Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A Wordy Hodgepodge

Welcome to the first Hodgepodge in this brand new year! So happy to have you play along each week, and newcomers are always welcome. It's hard to visit everyone who links up here on Wednesdays, but do try to at least visit the blogger who linked before you because everybody needs somebody.  Okay, here we go-

1. What's your best piece of advice for a newly married couple? I'm asking for a friend.

Back in April I wrote a whole series of posts on the topic of marriage as part of the A-Z challenge. You can read your way through my alphabet if you're so inclined, by clicking here, but for now I'm going to paraphrase something I said back then which was this-

Love is an action word. Yes it's important to talk the talk, but it's more important to walk the walk. Married life isn't just about the big stuff. In fact, I think more than the big stuff, it's the small acts of kindness, self-sacrifice, and generosity, done regularly and without a whole lot of fanfare, that help us create a deep and lasting affection for our mate.  

Small kindnesses, in the grand scheme of things, are really not so small. They fill up the well of good will you'll need to dip from on occasion, in seasons you find challenging and on those days your spouse is maybe something less than completely lovable.

2. Before we're too far into the new year I wanted to post a question Teresa submitted during the December giveaway. Teresa blogs over at Being Refined as Silver, so everyone go say hi.

Teresa asks, "What were you doing on December 31st, 1999?" and " Did you or your family make preparations for Y2K?"

Wow. Doesn't that sound like ages and ages ago? Fifteen years so technically I guess it was. We were living in Maryland, Daughter1 age 11 and Daughter2 age 9. Sweet sweet days. We took a trip to Disney World in November of '99, and the ball at Epcot was all decked out for the big change. And for some reason I was wearing overall shorts. Moving on...

I kind of remember hubs checking our computer for some little something or other-ha! That's pretty much what I knew about computers back in 1999. In the months leading up to Y2K everyone was in a tizzy as to whether or not computers would recognize a new century. I recall getting cash out of the bank in case they didn't, and we also stocked up on groceries, powdered milk, and bottled water in case of ?. 

3. According to Global Language Monitor, the most used word of 2014 isn't a word. It's the heart emoji. Huh? How can something that's not a word be the most used word, but I digress. What do you think was your most used word in 2014?

Wedding. Insert heart emoji here. 

4. Speaking of words, it's that time again. Time for Lake Superior University to present a list of words they'd like to see banished (for over-use, mis-use, and general uselessness) in 2015. You can read more about the decision making process here, but this year's top vote getters are-

bae (before anyone else), polar vortex, hack, skill set, swag, foodie, curate/curated, friend-raising, enhanced interrogation, cra-cra (as in crazy), takeaway, and -nation (a suffering sports suffix)

Which of these words/phrases would you most like to see banished from everyday speech and why? Is there a word not on the list you'd like to add?

Polar vortex. Ugh. Can't we just call it winter? I don't understand the 24/7 news events relating to snow and cold weather. Not blizzards, but just regular old winter. The same season that's been rolling around since the dawn of time. 

Do we honestly need to be told to 'make preparations' for cold weather? Also, while I'm on a mini-rant...we're naming snowstorms now? Not just storms either, but plain ole snow, the kind we should expect to fall in January. In the middle of winter. 

Also, friend-raising should not be a word. Or a thing. Just sayin'. 

5. January is National Hot Tea Month? Are you a fan? Do you like flavored teas? How do you take your tea? Have a favorite cup or teapot? How many cups of tea do you consume in a given day?

Oh, definitely a fan. I have a cup of tea pretty much every afternoon about 3 o'clock. I blame England. I'm not a big fan of flavored teas. Give me a steaming cup of Earl Gray with just a splash of milk and I'm good to go. I believe my love affair with beautiful pottery has been well established here, so I'll just share one or two favorites. This mug-

...and my Polish pottery with matching cups and warmer to keep the water hot-

6. Whatever happened to__________________________________?

...whip n' chill, Supertramp, and Little Kiddles? Sort of lame, but those were the first very random thoughts that rolled through my head as I wrote the question. 

7. What is one book on your must-read list this winter?

I have a long list, but The Martian by Andy Weir is near the top. I'm normally not a sci-fi fan, but this book has received stellar reviews from readers who would say they don't love sci-fi either. My niece told me she didn't really want to read it, but then absolutely loved it. It's been described as Apollo 13 meets Castaway, and Hollywood scooped it up pretty quickly. The movie version will be out in November, starring Matt Damon and Jessica Chastain.  

On my non-fiction list, first up is Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God by Tim Keller. I like his writing, and this is a topic always on my heart and mind. 

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

We won't have pictures back from our photographer for a while yet, but I feel like I should post a photo in my random thought space today. I've been 'borrowing' pics from friends and family who've posted online, and I do hope that's okay. The bride posted this one on her blog earlier this week, captured by my sister-in-law and I love it-

First dance.


  1. Okay, so here we go with more things in common...I recently watched video of us in 1999 and guess what I was wearing? Overall shorts! I too wondered about that choice.
    I had Little Kiddles too! I just loved them.

  2. Oh, Joyce, please tell me you did NOT go to a theme park wearing overall shorts! I mean, fashion aside, there's the logistics of the ladies' room. Hello?? What were you (we?) thinking?? Friendraising is a term I had to look up. No, should not be a thing, but sadly, it is. I remember the year each son got married, I dared myself to go a day without uttering the "w" word. I used "that day" "the ceremony" "the big day" and "March 10th" or "June 22nd" as if "wedding" would sting me like a hornet! Kinda fun dare. Kinda epic fail.

  3. What a beautiful photo. I know that your daughter's photos will be just as beautiful. You are a good planner.

  4. What a gorgeous wedding photo.

    The Martian...that sounds interesting.

    That polish pottery is beautiful. My favorite color of blue.

  5. That photo is beyond beautiful. Your SIL caught perfection.

    Loved the Hodgepodge, Joyce, as always!! I have also been enjoying the wedding blogs from both of you. Making us feel like we were there! :)

  6. LOVE the photo! Overall shots must have been all the rage in 1999. I had a pair, too!

  7. I love and agree with your marriage advice. It's timeless...
    That's a lovely picture of the happy couple :)

  8. Ha! I love your overalls! I really think they were in style back then - but a challenge for going to the bathroom!

  9. First, that pic should go in a magazine! Secondly, I had the denim overalls as well. And, I love Polish pottery, so, so pretty. I have resisted buying any as I do NOT need another item of that type. :o)) Happy rest of the week!

  10. I loved reading your wedding posts and look forward to reading more. That is a great picture of their first dance.
    Thanks for including my Y2K question in the Hodgepodge this week.
    I'm working on having tea time in the afternoon with my kids this winter. They are 12 and 9 and just recently they've started to enjoy tea. There is something special about sitting down to a cup of tea and a nice tea pot adds to it. Now that I've seen your pretty tea set I think I'll have to start using my teapot :)

  11. Loved your photos. Your daughter is beautiful and so happy you gained you a son. Blessings

  12. The wedding picture you posted is like something from a fairytale, so beautiful and sweet! Your advice about the small kindnesses is so true. Those little things add up and help us to give and receive mercies when times are hard.

  13. What a sweet photo of your daughter and her new husband! And your comment on the over reporting of winter storms made me laugh. Winter comes and goes, but you'd think that every snowfall is a major event!

  14. I had to chuckle at your jeans overalls. I noticed them right off before even reading your comment about them. I think if you were a mom in the 90's, you owned a pair. Ha!

    Love that picture of your daughter with her groom! <3

  15. As much as I missed the Hodgepodge, I'm glad to hear the wedding went well. What a beautiful couple, congrats Joyce!

  16. I'm with you on the polar vortex thing and the naming of snow storms. Things keep going like that and they will be naming the thunderstorms too!

  17. Excellent choice of the bride and groom picture...looks so dreamy in black and white. I also enjoyed your tea service. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us today.

  18. I love your Polish pottery. This picture of your daughter and 'new son' is amazing. Like Barbara said "something from a fairytale" .

  19. I guess I didn't realize the snow storms were being named.
    Kinda dumb, if you ask me. How are they naming them?
    Does one snow storm in one state have the same name as in another, a few days later? Won't they run out of names with all these snow storms? I think it's common sense to prepare for a snow storm. If `they` would have prepared the roads in winter of 2014 there wouldn't have been so many stranded cars and motorists.

    What exactly is friend-raising? That's a new on for me.

    Beautiful wedding picture.
    My hubby will love the fact there was a band there.
    He enjoys playing one of his many guitars.


  20. That really is a dreamy photo. I love the elegance of black and white.

    I'm guess it must have been the style in those days? I have a pic of myself on a mission trip wearing....overall shorts. :/

  21. Hi there! It sounds like the wedding was splendid! I love the photo of the first dance. :) Anyway i love tea pots, although we use them on special occasions.
    Oh yes i remember overalls well, its ok im sure we all wore them at some time. They're long gone now..

  22. I'm glad you mentioned The Martian. This time of year I always make a list of books that are going to be movies and then I read as many of those books as I can. I read the summary for The Martian and decided I wasn't interest. But now .....

  23. Hello,
    I just love reading the Hodgepodge. I am thinking of giving it a try. I always have fun reading Judy's at Cranberry Morning.
    I love your thoughts regarding the weather and the media. I agree with you!! My husband lived in Houghton, Michigan, in the UP for 4 years. They get some serious snow in the UP. He always chuckles how the media gets worked up over an inch or two. ;-)

  24. Can't wait to hear more of the wedding story. Looks like it was magical.
    In other news… I think I have a photo of me wearing overall shorts too. What were we thinking? :)

  25. I could not seem to link is my post:

  26. I laughed when I read the title of your post! Mine was not so wordy! That picture of Daughter1 & SIL just melts my heart. It's so sweet. The Polish Pottery is absolutely beautiful!

  27. The photo in your random thought is wonderful. They seem like a nice couple, ready to take on the world together, full of hopes and aspirations. I like your non-fiction choice for your winter reading list. I might have to add it to mine. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Stay warm!

  28. I hadn't looked up emoji when I was answering your questions. I didn't know it meant "picture letter." Your so right about the weather reports. We get them too here in California when rain is coming. The newcasters are posted in area waiting and waiting and waiting!!! It's cra-cra. Love your Her Majesty tea cup and I'm a big fan of Polish Pottery! That is a beautiful wedding photo. Have a nice weekend......
