?

5. sit ups-planks-lunges-squats...which do you hate the least?

6. What's a small act of kindness you were shown that you've never forgotten?

7. Have you ever been a blood donor?

8. Insert your own random thought here.


  1. Joyce, I love reading your perspective on motherhood and how you're faced with some "obstacles", if you will, when your kids grow up. Makes you feel a little lost at times, doesn't it? Hoping we both find our way!

  2. I had to go back and read your last post and I'm right there with you...that was my last year well not the on the go and dealing with a sick relative but the swimming along side the boat and big plans and none coming through or even put into action. I have to make it this year I too will be an empty nester with a traveling hubby and what am I going to do!! Kiddos to you for picking up the pen and writing finding your passion....I hope its a successful 2012 for all.

  3. Such a good post, Joyce! We all feel that. Fortunately, I also have a husband who supports me. Making the transition from 24/7 to 'whenever they need me' is not always easy. But motherhood does not end just because they're out of the house and even have families of their own. It just looks a bit different on the outside.

  4. better plan on temporary...they'll be having babies soon and we know how available grandma will be for those little ones ;)

  5. I went and got myself a part-time job at Hallmark for 7 years which helped me. I didn't need the job and all the money I made went right back to the store. See you tomorrow.

  6. I've still got one at home full-time, but I know that won't last long. It really is an interesting road to travel.
