Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Questions for the Wednesday Hodgepodge-Vol 78

I think it's Tuesday which means it's time for me to post this week's Hodgepodge questions. Answer on your own blog or facebook page and then hop back over here tomorrow to join the linky. See you then~

1. What's something you miss about the 1980's? If you're too young to miss the 80's how about the 90's?

2. Do you have a library card? If so, how often do you visit?

3. What's the secret to success?

4. This is National Backyard Games week...what's your favorite backyard game?

5. If I dropped by today what would I find on your coffee table?

6. Do you own a bicycle? When was the last time you rode a bicycle? Is that something you enjoy?

7. What's your favorite cheese?

8. Insert your own random thought here.

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